How to Prevent Viruses on Windows Laptop

Keeping your windows laptop safe from a virus is vital for a smooth running of your windows laptop. In this article, we would discuss how to prevent viruses on windows laptop.

How to Prevent Viruses on Windows Laptop

A computer virus can be a real threat to your computer system. It is malicious code that multiplies by copying itself to another document, computer boot sector or program and changes how your computer works. Now, viruses are known to be malicious softwares that attempt to enter and cause havoc to operating systems, files, or even emails. While the consequences of not checking for viruses can be unbearable, it is relatively easy to keep your windows laptop safe from viruses.
In our previous article we listed some of the best windows laptops in the market this year, so we believe it is our duty to help you keep your windows laptop safe with these computer safety tips and measures. Keeping your windows laptop safe from a virus is vital for a smooth running of your windows laptop. In this article, we would discuss how to prevent viruses on windows laptop.
You should also see how to protect MacBook from malwares and viruses before continuing with our suggested list of things to do to keep your windows laptop safe from viruses:

How to prevent viruses on windows laptop

  • Make use of a Firewall

While it is possible to make use of any firewall, it is still recommended and advisable that you make use of the Windows Firewall. The job of the firewall is to alert you about suspicious movement, which includes viruses. Meanwhile, Firewalls perform more operations than just alerting you about suspicious activities. A firewall also does the job of blocking viruses and hackers from downloading and gaining access to your windows laptop.
To keep your windows laptop free and safe from viruses, get a reliable firewall that you can trust, or better still, obtain the windows firewall. When a virus tries to get to your windows laptop, the firewall will inform you and it can even proceed to block the virus from entering your windows laptop making it safe and perfect for use.

  • Turn On User Account Control (UAC)

In order to make alterations to the administrator-level in your computer settings, the user account control will inform you so that you can agree to the alteration.
The User Account Control also assists in preventing viruses from altering the settings of your windows laptop without the user being aware of the changes. The User Account Control can be accessed from the computer settings in the control panel area of your windows laptop.
There are cases whereby viruses can change the settings of your windows laptop without alerting you, the User Account Control when allowed to run on your windows laptop, will prevent the viruses from acting.

  • Make use of your browser’s privacy settings

It is important to be acquainted with the methods in which web sites make use of your private information, to battle against fraud and identity theft. It is best advised that you alter privacy settings in the browser you use, such as Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.
If you fail to make use of your browser’s privacy settings, you are at the risk of your windows laptop being infected with viruses. So always endeavor to use the privacy settings of your browser, especially if you are browsing in a non-trusted website.

Using reliable and efficient anti-virus software is one of the best ways of preventing viruses from coming into your windows laptop. As the name implies, the anti-virus software is a software that guides against any form of virus or threat which may come up and try to enter into your windows laptop.
Also, it is important to watch out for fake anti-virus because they pose a greater risk of your windows laptop being infected with the virus than the usual virus seen on the internet. If you want to download real and efficient anti-virus software, endeavor to check from other users of the same windows laptop you are using.
Since new viruses emerge each passing day, it is also important to keep on updating your anti-virus software if it requires an update. The anti-virus software will scan your windows laptop and detect any threat or virus if there is any at all. Then you are left with the easy job of clearing the virus once the anti-virus software detects them.

This is another recommended way to keep your windows laptop safe from viruses. Occasionally, Microsoft releases security updates to guide your windows laptop safe from viruses. In any way, do not forget to download and install those security updates that Microsoft will inform you about. To make things easier for yourself, you can set your windows laptop to update itself. This means that whenever Microsoft releases a new security update, it would update automatically, without you having to open it and update it. In this way, you are sure that your windows laptop is safe and secure for use.
Meanwhile, updating Microsoft security updates does not come free. It requires the use of either a Wi-Fi network or a modem that serves as a cellular network. In some cases, the updates released by Microsoft may cost a lot of data. However, you should update your windows laptop with the recent Microsoft security update, or your windows laptop stand a risk of being infected with dangerous viruses.

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