I want to first congratulate you for partaking in my Blog Wealth Formula Giveaway.
December 6th of 2019 makes Mitrobe.com a year older.
You are wondering what it all about?
It is MITROBE 1st ANNIVERSARY, and the BLOG WEALTH FORMULA is a way of giving back to my audience, for their time and contribution towards the growth of Mitrobe Network
Inside the Blog Wealth Formula I am going to reveal many secrets on how to start a successful blogging career and how to make money blogging even as a newbie blogger.
Plus, I shared the strategy I used to earn over $100 the first month of blogging without Google AdSense (paying proofs attached). So it will serve as an inspiration to those starting out newly and put them in the right track.
Meanwhile, at the end of this article I have attached an EBook Guide (Blog Wealth Formula) for you to download, read for later and get the message to start-up a successful blogging journey.
I am doing this giveaway because I get baffled to see many blogs been abandoned, expired domains here and there. It’s so sad.
Just because most bloggers are not able to provide the funds to renew their hosting and domain for their site to be live on the web
They gave up because they didn’t earn from blogging.
Well, I came to realize the fact that many new bloggers are approaching blogging the wrong way.
They lack these three things
- Passion
- Funds
- Marketing skills
So without wasting much ado, let dive right into the three things that hinders bloggers from making money blogging.
3 Things That Will Hinder You From Making Money Blogging
1. Passion

Many bloggers fail because they start out being un-passionate.
Don’t be dismayed.
Being passionate about blogging doesn’t mean you aren’t having the mindset of turning your blog into a full-time income source.
That not it.
Everyone loves to be rewarded awesomely for what they do.
You are being passionate means giving into blogging, as an investment.
Because, if you start not been so passionate, your audience is going to detect that in your writing tone.
The one thing you need to understand is that passionate bloggers have advantages over non-passionate bloggers, including attracting more traffic and support.
If you don’t love what you write about, what makes you think your readers will!
So, how do you become a passionate blogger?
- First of all, enjoy and embrace your niche
- Blog about something you won’t get tired of writing about
- Blog about something you love and find interest.
- You could also blog about something you are willing to learn
It is simple and straightforward.
If you do not play a video game, do not start a video game blog.
If you do not watch a Football match, do not start a blog about it. Simple right?
2. Funds
Yea, you need money to
- Buy a domain
- Buy a hosting
- Buy some useful tools ( if need be)
- Buy some blogging courses (if need be)
- Some cash for advertising/marketing.
Every business needs money to survive in the long run, so if you want to see the result, then you should invest in your blog.
But, don’t be discouraged, even if you don’t see a result in your first month of blogging.
Well, it takes quite some time to build a good following and make income through blogging.
3. Marketing skills
The heart of every business is in its marketing/promotional strategies.
So as a blogger, if you have weak marketing skills, you are likely to struggle in your blogging journey.
Well, marketing is the one secret to making money from blogging.
With the knowledge of marketing, you can create leads through various promotional strategies and convert them to sales.
You could also turn your blog audience into potential customers.
You must have been told the same thing I was told when I newly started my blogging journey.
The lies, and the hype about blogging.
You have seen many screenshot earnings of other bloggers on social media,
You have been told you can make a lot of money blogging,
Yea, that is true, but you are carried away by the success stories of top bloggers.
You only read about their success story, and neglect reading their blogging journey, how they struggled, and strive for success.
Let me tell you a short blogging journey about a successful Indian blogger who motivates me.
Harsh Agrawal Early Blogging Journey

Harsh Agrawal started is blogging journey out of fun (passion) in September of 2008 and started writing about things which he knew.
He began his blogging journey on a free blogging platform (Blogspot).
He was more interested in network and computer security, so he started with a community on Orkut called “Underground World.”
The first domain name which Harsh Agrawal wanted was the underground world, which was already taken.
So Harsh Agrawal started with the domain name virgintech.blogspot, and at the end of three months,
He was getting appreciation from his readers, and he thought of investing in his blog.
He bought web-hosting and a domain from and migrated his blog to a professional blogging platform (wordpress.org).
How Shoutmeloud found its niche?
Initially, he wrote about the usual tech stuff, which you could probably find on other blogs.
Later on, when he discovered that blogging could make money, he was blown away with this idea.
Harsh Agrawal began to wonder why nobody told him that he could follow his passion and make money.
That’s where he made a mission that he will let others know about blogging and how they can follow their passion and live a boss free life.
This is where he started sharing everything he was learning about blogging and started sharing his experience and experiments, oon shoutmeloud visitors started liking it, and that is how Harsh Agrawal founds is desired blogging niche.
Harsh Agrawal First Income from Blogging

Remember Harsh Agrawal started Shoutmeloud out of passion and interest for blogging.
He had no idea what Adsense was or what SEO was when he started.
He was a passionate blogger, and with time he learned about Adsense and other advertising programs.
Though before that, he learned SEO by reading lots of blogs and experimenting everyday.
Harsh Agrawal made it public that his first income blogging was $10, which he earned via helping a 45years old Australian guy with his WordPress issue.
That was how the Harsh Agrawal made his first income blogging.
Later on, he added Adsense, and in the first month, he made $40, which he considered as a good start.
How Harsh Agrawal Became a Successful Blogger
According to Harsh Agrawal he made a strong decision by quitting his full-time job of 6months and took up professional blogging as his full-time career.
Well, you should imagine the struggle he must have gone through before he achieved a successful blogging career.
On the other not he had done his blogging business plan, and he knew he is going to take shoutmeloud to a greater height.
Harsh Agrawal Mission for Shoutmeloud
Harsh Agrawal full dream and vision till now is making blogging a full-time business and help individuals around the globe to learn the art of blogging.
Like an ocean was not made in a day, continuous drops of water make a mighty ocean.
It took Harsh Agrawal some time to touch is dream, where he will have a big office, and many bloggers will be writing on their blogs sitting in their office.
The actual meaning of Shoutmeloud was Shoutdreams
My thoughts on Harsh Agrawal Blogging Journey
From the little blogging journey of Harsh Agrawal, you will discover that those who start out passionate in blogging tends to last long in the blogging life.
Than those who want to see result quickly.
Blogging is a journey; is obvious you avoid reading the hard side of successful bloggers.
You focus on their success story and their income reports.
You never knew the hardship they went through, the endurance they had before they get to their current level.
And if you continue focusing on income reports, success stories, and earning screenshot of successful bloggers, you will get discouraged in your blogging journey.
Blog Wealth Formula Review

Earning from a blog is the most exciting part of blogging life.
The blog wealth formula has been designed to guide and motivate you on starting a successful blogging journey like Harsh Agrawal.
It solves the most popular question. How do I Make Money off my blog?
There are a lot of ways to make money blogging, and as a blogger, I am sure you are already aware of these ways.
Your challenge is looking for the perfect one that will actually work for your kind of blog.
These Includes Ways like
- Displaying ads on your blog
- Affiliate marketing
- Sponsored post
- Paid guest posting
- E-book sales
- Sale of online courses
- Paid adverts
- Hosting webinars
- Paid membership
- And lot more ways
You know all these ways to make money from blogging, but you have a problem to solve first.
And that is, you have to grow your blog following, traffic and standard.
And here is my blogging wealth formula for you, to assist you in running a successful blogging career, download your free copy, no sign up required.
Meanwhile, after you have gotten your free copy. You can use the comment session to say THANK YOU.