Cellular broadband technology has continued to grow from generation to generation, and today, we already have the 5th generation, which is the 5G.
But we hear 4G and then 4G LTE, and we barely know the difference between these terms. All we may be thinking is that one is an improvement of the other, but in reality, it is not so.
When you have carefully gone through this article, you will come to know what 4G, 4G LTE, and 5G are. The differences between these technologies will also be revealed.
Remember your request when you go to buy a new SIM card or upgrade an already existing one: “I need a 4G SIM.” But actually is this 4G you are talking about?
4G is identified as the fourth generation of broadband cellular network technology, which is preceded by 3G. A 4G system however, is able to provide capabilities defined by the International Telecommunication Unit (ITU) in the International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced Standards.
The 4G cellular network technologies are designed to give a smartphone transmission speed close to those provided by PCs. It provides high data transmission and enables you surf the internet better and faster.
Here, the clear distinction between 4G and 4G LTE comes in. Different versions of 4G technologies have been released since 2009 and now China has brought the 5G.
The first version of 4G technology is called the 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) and it was first commercially deployed in Oslo, Norway and Stockolm, Sweden in 2009.
Another version of the 4G technology, although not popular in this part of the world is the 4G WiMax. Different telecommunication companies have made their choices between the 4G LTE and the 4G WiMax, but on the general view, 4G LTE has a higher speed than the 4G WiMax.
The explanation above should bring us to the conclusion that the difference between 4G and 4G LTE is that 4G LTE is a version of the 4G technologies; 4G is the general name for the 4th generation of broadband cellular network.
- 4G technologies provide data speed which is 10 times faster than its 3G counterpart.
- You can download big-sized filed faster than with 3G
- 4G also provides as higher broadband than 3G
- With 3G you can quickly access the internet and surf faster.
In line with what we already established, 5G is the name given to the fifth generation of digital cellular networks. 5G starting getting wide deployment in 2019 and many telecommunication networks around the world have started deploying antennas to get the service.
5G has a frequency spectrum divided into milliliter waves, mid-band and low-band, with the fastest being the milliliter wave. It has a speed of up to 1 to 2 GB per second.
Some devices have also been developed to run the 5G broadband network. Some of the 5G phones are:
- Samsung Galaxy S10 5G
- Samsun Galaxy A90 5G
- Moto Z3
- Oneplus 7 Pro 5G
- Huawei Mate X (Foldable)
- Huawei Mate 20 X
- Oppo Reno 5G
- Xiaomi Mi Mix 3
- 5G is the latest version of the broadband cellular network
- 5G is also smarter, faster and more efficient than 4G
- The speed of 5G is up to 100 GB per second, which is higher than the 1 Gb/s of 4G.
Now if you have really followed from the start-up till now, I am definite that you now understand what 4G and 4G LTE are, and how they are differentiated from 5G.
Meanwhile, you may have some more questions to ask. Go ahead to leave it in the comment section. Drop your thoughts about this article: what is your expectation from 5G technology?