Mostly Repeated WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Civic Education

Mostly Repeated WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Civic Education

I believe that you’re here because you don’t know the nature of how exams are being set by WAEC. If you don’t, then you’re at the right place.

In this guide, we will talk extensively on WAEC past questions and answers for civic education, show you possible questions that may likely fall into the exams paper in the proceeding year.

Not only that, you’ll be given adequate instructions on how to answer questions on WAEC

Recently, I wrote on Mostly Repeated WAEC Past Questions and Answers on Chemistry , i highly recommend this article for you.

The WAEC past questions and answers are mostly repeated year after year, which is why you have to read this guide carefully till the end and take notice of those questions.

Most times, I hear students giving complains about how hard the questions is, reason behind it is that they failed to study using our guide.

I believe if you’re reading this, you will definitely want to pass your exams with flying colours. See more details on the instructions and guidelines given by WAEC  to follow while writing the exams below.

Important Guidelines to follow in your WAEC Examination

There are alot of guidelines and instructions you as a student need to follow. We will bring to light what needs to be done accordingly.

The examination paper is divided into three different parts, which is Part 1 & 2

Part 1 is Objectives. You should expect 50 questions from this section.

Part 2  is the theory section, you should be expecting 10 questions to answer 5 from this section. This section carries the highest point.

Meaning that if you do well with this section and a little of part 1 & 2…then you’re good to go.

You should also note that the West African Examination Council frowns at cheating. Any candidate who is caught cheating will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

WAEC Civic Education Objective Questions

The questions you see below are possible questions that might be repeated in this year’s examination.

Endeavor to read this guide to the end carefully with understanding, where possible ask relevant questions and we’ll reply prompt.


Civic Education

1. The standards that are considered ethical by an individual or the society are known as

A. dignity.
B. rights.
C. values.
D. materialism.

2. One significant of value in society is that it

A. brings about peaceful co existence of people.
B. makes one to acquire more properties.
C. enhances an individual’s access to education.
D. promotes influx of aliens to the community.

Use the question below to answer question 3.

” If I should forsake you,
Banwuya motherland, Africa fatherland,
Let my two hands
Forget their cunnings”.
@ Femi Ademiluyi: The New Man,
All right reserved.

3. The quotation shows the that the speaker is

A. nationalistic.
B. opportunistic.
C. subservient.
D. reoriented.

4. The status of being a legal member of a country is referred to as

A. alien.
B. asylum.
C. citizenship.
D. migrant.

5. Rendering services to humanity across boundaries is an indication of providing solution to

A. political crisis.
B. social dilemmas.
C. natural disasters.
D. civic problems.

6. Human rights can be best promoted if

A. jungle justice is discouraged.
B. relevant knowledge and information are acquired.
C. political elite exercises discretionary powers.
D. there is existing constitution.

7. The rights of citizens can be guaranteed through

A. gerrymandering.
B. the writ of habeas corpus.
C. perogative of mercy.
D. political immunity.

8. The inalienable rights of citizens of a state can best be protected through

A. an unwritten constitution.
B. parliamentary system of government.
C. unitary system of government.
D. an independent judiciary.

9. The society can be much more peaceful if individuals learn to

A. respect and obey the laws of the land.
B. gather knowledge about politics.
C. understand the human rights commission.
D. seek redress in the court of law.

10. The exhibition of queuing culture in a society is a good example of

A. participation.
B. empowerment.
C. nationalism
D. orderliness.

11. Constituted authority is necessary in the society because it

A. promotes international relations.
B. ensures security of lives and properties.
C. serves as agent of socialization.
D. provides scholarship for higher education.

12. Responsible parenthood is important because it

A. promotes procreation.
B. fosters orderliness.
C. grooms disciplined children.
D. provides solution to all society problems.

13. Which of the following should not be encouraged by responsible parents?

A. Moral development
B. Religious fundamentalism
C. Spiritual development
D. Respect for elders

14. Road signs primarily serve as

A. symbols to correct road users.
B. signs to aid Federal Road Safety officials to apprehend defaulters.
C. devices to guide traffic division of Police Command.
D. precautionary devices to guide road users.

15. In obeying traffic rules, pedestrians are to walk on the left side of the road so as to

A. buy things at the road side.
B. see oncoming vehicles.
C. cross at anytime.
D. cross at anytime.
D. walk across junctions.

16. One of the skills that can be used in resolving inter communal conflicts is

A. coercion.
B. mediation.
C. suppression.
D. harassment.

17. Which of the following is not responsible for cult activities in schools and colleges?

A. Perceived injustice
B. Satisfaction of membership aspirations
C. Personal protection
D. Preservation of cultural heritage

18. Drug abuse often leads to

A. sexually transmitted diseases.
B. cancerous illness.
C. psychiatric disorder.
D. incurable ailment.

19. Use of hard drugs could best be curtailed through

A. compensation.
B. rehabilitation.
C. enlightenment.
D. compromise.

20. If an individual persists in the use of hard drugs, such individual is likely to exhibit

A. hostile attitude towards religious organizations.
B. unfriendly disposition towards foreigners.
C. oppressive behavior.
D. emotional illness and aggression.

21. Which of the following people suffer most human trafficking?

A. Girls
B. Boys
C. Children
D. Adults.

22. Which of the following is not a symptom of HIV/AIDS?

A. Loss of appetite and weight
B. Unexplained feverish condition
C. Infections that often resist treatment
D. Systematic growth of the body

23. Which of the following cannot motivate human trafficking?

A. Poverty
B. Greed
C. Low self esteem
D. Education

24. Which of the following is not a skill for practical living?

A. Life coping skill
B. Manipulative skill
C. Artistic skill
D. Cyber crime skill

25. Which of the following is not a reason for self- reliance?

A. Creation of employment opportunities
B. Innovation and creativity
C. Diversification of the economy
D. Quest for white collar jobs

26. In the constitution, the areas where both the federal and state government exercise joint authority are on the

A. residual list.
B. concurrent list.
C. exclusive list.
D. reserved list.

27. A major feature of representative democracy is

A. free and fair election.
B. absolute application of law.
C. civil liberty groups.
D. enlightened electorates.

28. A feature that distinguishes the 1979 Nigerian constitution from that if 1963 was the introduction of

A. unitary system of government.
B. republicanism
C. presidential system of government.
D. westminster system.

29. In a democracy, official opposition is allowed to

A. bring down the government.
B. pave way for military intervention.
C. make government accountable.
D. encourage crisis in a state.

30. The beauty of democratic system of government is that

A. the president has supreme power.
B. political power resides in the people.
C. there is absence of exploitation
D. political participation is limited.

WAEC Civic Education Theory Questions

Question 1

(a)        Definition of orderliness
(b)        Ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society

Question 2

(a)Skills for resolving inter-communal conflicts

Question 3

(a)        Definition of constituted authority.
(b)        Advantages of constituted authority.

Question 4

(a) Drugs that can be abused.
(b) Visible behaviours of drug addicts.
(c) Social consequences of drug abuse.

Question 5

(a)       Ways People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) are discriminated against.
(b)        Reasons why People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) should be discouraged

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