Mostly Repeated WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Government

Mostly Repeated WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Government

I believe that you’re here because you don’t know the nature of how exams are being set by WAEC. If you don’t, then you’re at the right place.

In this guide, we will talk extensively on WAEC past questions and answers for Government, show you possible questions that may likely fall into the exams paper in the proceeding year.

Not only that, you’ll be given adequate instructions on how to answer questions on WAEC

Recently, I wrote on two interesting topics WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Civic Education and WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Chemistry , I strongly recommend you to click on the links above and read.

The WAEC past questions and answers are mostly repeated year after year, which is why you have to read this guide carefully till the end and take notice of those questions.

Most times, I hear students giving complains about how hard the questions is, reason behind it is that they failed to study using our guide.

I believe if you’re reading this, you will definitely want to pass your exams with flying colours. See more details on the instructions and guidelines given by WAEC  to follow while writing the exams below.

Important Guidelines to follow in your WAEC Examination

There are alot of guidelines and instructions you as a student need to follow. We will bring to light what needs to be done accordingly.

The examination paper is divided into three different parts, which is Part 1 & 2

Part 1 is Objectives. You should expect 50 questions from this section.

Part 2  is the theory section, you should be expecting 10 questions to answer 5 from this section. This section carries the highest point.

Meaning that if you do well with this section and a little of part 1 ..then you’re good to go.

You should also note that the West African Examination Council frowns at cheating. Any candidate who is caught cheating will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

WAEC Government Objective Questions

The questions you see below are possible questions that might be repeated in this year’s examination.

Endeavor to read this guide to the end carefully with understanding, where possible ask relevant questions and we’ll reply prompt.


1. Government as an institution of the state means the

A. method of organizing political parties and pressure groups.
B. process of decision-making in a society.
C. methods of resolution of conflicts among people.
D. structures and systems for decision-making in a society.
E. method of recruiting political leaders.

2. In a feudal system, the hierarchy of citizens is the king,

A. nobles and lords.
B. queen and lords.
C. knights and nobles.
D. serfs and knights.
E. lords and serfs.

3. The political culture of a country is said to be participatory if individuals are

A. interested in voting and contesting elections.
B. not allowed to critize the government.
C. not allowed to join political parties of their choice.
D. only allowed to vote but cannot contest for higher offices.
E. expected to join parties financed by government.

4. The ability of leaders to make and enforce decisions in a state is called

A. sovereignty.
B. political power.
C. socialization.
D. legitimacy.
E. democratic process.

5. The idea of separation of powers as a political concept was developed by

A. Louis Montesquieu.
B. A. V. Dicey.
C. Thomas Hobbes.
D. Karl Marx.
E. Jean Bodin.

6. Fascist movement has its origin in

A. Germany.
B. Italy.
C. Spain.
D. the defunct Soviet Union.
E. Japan.

7. Which of the following factors enhances the operation of the Rule of Law?

A. Well- equipped police force
B. Established of modern press
C. Independent judiciary
D. Enlightened citizens
E. Respect for the leaders

8. An important reason for granting the Judiciary the power of Judicial Review is to enable it to

A. uphold the supremacy if the Constitution.
B. promote freedom of the press.
C. elevate the Judiciary above the other organs.
D. demonstrate the independence of the Judiciary.
E. allow judges free hand in their judicial functions.

9. The Judiciary is independent when judges are

A. popularly elected into political offices.
B. free to join any political party of their choice.
C. free from external control and interference.
D. empowered to amend the national constitution.
E. absolutely free to control the Executive and Legislature.

10. Which of the following comprises the President, the Ministers, the Civil Servants and the Police? The

A. Armed Forces
B. Judiciary
C. Legislature
D. Executive
E. Council of States

11. A constitution can be defined as

A. the rules guiding parliamentary procedures.
B. a legal document to guide judges.
C. the constituent elements of a contractual agreement.
D. all written laws of a state.
E. the rules guiding the affairs of an institution or society.

12. The constitution of a federal system is usually

A. written and rigid.
B. superior in content.
C. difficult to understand.
D. for the use of the federal government only.
E. suspended before a general election.

13. Constitutionalism emphasizes that those who governs the state should do so according to

A. their whims and caprices.
B. laid-down rules of public behavior.
C. the direction of judges.
D. the dictates of their egos.
E. the dictates of their critics.

14. One of the features of a unitary state is that
A. A two party system is usually entrenched in the constitution.
B. members of Parliament are selected.
C. power is shared among all levels of government.
D. the civil service is supreme.
E. the constitution is flexible.

15. Impeachment as an instrument of check on the Executive is useful mainly in a

A. federal system.
B. cabinet system.
C. unitary system.
D. presidential system.
E. republican system.

16. Fundamental human rights are entrenched in the Constitution of a state in order to

A. encourage unlimited freedom.
B. enable the courts to punish offenders.
C. restrict the liberty of citizens.
D. make the government popular.
E. guarantee the liberty of citizens.

17. An alien could become a legal member of a state by

A. migration.
B. employment.
C. naturalization.
D. socialization.
E. conversion.

18. A Nigerian may lose his citizenship if he

A. is convicted for a criminal offence.
B. renounces it in exchange for another.
C. loses his international passport.
D. is deported from a foreign country.
E. fails to pay his taxes.

19. Two party system implies that only two political parties

A. exist in the country.
B. can contest elections.
C. can form a coalition.
D. can register members.
E. are capable of capturing power.

20. The ultimate aim of a political party is to

A. influence government policies.
B. gain control of government.
C. seek to discredit the government.
D. provide for the welfare of it’s members.
E. make the government more effective.

21. Political parties mobilize the support of the electorate by

A. promoting violence.
B. campaigning.
C. rigging elections.
D. encouraging coup d’etat.
E. making laws.

22. Which of the following will produce a weak government?

A. Coalition
B. Two-party system
C. General election
D. Presidential system
E. Military rule

23. The main objective of pressure groups is to

A. fund election campaigns.
B. change the government by violent means.
C. influence government policies.
D. change the manifestoes of all political parties.
E. form the government.

24. Lobbying mainly involves the application of pressure on

A. people in commerce through monetary gifts.
B. legislators through material gifts.
C. people in government through persuasive argument.
D. legislators by intimidation and blackmail.
E. trade unions through offer of gifts.

25. Membership of pressure groups is usually limited because they

A. pursue specific and narrow objectives.
B. seek unlimited freedom for their members.
C. promote other people’s interests.
D. are not patriotic.
E. have dictatorial leaders.

26. For an Electoral Commission to conduct a free and fair election, it must be

A. controlled by the government.
B. funded by only one of the political parties.
C. an impartial and independent body.
D. supervised by a government agency.
E. headed by a Justice of the Supreme Court.

27. An electoral college refers to a

A. training school for electoral officers
B. medium of indirect election.
C. means of educating the electorate.
D. place where public opinion is formed.
E. process by which party leaders acquire knowledge.

28. An indirect election takes place when

A. election is conducted for seats in the legislature.
B. voting is by proxy.
C. election result is decided by the Judiciary.
D. elected representatives vote on behalf of the electorate.
E. there is rigging of elections.

29. A bye election is conducted when

A. the Parliament is dissolved.
B. the Chief Justice reigns or dies.
C. a minister reigns.
D. the military takes over government.
E. some vacant seats exist in Parliament.

30. Who among the following is a civil servant in Nigeria?

A. The Managing Director of a Bank
B. A Director in the Ministry of Defence
C. A Major in the Army
D. A Commissioner of Police
E. A Pilot with the Nigeria Airways

WAEC Government Theory Questions

Question 1
(a) Outline five processes by which a bill becomes law in a presidential system of government.

Question 2
(a) What are rights?
(b) Highlight four limitations on the rights of a citizen.

Question 3

(a) Differentiate between de jure and de facto one-party system.
(b) Outline four advantages of a multi-party system.

Question 4
(a) What is a simple majority system?
(b) Outline four demerits of the system.

Question 5
(a) Identify five ways by which the central government can improve upon local government system in West Africa.

Question 6
(a) Outline five functions performed by the Ogboni Secret Society in the pre-colonial Yoruba political system.

Question 7
(a) What is a crown colony?
(b) Highlight four functions of the Secretary of State for the colony under the British colonial system.

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