5 Reasons Why People Don’t Buy From You in 2020

Have you ever got so drowned in low sales and you begin to wonder the REASONS WHY PEOPLE DONT BUY FROM YOU.

As an entrepreneur, no matter what you offer (a service or product), there is nothing more frustrating than trying to figure out why people don’t buy from you. Or another way to put it is why you can’t close the sale.

Sure, you can motivate yourself and say THEY JUST DONT WANT TO BUY, but many times it due to your poor marketing orientation and weak sales closing skills.

When I’m coaching salespeople, I often find they have no sales process, so they waste the customer’s time asking irrelevant questions or by presenting the product too soon.

Imagine sometimes you try your very best to sell your product/services, you explain the whole thing, and they make perfect sense to the prospect, but at the end, you wonder why they don’t buy.

Don’t worry, In this article, I am going to outline the five reasons why people don’t buy from you, plus in the end, I will give you tips on how to make them buy from you

5 Reasons Why People Don’t Buy From You

Stop hovering around poor sales here are the 5 reason why people don’t buy from you in real-time.

  1. No need.
  2. No urgency
  3. No desire
  4. No money
  5. No trust

No Need

In spite of how valuable your product is, if your prospect don’t need it they won’t buy.

Imagine selling dog food to someone who doesn’t own a dog, how do you expect him/her to buy.

There is no need, and no need means no sales.

No Urgency

One other reason why people don’t buy from you is No urgency.

Delay kills the sales

Johnmiracle Ejikeme

when your prospect says to you.

  • I will get back to you
  • I will think about it

It is because they don’t see any urgency or a reason they need to buy your product or order for your service right away. You have not given your customers a reason why they need to buy from you.

You need to demonstrate and show them why they need to buy from you right now. You can increase the urgency for your goods/services either by

Limiting your product or offer
Give them a push (like buy 2 iPhone, and get one Free)

No Desire

One primary reason why people don’t buy from you is that people don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want. Figure out what people want to buy and not what they need to buy.

Discover how you can create that desire or want in your customers to make them want to buy from you. How can you make your services or product irresistible?

No desire will result in no sales, and low desire will result in low sales, whereas a strong desire or want will result in high purchases.

No Money

how to start a business with no Money

The most common problem why people don’t buy (if your prospect is broke). But this usually means no value. Like I don’t see why someone won’t buy from you when you have offered something they want and his of importance.

No Trust

Reasons why people don't buy from you

How trustworthy are you when it comes to business. Are you the type that does away with peoples money.

Give them social proof, testimonial and other customer recommendation. Most times, why people don’t buy from you is not that they don’t trust you or your services/product.

Sometimes it is because they don’t trust themselves. Your customers may trust your services but don’t believe going to be useful to them.

As a salesperson, you have to address them to trust in themselves.

Those are the primary 5 reasons why people don’t buy from you, but then, don’t get frustrated yet.

I will show you how to make people want to buy from you, remember the SW formula in sales closing.

My Information Business Story

Johnmiracle Ejikeme

At first when I started information marketing business (the act of selling information product like ebooks, videos, podcast online) the most challenging aspect is the salesclosing.

I find myself presenting my information product to the satisfaction of my prospect, making sure they fully understand what’s in for them and the transformation they should expect to get, but in the end they won’t buy from me.

This shit went on and on not until I was able to unlock the strategic sales closing ability. That was when I figured out this exact 5 reasons why people don’t buy from me, and I began to adjust my marketing orientation.

And here I am today reaping the time I spent to learn sales closing the hard way after all the waste years of loosing prospects. And this was possible because I created by marketing formula which j called for SW Formula.

SW Formula

  • Some will buy from you
  • Some will not buy from you
  • Someone is waiting to buy from you.

Most at times in a sales conversation, you don’t let your prospect reject you, be the first to reject them.

In making people want to buy from you, you must understand the three things to expect in a sales conversion.

3 Things to Get in A Sales Conversation

  • Hell Yea
  • Hell No
  • A Lesson

Hell Yea

If you get a YE in a sales conversation, that nice! It means you have successfully closed the sales and get a commission. That literary means your product/services and your sales closing ability is perfect for particular clients.

Hell No

It is perfectly fine to get a NO. Then you need to know that you don’t have to waste time on such a client. One Cunny reason while most business count on low sales Jr because they spend time trying to convert a meaningless lead.

You have to be able to distinguish a perfect lead from a false one so as not to waste your time. There is a famous African saying that says. TIME NA MONEY. So use your time we’ll.

When you get a HELL NO. Fine. You can move up to the next prospect. Remember the SW formula. So if you waste your time on the false lead, keep I’m mind someone is waiting so long to buy.

A Lesson

That is when you know that you are probably not going to close the deal; in other words, you know they won’t buy from you.

That’s Okay.

But it is not over until you say it is over. You have to convert them, to make them want to buy.

Don’t just cut off the conversation. You ought to learn a lesson (Why this person doesn’t want to buy after showing interest).

Ask them questions like, So what do you want to do with your problem?

Just play along and have fun, go back to the NEEDS, test out your new marketing lines. Sometimes when trying to get a lesson for might get a HELL YES.

Question Format to Stun Your Client

This is what I am looking for in a client.

  • Viz
  • Viz
  • Viz

Is that you? Does that make sense to you? Are you comfortable with these terms?

If you are not that okay, it’s perfectly okay with me.

We can slow things down, with the time you can turn them from a LESSON to a yes.

A Summary Why People Don’t Buy From you

Knowing the facts and reasons why people don’t buy from you is a head start to rinse your sales closing strategy to offering something lite.

Give them so many reasons why they need to close the sale right away, until then you are going to keep asking your self this same question WHY PEOPLE DONG BUY FROM ME.

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