Jiggle.ng -Fast, Easy and Affordable way to make online payments.

Jiggle is a service that creates a suitable avenue for people to conveniently use their smartphones for transactions such as bill payment and online shopping. Prettily, it boasts a handful of features (including the Auto Budgeting feature and the push payment feature) which help users manage and control their payments without any hassle.

Jiggle is a fun and innovative way to make and receive instant payments anywhere.

How Does Jiggle Work?

Jiggle works in a pattern so simple that you don’t need to worry about difficult-to-navigate procedures before you can use the site or access its services. Basically, Jiggle requires you to undergo its sign-up process whereby you submit your email address and your password.

Attempting the sign-up process will guarantee you a user account which you have to verify by logging into your email and clicking the verification link in it.

With the verification successful, Jiggle now lets you fund your wallet and make quick payments. You can fund the wallet by simply withdrawing money from your bank account into it.

What Does Jiggle Charge as Wallet Funding Fee?

It shouldn’t come to you as a surprise that Jiggle charges a fee for wallet funding. There is considerable variation in the fees charged. While the fees vary depending on the amounts (of money) to be deposited in the wallet, Jiggle charges a maximum of #500 and a minimum of #50. Below is a list of Jiggle’s wallet funding fees and their corresponding deposit amounts:

  • #350 (for deposits between #10,000 and #14,999)
  • #300 (for deposits between #8,000 and #9,999)
  • #250 (for deposits between #5,000 and #7,999)
  • #200 (for deposits between #3,000 and #4,999)
  • #100 (for deposits between #2,000 and #2,999)
  • #50 (for deposits below #2,000)

What Sort of Information Does Jiggle Collect from Users?

In establishing themselves as users of Jiggle, individuals are required to submit some personal information to the service’s site. Such information comes under three different headings namely registration information, payment account information and other information.

  1. Registration information: This includes such personal information (as mobile number, email address and password) which individuals are mandated to tender during Jiggle’s membership registration.
  2. Payment account information: This includes the specialized information that you must provide in order to set up your payment account on Jiggle. Such information includes bank account number, BVN, debit card number (including its expiration date) and card verification value.
  3. Other information: The information obtained herein may not appear as essential as the information under the first two headings. However, it is essentially required for Jiggle to figure out customers’ complaints/grievances/recommendations and identify the areas that need improvement. Unlike registration information and payment account information, other information isn’t compulsorily required. Users of Jiggle, therefore, will always reserve the discretion to supply such information or refuse to provide it.

Keeping Users’ Information Secure

Jiggle holds users’ information in high regard and therefore, it utilizes a multi-faceted security model ensuring that users have safe online sessions. Precisely, Jiggle’s security model combines reliable measures and some of them include firewalls, authentication procedures and encryption techniques.

Emphasizing Jiggle’s prioritization of security, it is pertinent to cite that the service may decide to further foster security through users’ Device IDs. What this means is that Jiggle may consider adapting Device IDs for the tracking of perceived illegal activity. As a pointer to the likelihood of this security measure, a claim by Jiggle implies that the service may decide to contact the owner of an account found to have been logged into from multiple devices. This, according to Jiggle, is intended to find out whether the user (account owner) is aware of the occurrence and authorizes the access from multiple devices.

What Does Jiggle Use Collected Information for?

Jiggle uses its users’ information in a number of different ways. Essentially, Jiggle does not use the information in a manner or for a purpose that poses harm to the owner(s). If you’re a Jiggle user who has supplied information to the service, your information could be used for any of the following purposes:

  • Provision of responses to customers’ queries about Jiggle’s services
  • Identification of errors, scams (or other fraudulent activities), and protection of customers against such activities
  • Notifying users about issues relating to software compatibility so that Jiggle is able to tailor its web design to the needs of users
  • Fulfilling customers’ demands for specific services and/or products
  • Enforcement of the Terms of Service enshrined in the service’s Privacy Statement
  • Conduct of specialized tasks such as product development, market research, promotions, marketing, user behaviour analysis and problem troubleshooting
  • Delivery of customer-centred information such as communications, alerts and administrative notices which relate to the customers’ service use
  • Analysis of site usage as a requirement for identifying the site-provided services that need improvement
  • Provision of ancillary programs, services or products that Jiggle considers interesting to customers


Hopefully, you now have a full grasp of Jiggle.ng, how it works, the kind of information it collects from users and what it does with the information.

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