Hey, guys, I want to open your eyes to a forgotten working SEO technique called Profile Creation in SEO.
It is an off-page SEO technique that is useful in increasing site search engine ranking.
I basically use profile creation in SEO to increase my site ranking and skyrocket my traffic from 17k monthly Google users as seen below.

And then with some additional SEO techniques, I was able to pull over 1M Google impressions and over 60k Google visitors. Check the screenshot proof below.

Just as seen in the screenshot proof above, that’s my result when I put some of my energy on profile creation in SEO to get high rankings from profile backlinks.
With that said, links are not all created equal.
Google is now in favor of having more high-quality links than the number of links.
The more you can focus your efforts on getting high DA (Domain Authority) links, the better your website will rank.
However, I have also done a profile backlinks giveaway to a lot of upcoming bloggers.
I showed them how to create a profile backlinks from marketplace.whcms.com with domain rating 92.
You can imagine the kind of link power it will send to your money site.
Don’t worry, you didn’t miss it. Watch the step by step video below and get your profile backlink.
Well in this guide, you are going to learn everything about profile creation In SEO techniques and how to use it double your site traffic and ranking.
What is Profile Creation in SEO
Profile Creation in SEO or Linking Profiles is one of the most easiest off-page Search engine ranking optimization techniques to create backlinks to your website.
It is being used by many SEO expert professionals to obtain backlinks from developed forums, social networking sites, social bookmarking websites, and many more.
So I thought if this professional is doing this, then I should too.
How to get Backlinks from Profile Creation in SEO technique?
First visit any profiling sites
- To register to click on create your free account or sign-up
- Just complete your data and click onto create your free account
- It is best to verify your account by e-mail.
- Now choose the profile editor account settings and add the URL of your website in the web-page option
- Now it’s done
Do Profile Link Building Still Works?
You may be curious to know if profile link building techniques actually work.
Yea sure it does.
Without an online profile, your business doesn’t exist.
The easiest way to run a profile link creation in SEO is to use the profile creation site.
Profile Creation site has been built to assist people to create public profiles.
But the most important aspect is that most profiles are being crawled and index by the search engine.
For example, if you have a profile account either on Facebook, Twitter you get to see the index page on google.
Below is a screenshot example

Yea that my Twitter handles for my money site, you can see Google has indexed it.

Also, check out my profile on Facebook, Google has it indexed, and they all send authority to my money site.
Now that’s you know exactly what profile backlinks are, and how they pass authority to your money site.
Have this at the back of your mind, not all profile link building site will give out link juice to your money site.
So to avoid creating useless profile backlinks or spammy links do analyze a profile site to determine if it has the authority or not.
How to Analyze if a Profile Creation Site has Authority.
Since not all profile creation site has authority to pass to your money site.
You don’t want to waste time creating them.
Anyway so let take an example by creating a backlink from marketplace.whcms.com
First and for most, we analyze the profile link and scan it with Moz free SEO tool.

Take note of the following metric of the profile link.
Domain Authority
The domain authority of the profile site. The higher DA it has the higher power signal it will donate for your side.
Spam Score
The spam score doesn’t indicate that a site is spammy.
So whenever you spot a sit with high spam score make a further investigation before you create a backlink.
But as you can see our spam score for marketplace.whcms.com is 11%
That shows that we are more than good to create a profile linking to our money site.
Linking Root domain
In a nutshell, it is the total number of other sites linking to a particular domain.
And from the metric, we see that marketplace.whmcs.com has a lot of linking root domain.
A very good one to start with.
Ranking Keywords
Ranking keywords of a site indicate the total number of keywords the site is ranking for.
From what we got from Moz, you can see that marketplace which has over 8.8k ranking keywords.
So therefore our metric shows us that getting a profile backlinks from the marketplace is cool
And when that did you head over to marketplace.whmcs.com to create a profile backlinks.
Meanwhile, with marketplace.whmcs.com you can also create unlimited content backlinks.
The trick behind it is creating multiple groups, putting up short article writeup, and a link to your site.
Here is the step by step video to creating unlimited backlinks on marketplace.whmcs.com
Other Backlinks Building Sources
Meanwhile, there are other ways to get high DA backlinks.
Social Profiles
When starting a website, it’s always a good idea to start with getting your social profiles set up.
This will get you great links from high quality sources, as well as send social and brand signals to your site.
Here’s a list of the social profiles you can claim:
- https://facebook.com
- https://telegram.com
- https://pinterest.com
- https://twitter.com
- https://tiktok.com
- https://instagram.com
- https://snapchat.com
- https://sqick.com
- https://reddit.com
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 properties are another way to get good, contextual backlinks to your site and increase the diversity of your backlinks.
There are many high authority properties that you can use to create an account, write an article and create a backlink, including:
- https://medium.com
- https://blogger.com
- https://tumblr.com
- https://wordPress.com
- https://weebly.com
- https://wikidot.com
- https://hubpages.com
- https://webnode.com
- https://wix.com
- https://ucoz.com
Guest Posting
The process looks like this.
- Find sites that accept guest posts by searching google for niche + “write for us” or niche + “guest post”
- Make sure the site is real and has traffic, as well as good domain authority (so you know it will be valuable to get a link)
- Contact the site and arrange the details for a guest post. This usually involves pitching your idea and learning about their requirements.
- Write the post and include links back to your site.
- Send the post to the website and get it published
Business Listing and Citation
Getting business listings or citations is a great way to get relevant links back to your site.
On top of that, many times directories rank for target keywords, so it’s a good idea to have your business listed in them!
The best place to start is by getting links from the top sources in your industry or your city.
Educational Links (.EDU)
.Edu links are great to get because they are usually very high authority. One of the best ways to get .edu links is to create a scholarship opportunity, then reach out to schools that have scholarship/financial aid pages and let them know about your scholarship.
Charity BackLinks Building Source

These are charity websites that will give you a link when you make a small donation.
Many times, these sites are very high quality, so it’s a great natural link to get.
You can use the following search strings to find charity websites that may accept donations for links.
Here are a few examples of sites that accept charity links to help get you started:
- https://indiegogo.com/#/picks_for_you
- https://kickstarter.com/
- https://dragonflybsd.org/donations/
Giving Testimonial
Another untapped link building strategy that too often gets overlooked is offering testimonials.
Let’s face it, if you’re in business in a given niche, you probably know a lot about it – it is your business, after all!
And because you know a lot about it, you probably use the products developed by other people operating in and around the niche you’re operating in.
You’re familiar with them.
If you find a website that sells a product or service you like (sometimes even if it’s not even directly related to your niche), you can often get a high quality link simply by buying, using, and providing a testimonial about the product.
This is as simple as providing a link back to your site at the end of your testimonial.
Find Unlinked Mention
If someone ever talks about your company, your website or your brand and didn’t link back.
With a tool like Buzzumo you will get a notification that someone has mentioned your brand.
So you go to check, and see if they give you a link back.
If they did congratulations you just won a link, and if they did not you can reach out to them friendly to convince them.
Simply write to site owner with something like this.
Hey (site owner’s name),
I saw that you mentioned me on your blog post (insert the name and blog post URL), and just wanted to say thank you for giving me a mention! That means a lot and I really appreciate it!
The reason I’m getting in touch is I wanted to ask if you could add a link to that post that points back to my site.
That way, your readers have an easy, convenient way of finding us while reading the piece you wrote.
Either way, thank you again, and keep up the great work!
Many thanks,
(your name)
Benefits of Profile Creation in SEO techniques.
- It is a white hat SEO technique and therefore has no Google penalty.
- It is an easy way for you to get thousands of backlinks without much hassle.
- Having a lot of profile links helps in enhancing your site Online reputation management.
- It also aids in creating brand awareness and publicity
- It built up brands’ credibility.
- It helps to strengthen your brand profile. The brand with the best profile always dominates.
Profile Creation Site List
Like I said before that a profile link creation in SEO has to do with creating profile linking to your money site.
This can be a profile link from web 2.0, social bookmarking sites and others such as
- https://disqus.com
- https://myspace.com
- http://en.gravatar.com
- https://www.ted.com
- http://www.last.fm
- .https://soundcloud.com
- http://www.deviantart.com
- https://about.me
- http://myfolio.com
- https://www.crunchbase.com
- http://www.quora.com
- http://www.tripit.com
- http://www.pictify.com
- https://itsmyurls.com
- http://tumblr.com
- https://www.blogger.com
- https://www.forums.adobe.com
- https://www.sites.google.com
- https://www.wordpress.com
- https://www.Livejournal.com
- https://www.vimeo.com
- https://www.medium.com
- https://www.goodreads.com
- https://www.pinterest.com
- https://www.Visual.ly
- https://www.behance.net
- https://www.contently.com
- https://www.speakerdeck.com
- http://www.creattica.com
- http://www.skillpages.com
- http://www.flavors.me
- http://www.zizics.com
- http://www.vbprofiles.com
- http://www.docstoc.com
- http://www.forum.arduino.com
- http://www.newsvine.com
- https://angel.co
- http://30boxes.com
- http://8tracks.com
- http://www.crowdspring.com
- http://bundlr.com
- http://www.bagtheweb.com
- http://www.yatedo.com
- https://app.hiive.co.uk
- http://steepster.com
- http://www.efactor.com
- http://www.fanpop.com
- http://www.yatedo.com
- http://www.thewebblend.com
- http://redgage.com
- http://rediff.com
- http://reverbnation.com
- http://rhrealitycheck.org
- http://sbnation.com
- http://schoolofeverything.com
- http://scoop.it
- http://scout.org
- http://screencast.com
- http://scribd.com
- http://sheknows.com
- http://siftery.com
Profile Link Building with Google Sheets

You are welcome to Mitrobe Select High DA Google Backlink Sheet.
I have compiled a bunch of resources where you can get backlinks to your money site as well as resources where you can find more information!
The brutal truth most SEO guys aren’t telling you is that.
You can rank without backlinks but then, you need quality backlinks to maintain that position on SERPs.
Mitrobe’s SEO
Backlinks are still the #1 factor that influences ranking, so taking link building seriously can greatly improve your SEO success.
Now, instead of going through the hardship of researching the quality site to get backlinks from or rather hiring the service of SEO experts knowing full well that not all SEO services are likely to perform with the vase majority of quacks SEO experts in the field.
Why not save money and time by getting my tested, working, and currently using the list of Backlinks that has to fetch Mitrobe such great result, without having to go far as buying Expired domain or other vast and time-consuming SEO techniques.

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I am sure you already know profile creation sites are extremely useful to create Backlinks and also to drive a lot of internet traffic.
However, it is very easy to create Profile as well as absolutely free and the highest tech method of getting quality backlinks from high authority websites and keep yourself updated just recently.
But then, I also have a more generic way of driving massive Google traffic to my site that may interest you, check out my 82 Best Google traffic generating techniques I am sure you will love it.