10 best ways to generate Google traffic and increase Site ranking

Although there is really no special secrete to generate Google traffic and increase site ranking, but then there are best practices that I am going to provide for you in this article that will make it easier for you to get google traffic to your website and increase your site Google ranking.

Generating Google traffic for your website is all about providing quality contents and most especially search engine optimization (SEO), and it is often about making small modifications to parts of your website.

When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other search engine optimization techniques, they could have a noticeable impact on your site’s user experienced and performance in organic search results.

However, you are likely already familiar with many of the topics in this guide, because they are essential ingredients for any web page, but you may not be making the most out of them.

But what makes my own article “10 best ways to generate Google traffic and increase site ranking” exceptional is because these are practice I myself have employed and benefiting from it today.

So it considered as a technique, which is merely above what you will see in the net this days.

So without delay let go look at the 10 best ways to generate Google traffic and increase site ranking

10 ways to generate Google traffic and increase site ranking

  1. Run a keyword research for SEO
  2. Write valuable unique content
  3. Google reader
  4. Guest post deals
  5. Blog appearance
  6. Optimize your site for search engines
  7. Quick search engines optimization tips
  8. Allow email subscription
  9. Focus your content
  10. Install Google

Run a keyword research for SEO

The one best way to generate Google traffic is to perform a keyword research. It is wise for a blogger to make a keyword research before writing or publishing any blog post. Unlike lifestyle bloggers if you find yourself in a very competitive blogging niche, it is not so ideal to publish any post without running a keyword research.

Running a keyword research for SEO help you to determine what people type most into Google. And that a core to SEO and getting traffic from Google. Before publishing any article there are numbers of things to put into consideration that will determine the traffic that article will generate for you from time to time.

And what are they?. They are:

  • The average number of search the keyword has on search engine
  • The cost per click (CPC) of the keyword if advertisers want to run an ad campaign.
  • The number of post/article the keywords has over the net (this help check the competition % and the survival of your article).
  • The number of paid searches that keyword have.

So how do you run a keyword research?

My favourite tool for keyword research is ubersuggest, one of Neil Patel tool. We bloggers and digital marketers should be thankful to Neil Patel for such a wonderful tool. And in addition to this, it preferable to use Google trend or alternatively Explodingtopics by Brian Dean, to see what trending on the internet.

How to use Ubersuggest for keyword research?

You type in any keyword you want to research; ubersuggest will show you the following.


Keyword ideas: it will show you other alternatives keywords that relate to yours and how they are performing on the web and the chances to get to first page.

PD: this shows you the number of paid advert that keyword has, in case you are thinking of running advert on that particular keyword.

Keyword: Average total Google search traffic for that keyword per month. This determines the number of traffic the keyword generate.

CPC. The cost per click if an advertiser want to run an advert on that particular keyword and this also is a spices for high CPC in adsense earning.

SD: This show the total number of articles that are already published in the net and the % of chances you have to beat them.

Here is the complete step by step approach to run a keyword research for SEO.

Write valuable unique content

Freelance writing services

The number two best practices to generate Google traffic and increase your site ranking is by providing information that people need. People don’t want to hear about dog but they might want to hear about 10 ways to make your dog more obedient or 6 ways to save money on pet food.

If you talk about your dog, let it be in a way that also provides value to your reader. In short, write with a reader focus and not a “me” focus as you offer value to your readers they will want to share that value with others. Be remarkable (worth making a remark about), and people will remark about you. If you can’t provide value the following tips will not help much.

Google reader

One of the best ways to boost your blog traffic is to watch what the pros are doing. Find sites that you like and subscribe to them via Google reader. If you don’t know what an RSS feed is click this link ngsup.com/feed to see how it looks like.

Below are blogs I recommend you should subscribe to if you want to boost your blog traffic, and make a good profit.

Mitrobe.com – Yes, my blog, and I even blog about blogging from time to time, to make sure newbie bloggers benefits from their various blog.

Simplefactsonline.com –  This is a blog by Chayan Chakrabrat team, their blog is focused about blogging and ideal for newbies who are still looking forward to drive traffic to their  blog.

Starcity.ng – This is the no1 digital marketing blog in Nigeria, that freely educate bloggers the very steps they need to take to launch a successful blogging career.

Prospernoah.com – This is my favorite when it comes to making money blogging, you should make sure to subscribe if you really want to make money off your blog.

Guest post deals

Google traffic
Guest Post deal

One tricky way of generating Google traffic to your site and increasing site ranking is by allowing other bloggers to write for your blog. It is the easiest way to boost your blog traffic. This is one of my biggest secret to generate google traffic and increase site ranking.

Most of the time they will offer a fresh perspective and tell their blog readers to read their post on your blog. Their readers will visit your blog and may even bookmark or subscribe to your blog.

How to go about guest post deals?

Now, I don’t mean you should allow anyone to guest post for free, you can actually make money blogging through guest post deals. Pro bloggers charge $50 to $100 or more per guest post.

But for the fact that your blog is not yet expose, you can seek out for top influential bloggers, offer to write about them on your blog, and they will in turn share with their audience, now this is where the deal comes to play.

They get their story on the net and share it with their audience just to boost and increase fame, while you benefit from the traffic and make money by monetizing this traffic, also you get a better chance to secure top pages on Google due to originality of the content.

And others will be keen to connect with you, because they believe before you can get shared by a top blogger, you must have something inside of you and they are willing to learn that.

Blog appearance

You should have a beautiful well optimized blog. You can achieve this by providing a responsive design to your blog. Google started penalizing mobile unfriendly sites in 2015. And they are likely to crack down even more in the the future.

Also, the harder it is to share your article the less people will bother to do it. When I setup a blog, I ensure that I install the share this plugin that allows people to email a post to their friend’s right from my site.

Optimize your site for search engines

Search engine optimization

Search engines (like Google) give weight to site that have good incoming links (backlinks). A site with 1000 incoming links will rank better than a site with 50. But what important is not the number of incoming links but the quality of the links.

A link from cnn.com to your blog will do a lot more for your ranking than from Joel’s blog.

Quick search engines optimization tips:

  • Make sure the title of each page corresponds with the title of that post.
  • Use high graphical engaging images, it helps reduce bounce rate.
  • When writing an article, your keyword should appear in the first 100 words of the article
  • Use friendly permalink URLs. (instead of www.yoursite.com/?p=123 use www.yoursite.com/post-title/
  • Incorporate an xml sitemap, don’t know what an xml sitemap is, take a look at mine https://ngsup.com/sitemap.xml
  • Keep your comment section free from spam.
  • Link out to external resources in your blog post, pages with outbound  links outrank pages without outbound links.
  • Boost your site speed, you can do that by using a CDN (content delivery network) compressing images, and switching to faster hosting.
  • Provide remarkable content that people will like to link to from their blog.
  • Add 3-4 internal link to every of your blog post, it is ideal for onpage SEO
  • Wrap subheading in H2 tags

Allow email subscription

Email marketing

Email newsletter is one of the best way to drive traffic to your website, have you ever seen a professional blogger that doesn’t build an email list. I guess not.

There are lot of mailing plugins, you can choose any of your choice, but I will recommend Getresponse because it provides everything that you will need to run a successful email campaign. 

Focus your content

Another best way to drive Google traffic to your blog and increase site ranking is to focus your content on a single or closely related topic (niche), than to have a broad site. If you are passionate about several separate topics consider having multiple blogs.

For instance I am blogging on Digital Marketing, and I am limiting my post to everything closely related to digital marketing. In addition, it is good to slightly expand your blog topic though still retaining your main topics.

Install Google analytic

As you use these tips outline above to increase your Google traffic and increase site ranking, it’s a good idea to measure to see which one of them is working best and which are not. So you can leverage your tactics.

Google analytic will show you the following:

  • Where your visitors come from, which sites refers the most people to your blog.
  • What search engines users are using to locate your blog
  • What keywords or phrase they search to find your site. ( use this information to focus new content on those keywords. If you can “own” a word or phrase in Google you win.
  • What part of the country people who visit your site are from ( you might be surprised how many international readers you have).
  • What browsers website visitors are using to access your site.
  • What pages they visit and in what order ( do people just visit one page and bounce away or doo they go from page to page)
  • What pages have the lowest bounce rate.

Use google analytics to optimize your site and learn how to offer your readers what they really want.

In addition, before sharing your links across social media or any platform, shorten it with bitly.com. So you can be able to know the following and work on improving.

  • How many people actually click on your shared link
  • Their country location
  • Which particular post has more click

These are features you need to know where and how to improve.

In conclusion

I believe with these you will not have any difficulty when it comes to generating traffic from Google and increasing your site ranking.

If you find anything above that you don’t understand, or have a question or contribution. The comment section is there for you.

Lastly, kindly share with others, who knows someone is just waiting for you to share this so they can get value also.


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