Mostly Repeated WAEC Past Questions and Answers on CRK

I believe that you’re here because you don’t know the nature of how exams are being set by WAEC. If you don’t, then you’re at the right place.

In this guide, we will talk extensively on WAEC past questions and answers for Crk, show you possible questions that may likely fall into the exams paper in the proceeding year.

Not only that, you’ll be given adequate instructions on how to answer questions on WAEC

Recently, I wrote on two interesting topics WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Civic Education and WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Chemistry , I strongly recommend you to click on the links above and read.

The WAEC past questions and answers are mostly repeated year after year, which is why you have to read this guide carefully till the end and take notice of those questions.

Most times, I hear students giving complains about how hard the questions is, reason behind it is that they failed to study using our guide.

I believe if you’re reading this, you will definitely want to pass your exams with flying colours. See more details on the instructions and guidelines given by WAEC  to follow while writing the exams below.

Important Guidelines to follow in your WAEC Examination

There are alot of guidelines and instructions you as a student need to follow. We will bring to light what needs to be done accordingly.

The examination paper is divided into two different parts, which is Part 1 & 2

Part 1 is Objectives. You should expect 50 questions from this section.

Part 2  is the theory section, you should be expecting 10 questions to answer 5 from this section. This section carries the highest point.

Meaning that if you do well with this section and a little of part 1 ..then you’re good to go.

You should also note that the West African Examination Council frowns at cheating. Any candidate who is caught cheating will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

WAEC CRK Objective Questions

The questions you see below are possible questions that might be repeated in this year’s examination.

Endeavor to read this guide to the end carefully with understanding, where possible ask relevant questions and we’ll reply prompt.


1. One of the four rivers found in the garden of Eden was
A. Nile
B. Tigris
C. Abana
D. Jordan

2. And Isaac prayed to the lord for his wife, because she was
A. Faithfulness
B. Weak
C. Barren
D. Pregnant.

3. ‘ Can we find anyone else like this one in whom is the spirit of God’? Who is pharaoh referring to in this statement?
A. Caleb
B. Joshua
C. Joseph
D. Aaron

4. Moses father in law was ?
A. Jethro
B. Aaron
C. Eleazar
D. Gershom

5. Moses renamed the place where water flowed from the rock as
A. Massah and Rephidim
B. Meribah and Kidron
C. Massah and Meribah
D. Kadesh and Rephidim

6. Barak’s reason for insisting on Deborah’s presence on the battle against the canaanites was because
A. Her knowledge of the canaanite was vast
B. Her presence ensured God’s presence and victory
C. Barak had been defeated in an earlier battle
D. Israel did not have enough soldiers for the battle

7. Which of the following practices was carried out by the sons of Samuel ?
A. They laid with woman at the altar
B. They took meat forcefully from the worshippers
C. They took bribe and prevented justice
D. They treated the sacrifices of the lord with contempt

8. Who among the following murdered Abner?
A. Joab
B. Asahel
C. Ahitophel
D. Mephibosheth

9. The king that supplied Solomon with timber and cypress for the building if the temple was king of
A. Tyre
B. Edom
C. Amakk
D. Hebron

10. At Gibeon, the lord requested Solomon to ask what he would give him and Solomon asked for
A. Everlasting peace
B. Wealth and riches
C. An understanding mind
D. Fame and power

11. Which of the these prophet proved that Yahweh was greater than Baal?
A. Elisha
B. Elijah
C. Nathan
D. Gehazi

12. Naboth was a
A. King in Israel who loved God
B. Owner of the vineyard coveted by a King
C. The servant of Elisha, the prophet
D. Commander of the Syrian Army

13. Josiah’s religious reforms was inspired by
A. Hilkiah, the priest
B. Huldah, the prophet
C. The book found in the temple
D. His zeal for God

14. Following Daniel’s miraculous deliverance, King Darius ordered that Daniel
A. Opponent be exiled with their families
B. Opponent be thrown into the lion’s den
C. Enemy be demoted and imprisoned
D. Religion be outlawed in Persia

15. The major difference between the old covenant and the new was that
A. Made with God and the other with Jesus
B. Written in tablet, the other on individuals hearts
C. Initiated by God while the other came from Jeremiah
D. Scaled with the blood, the other by circumcision

16. Israelites hatred for those who told the truth was a social evil which was condemned by prophet
A. Ezekiel
B. Jeremiah
C. Hosea
D. Amos

17. Ezekiel was made to eat the scroll, the scroll here means the
A. Power of God which he needs to preach
B. Anointing of the holy spirit to empower him to preach
C. Word of God which he must proclaim to the people
D. Spiritual food to give him strength to proclaim the word

18. The official preparation for the public ministry of Jesus started with
A. Baptism and Temptation
B. Temptation and Baptism
C. Visit to Jerusalem
D. Call of disciples

19. ‘I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these”.
A. Fasting
B. Wisdom
C. Anxiety
D. Prayer

20. “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious for it self”. Jesus means that Christians should
A. Not bother to plan for the future
B. Spend their income today and forget tomorrow
C. Only think about heaven and eternity
D. Believe and trust God for tomorrow

21.The agony of jesus took place at
A. Bethany
B. Galilee
C. Gethsemane
D. Jerusalem

22. “ friend, why are you here?” these are the words of Jesus to
A. Peter
B. James
C. John
D. Judas

23. The decree that the whole world should be enrolled just before the birth of christ was issued by
A. Quirinius of syria
B. Pontius Pilate
C. Augustus Caesar
D. Herod

24. According to saint john, God’s love for World was manifested by all the following except
A. Ensuring eternal life for believers
B. Confirming that even unbelievers not perish.
C. Sending all his son to save the world
D. Reconciling man with God himself

25. Between the day of Pentecost and Passover feast, we have
A. 60 days
B. 50 days
C. 40 days
D. 30 days

WAEC CRK Theory Questions


Question 1
(a) Relate how marriage was instituted by God in the second creation story.
(b) Identify three factors that can promote good marriage in the society.
Question 2
(a) Recount the effects of the behaviour of Eli’s children on Israel as a nation.
(b) What two lessons can be learnt by parents from Eli’s attitude?
Question 3
(a) Highlight the religious tension in Israel during the reign of King Ahab
(b) Identify three steps that can be taken to minimize religious tension in the society.

Question 4
a. How was greed demonstrated in the life of Gehazi?
b. Give three areas in the society where greed is prevalent.
Question 5
a. Explain James’ advice to Christians to be doers of the word and not hearers only.
b. State two factors that hinder Christians from doing the will of God.

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