10 best ways to drive country specific website traffic from USA & UK

A no-brainer. There is no money if you don’t have traffic rolling into your blog on a constant basis. Although not always true, traffic is directly proportional to how much you can make moiney from a blog.

But as most of us know, targeting country specific website traffic from countries such as the Tier 1 countries (like USA & U.K) convert better in terms of advertising and affiliate sales.

Over time, I have shared many different ways on how to drive traffic to your website from different countries, previous one is of running a keyword research for a less competitive keywords with the help of a free SEO tool called explodingtopics.

exploding topics

If you’ve 1000 unique visitors per day and 5% of that converts, you can make enough money to boast.

But if you’re 100, there isn’t much worth considering. So, try to improve blog traffic and reach a consistent and reasonable level of traffic where you can make a steady income.

This is because of the “purchasing power” of users from these countries.

So, the subject matter for today is How To Target Country Specific Website Traffic?

How To Target Country Specific Website Traffic

country-specific website traffic

There are many factors that can help you on how to target country specific website traffic.

For example, Mitrobe.com is a popular blog in Nigeria & also growing globally. I could actually work on targeting more U.S.-based traffic, but whenever I Iiterate my blogging business plan, I realize that it’s better for me to target Nigeria (local) audience as it provides less competition and a better supply:demand ratio.

There are very few blogs in Nigeria that teach the A to Z of blogging as a career. Being in this niche for Few years, I have an advantage.

That is my choice , but I’m sure there are many of you who are blogging for AdSense income, and you may want to target country specific website traffic from countries (like the U.S.A & U.K).

In this post, I will share the SEO for targeting country specific website traffic that will help you improve your blog traffic from your target country of choice.

Mostly bloggers wants to rank their blogs in High CPC country like USA, UK, Canada and thereabout. But they don’t know how to target specific country. Below are some tips to target you blog on specific country.

10 Best Ways of driving country specific website traffic

  1. Buy country – specific Domain name
  2. Google webmaster tool Geo-targeting
  3. Get country – specific Backlinks
  4. Web hosting server location
  5. Content level targeting
  6. Submit your website to local search engines & directories
  7. Local Seo using google places
  8. Use country – specific Referal traffic channel.
  9. Join country – specific Forums
  10. Join country – specific Facebook groups

Buy country – specific Domain name

Before now, Do you know that Your site domain name/extension play a crucial role when it come to targeting a country specific website traffic

This is so because A top level domain extensions like .com and .org usually rank higher on global search engines, but In order to have your blog or website target a specific country, buying a country specific domain is always a good idea.

I will give you an analogy so you understand what I mean.

If you want to target U.K, based website traffic you should option for buying a .co.uk domain name

If you want to target Nigeria based website traffic you should option for .com.ng or .ng

Geo webmaster tool Geo-targeting

Google search console, a free tool from google for bloggers and webmasters, will be very helpful to a blogger or webmaster who intend to drive speicific country traffic. This tool allows you to set which country your website is targetted to, which helps you get traffic from that targetted country.

Every search engine has it own webmaster tool, so you can target different country in different search engines. You can choose to setup your target U.S, country in google webmaster tool and option to target U.K, in Bing webmaster tool. The choice is yours.

Watch this short video below on how to do the needful setup on google search console.

When google search was launched, they used backlinks to determine the popularity of content, and this google ranking factor is still applicable today. Much has changed over time, but the importance of backlinks remains significant. For this reasons , it is a good idea to target country specific backlinks.

For example. If your target audience is in the U.K or U.S., you wanna go get more backlinks from U.K or U.S based websites. It tells google that your site has reputation for U.K, or U.S, citizen.

Web hosting and server location

Another significant factor is driving Geo-targeted website traffic is your server location. If your target country for traffic is U.S (United States), you will wanna go host your website on U.S, servers. If you are targeting traffic from India, host you website on Indian Servers.

For example

  • For USA go for Bluehost and
  • For India go for Hostgator.
  • For Nigeria go to DomainKing

Content level targeting

Your content marketing is the main signal that Google uses to determine which country you are targeting, and this done by simply providing website country specific content.

What I mean is that, If you are targeting multiple countries with your generic domain extensions (.com or .org ), add the country’s name in the following section of your website or blog:

  • your posts’
  • Your meta tags
  • Your description

Do you know what this signifies?

….. I will give you a second to think it out, Before I tell you.

Well, it will not only make your content more keyword targeted, but it will also give a clear signal thay you are targeting a specific country.

Submit your website to local search engines & directories

For country based traffic, you should submit your website to local search engines and local web directories.

This will eventually become a very useful tool for getting country specific backlinks, which will become a significant factor in determining the geo location of your traffic.

Directory submission is one of the best strategy for your blog to gain popularity on the web. It is the essential steps taken that will boost your website or blog reputation, because with It you gain quality one way coming backlinks which perform a crucial aspect In optimization strategy.

For example the coming of incoming links from a U.S web directories will enhance your website or blog search engine rank and visibility of your site on a searches in U.S location.

Watch this short video guide, it will show you the step by step guide to submit your website on search engines.

Local SEO using Google places

This may not apply to a generic blog, but If you are running a service blog (Agency) or an e-commerce website, Google places, Yelp pages, Bing is going to be very handy.

Local SEO search engine optimization) is an incredibly effective way to target specific country website traffic. It help businesses promote their products/services to local customers at the exact time they are looking for them online.

You can conduct a local seo through various methods, some of which differ greatly from what’s practiced in standard seo, and some of which are far easier to manage using a local seo tool.

When Using local seo to drive specific country traffic, there are 3 things you should put into consideration they are

  • Proximity
  • Relevance
  • Prominence

Proximity – How close is your business blog or website to the search?

Relevance – How relevant to the searcher query your content, products or services are. Do they just bounce off or stay longer when they stumbled on you site. Google take notes of the dwell time.

Prominence – This covers What other consumer say about your product, where is your blog widely known.

Watch this 5 minutes step-step guide to verify your business website on Google place

Use country-specific Referal traffic channel

This is the easiest and fastest means of driving country specific Website traffic. There are many referral traffic website that offer free surfs. So, in this case if you want to target a U.S base traffic then you should option for referal traffic website like

  • Pagerankcafe
  • Trafficadbar

Join country – specific Forums

Participating in Forums is an ideal way of driving traffic from different country to your website. Due to the large number of people in the forum. But in the case targeting a specific country traffic that means you have to option for a country base forum.

For example, If you want to drive traffic from Nigeria then your forum of choice to participate is Nairaland forum.

If you want to drive targetted traffic from U.S then your forum of choice should be theusaforum.com

Join country – specific Facebook Groups

The last but not the least is Facebook collaborating groups. It is also a great way of driving specific country website traffic to your blog. This is done by joining country specific Facebook group.

What I mean is that, if you want to target website from U.S as an example, then you would want to join a Facebook groups that have higher population of U.S citizens.


  • Restrain from spamming any Facebook group.
  • Make sure to shorten your website link before sharing on Facebook.


So far so good we have talked about the techniques which you can use to target website traffic for specific countries.

Next, you will now have to keep track of your keyword progress in your target country. This will help you to find out which strategies are working and which are not.

Do not forget to ping back, how you like this post? If you also want to learn how to increase website traffic, how to drive traffic to your website or how to get more traffic to your website, grow your business, increase USA traffic then you must comments your query and any help related to get huge traffic, I will feel happy to help you.

I am sure that your question “how to drive country specific website traffic” has been answered my this post.


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