How to Apply and Get Opay POS Machine | Opay Application form

Looking for a reliable way  to Apply and Get Opay POS Machine? Opay POS Machine is really popular in recent times and there is no doubt getting it present little obstacles, and that is why you’re here today.

POS (Point of Sale) is a financial service usually provided by banks and in recent times, POS business has been a thriving business unit across Nigerian localities with few or no bank branches. Needless to say, the presence of POS terminals in residential areas is fast removing the need for people to visit banks or ATM stands before they can carry out transactions.

Therefore, it’s pretty safe to assert that with the proliferation of POS terminals, more people are finding it convenient to make withdrawals, transfer funds and pay bills in no time.

This article contains vital information on how to become an opay agent and apply for Opay POS machine. While teaching you all that, you will come to learn what It takes to successfully carry out opay agent registration without hitches.

First of all, am sure you know that Opay is an online mobile transaction in Nigeria owned by Opera software, the chief owners of Opera mini and web browser. The app is already operational in Kenya and South Africa.

To become an OPay agent, certain rules applies. Number one, you will have a means of mobility, also you will download opay app for android and the register fully.

Right now we want to show you how to apply for Opay POS Machine, meanwhile, note that, this process only follows after you are done doing opay agent application online.

How to Apply for Opay POS Machine | Opay Application form

Get a Multi-purpose POS Machine for Recharge Card Printing or Cash Withdrawal Business

To  successfully apply for a point of sales machine (pos) from opay, please observe the steps below. Also note that before getting Opay POS Machine, you primarily need prayers as!

    • Get a smartphone and log on to Google playstore
    • Search for Opay app for android or iPhone, depending on your phone type.


  • Launch the app and agree on the terms of use following.
  • More so, fill up the opay agent registration form as prompted
  • Follow the prompts and finish your transaction
  • Once your application is approved, you will be informed to come to the nearest opay center to collect your pos

Once the above steps are followed religously, getting your Opay POS Machine will be just as ABC. As easy as that, you have gotten your point of sales machine from opay. Congratulation my friend.

Questions and Answers Regarding Opay POS Machine Application

Is Opay Registration Free?

Yes! Opay app is free, opay application is also free, but to gain full access for Oride or Otrike mobile phone, you will have to pay the sum of #54, 000 instantly or by Installment.

Do I need BVN to apply for Opay POS?

No, you don’t need a bank verification number to apply for a point of sales machine from Opay.

Where can I pick up my POS machine from?

After registration and application for Opay pos, your pick up location will be sent to you via a mail.

Is POS Business Profitable in Nigeria?

It’s possible for someone to doubt the profitability of POS business considering the high concentration of banks in major Nigerian cities. In reality however, POS business –which is alternatively regarded as agent banking business –is one of the small-scale businesses one can profitably run in Nigeria.

Undoubtedly, there are lots of Nigerian localities without banks and for residents to carry out a number of transactional purposes, they need the services rendered at POS terminals. Even as there are no banks within their closest reach, such residents can be sure of making bill payments, withdrawing funds and performing other essential transactions at a nearby POS terminal.

Getting a POS Machine from GTBank

To get GTBank’s POS machine, the bank requires you to have a current account which is at least 6 months old. Once you’ve duly satisfied this basic requirement, you can attempt the bank’s POS application, fill (necessary details) in the provided form and forward the form to

Getting a POS Machine from First Bank

For a First Bank authorized POS machine, you’re required to be a First Bank account holder. Then, you can head to any of the bank’s branches and apply for a POS form. Fill in the form as required and expect to get the POS machine within one week at no cost. Notably, your First Bank account must have been in existence for a minimum of 6 months.

Getting a POS Machine from Access Bank

The requisites for getting Access Bank’s POS machine are very similar to those of First Bank as you’ll need to have an Access Bank account created at least 6 months before the time of POS application. With that in place, you can head to a nearby Access Bank branch for a POS machine.

Getting a POS Machine from Skye (Polaris) Bank

Compared to the requisites stipulated by the other banks on this list, Skye Bank’s POS application procedure is much easier. Whether you’re holding a current or savings account with Skye Bank, you only need to head to a nearby Skye bank branch and fill a POS application form. With that done, you can expect to get your POS machine after 2 weeks.

How to Get a POS Machine from UBA

Unlike the other banks above, UBA maintains a quite elaborate procedure that you have to follow before you can get its POS machine. First of all, you must be a UBA customer with a turnover rate of at least #35,000 daily or #1 million monthly. Subsequently, you’ll comply with the instructions below:

  • Print an online form, scan the form and tender it to any nearby UBA branch
  • With the above done, you may then visit the Helpdesk of UBA’s e-Banking platform
  • Log in (as required)
  • Select New Log
  • Tap e-Banking
  • Subsequently, choose Select Request as Request Type
  • Choose PoS as the class
  • Then, choose TAMS (PoS Multi cards Acceptance) Request
  • Tap the CONTINUE button close by
  • Select the option Browse on the emerging screen and then insert the scanned mandate –after submitting this, UBA will provide you with a number like IT201206283615
  • Provided that you’ve correctly followed the instructions above, UBA will send you a POS machine within 3 working days (if you’re in Lagos) and within 7 days (if you’re in a different city)


We hope this article has provided you with adequate information about the requirements for applying for and getting POS machines from Nigerian banks. If you have any question concerning your POS application from a Nigerian bank, you may specify the question in the comment section below.

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