How To Start a Church Business In Nigeria and Make Money

Do you really want to start a church business in Nigeria and make money? Lets ride on…Have you had a dream of becoming a pastor or man of God in Nigeria? Let me guide through the entire process free of charge.Some people see church business as a very lucrative business failing to understand that such act can be very disastrous and calamitous.

Nigeria is an irrevocably religious nation and this gives the impression that church businesses will always thrive in it. However, a church business not built on a sincere foundation might fail to flourish in the long run.

If you’re pretty sure that God has spoken to you about preaching the gospel, you should be ready to start and run a church business in spite of the challenges that abound therein.

In this article, you’ll find out all the sincere information you need on starting a church business in Nigeria.

Develop Firm Purpose for Ministering

How to start a church business

Church business isn’t something you should do without having first developed the firm purpose to preach the word of God. But again, it is important that you are ministering upon God’s call rather than self-will.

In Nigeria of today, it isn’t all the pastors we see that were called. Some pastors are only cashing in on fake claims (of being called by God) to establish churches and build Christian followings. But if you’re certain that you’ve been called by God, the first thing you need to start a church business is the conviction to minister.

Comply with CAC Requirements

CAC is the agency vested with the authority of registering all corporate establishments in Nigeria. For your church business not to be flagged as illegal, you’ll have to register it with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Prior to CAC’s registration, you are expected to have created a unique name for your church.

Set aside a Place of Worship

For any church business you’re starting from scratch, you need a worship space. You can engage the service of anyone willing to rent out a suitable area of land. This step isn’t evitable particularly if you cannot afford erecting a church building on your own.

In Nigeria, starting a church business from a rented worship space has been a norm. In fact, some of the big Nigerian churches we see today started as miniature entities within rented premises.

Gather Your Church Members

You’ll have to attract membership after having registered your church business and acquired a worship space for it. Membership might begin with friends, relatives and committed neighbours. You shouldn’t be discouraged if membership is relatively low at the outset. Considering that people other than your friends and relatives might remain committed to their current churches as against attending your own, you’re likely to experience low membership at the start. Importantly, your church members are the ones who will lend the necessary financial assistance for the establishment of a permanent church building.

Establish Your Own Church Building

Once you’ve established a considerable population of church members, you should be able to erect a small church building from the tithes and offerings donated by the church members.

Having your own church building gives the assertion that your church will flourish in the long run. Therefore, you can leverage on members’ tithes/offerings and grants from external sources to develop a lasting building for your church business. Frankly, your sincerity, commitment and reputation are some of the attributes that will help you attract a great deal of committed members who should lend financial assistance to your church.

Establish Other Income Sources for Your Church

Except if your church members are generously rich and can always afford all church expenditures, it could be risky to depend solely on them for the propagation of your church business. By creating additional income sources such as schools and other enterprising ventures, your church business will likely remain a going concern even in the event of unfavourable economic conditions.



Church business is one of the businesses that demand sincerity of purpose. Although Nigeria is a very religious country, you might find it difficult to attract committed members if you fail to build your church business on a sincere foundation.



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