Myriads of college students would admit that college life does come with a whole lot of expenses. Besides setting aside funds for essentials such as tuition payment, college accommodation and purchase of textbooks, students try to make the most of “fun” college life. And for their dream of this fun life to come true, there’s no denying that college students need to spend more bucks.

Fun-loving college students might want to buy new smartphones and other gadgets, get themselves new sets of fancy clothes and set aside extra money for special outings. This is just why it’s hard to deny that many college students are interested in combining part-time jobs with their studies.

With that noted, it’s also hard to deny that college costs are generally expensive. Even if they wouldn’t like to engage in fund-gulping fun activities all through their college life, a typical college student might still need a part-time job.

What Are the 10 Best Part-Time Jobs for College Students?


It’s really great to have the feeling that you’d never go wrong with a babysitting job. Babysitting is, in fact, one of the easiest and most lucrative ways for college students to make money. Serving as a babysitter could just be the perfect fit for you especially if you live in a neighbourhood with families that always have to keep their babies at home while setting out to work.

Since you already have a knack, perhaps coupled with experience, for babysitting, all you need to get started is the ability to sell yourself as a babysitter. You’ll likely make success in this regard if you’ve had previous experience along with an impeccable reference.

Unlike other means of making money, babysitting, without doubt, doesn’t hamper your school work or schedules as working hours are mostly after school. Mind you, payment differs depending on how many children you’ll be babysitting, the working hours and sometimes the area of residence.


Looking for ways to earn money in college? Why not try tutoring?

As a college student with excellent academic standing, coupled with remarkable SAT/ACT performance, you could be a suitable tutor for college-bound students. Your job herein is to act as an ACT/SAT tutor delivering (probably weekend or after school) lessons to high school students that are preparing for college. If you think this is the right job for you, endeavour to check with various tutoring services in college for openings.

You can earn an hourly sum of $17.50 as a college student offering SAT/ACT tutorials.

Writing for Blogs

Most, if not all, students like to relax after school hours. This is why the students will, more often than not, indulge in reading the latest gossip –a habit that helps them stave off the boredom induced by prolonged classroom sessions.

If you have a knack for writing, writing for school magazines, blogs and vlogs could be the best way to create a source of side income that should cover part of your college expenses.

Various things happen within a school environment, meaning there is always something to write about while on campus. If you can leverage such happenings to fashion out stories that entertain students, you might successfully land an online writing job as perhaps a “campus gossip” writer.

Moreover, your job herein would likely appear flexible; you might be able to choose the time you deem comfortable for you to write.

Editorial Job

One area in which many students fail is writing unique and well-edited essays. They rather turn in the essays copied from the internet. If you are skilled in writing and proficient at editing, you can cash in on your skills while in college.

You should be ready to market yourself by informing prospective clients about your services via social media and school platforms (including online platforms and physical platforms).

Working as a Server

For such a long time, students –including those in college –have been taking to the tables at restaurants to earn extra cash. Not only do they get paid for their services, they also get ‘tipped’ by customers.

The downside to this job, however, is that it takes a toll on your legs. You may imagine having to walk around for hours while serving customers. Nonetheless, working as a server is probably ideal for college students since most serving jobs are rotational, and sometimes there might be free food for the servers.

Apparently, there’s an ever-increasing need for servers/waiters at restaurants. So, getting a part-time job as a restaurant server might not prove any difficult.

Working at a Coffee Shop

It’s very possible that you have heard stories of how some awful coffee completely ruined the start of a great day. If you’re really a crackerjack at making coffee, you can apply as a barista at a coffee shop. Quite frankly, you could “save” a lot of lives by doing just that.

It is quite easy to get a part-time job working as a barista because lots of college students are fond of taking coffee. While you could make reasonable cash while on this job, the best thing to consider is that the job wouldn’t interfere with your college schedule.

Working as a Caregiver

Another means of earning money as a college student is to work as a part-time home health aide. If you are pretty good at caregiving and have a particular soft spot for older citizens, you might want to consider working as a home health aide.

Undoubtedly, it takes to love and patience to provide care for these “special” people. The job of the home health aide could seem demanding, though it pays $14 per hour.

Working as a Brand Ambassador

If you are one of the outspoken and charismatic college students out there, you may be considered fit for the position of a brand ambassador.

There are different brands –including cosmetics brands, clothing brands and beverage companies –looking for students who can help promote their products. Working as a brand ambassador doesn’t negatively affect a student’s time schedule. It rather gives room for the student to combine a money-yielding opportunity with studies.

Although some students might not like being paid on the basis of commissions earned, working as a brand ambassador remains a safe and legit way to make money on campus. How about extra benefits such as the free products and the bonuses on sales?

Well, you might want to consider the “brand ambassador” route as your first choice when searching for part-time jobs.

Offering Counseling Services at a Summer Camp

Perhaps it’s summer time and the idea of having an activity-free holiday doesn’t seem appealing. Why don’t you work as a summer camp counselor?

Not only will you find it exciting, you’ll also get to make money. Sign up as a camp counselor in one of the summer camps around, and have fun while still imparting knowledge. As a camp counselor, you get paid $14 for an hour of your time.


Working as an Administrative Temp

Would you like to know how working ‘9-5’ feels?

Well, working as an administrative temp for a company or organization should give you a feel of that.

There are various available positions that you can fill as a temporary worker. You could become a temporary secretary, receptionist etc., when the need arises. Frankly, this kind of job hardly poses any hindrance to your college studies since you’ll likely take up the job during holidays.

According to the data generated from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you could earn up to $19 per hour while working as an administrative temp. With that noted, this job is also a great way to boost your CV beforehand especially if you’d like to take up an administrative job after finishing from college.



How Do Part-time Jobs Benefit College Students?

Part-time jobs are ideal for college students to take up because they offer a couple of benefits, though depending on the particular part-time job. Besides allowing you exposure to what the real-life workplace feels like, a part-time job could be the perfect avenue to earn decent side incomes that should cover certain college expenses.

Can College Students Find Online Part-time Jobs?

Yes, and more often than not, such remote jobs allow college students to conveniently combine their work and studies. For example, a college student could devote their free college hours to offering ACT/SAT tutorials online.

Also, college students who are excellent at writing, as well as those with profound editing skills, could work online as blog writers, admissions essay editors, etc. Depending on their area of strength or interest, a college student willing to work as an online writer might be tasked to be a general writer or niche-specific writer. The college student could as well write for an education-focused online platform that needs writers for topics on college prep, college life, acing college courses, and so on.

Can a Part-time Job Negatively Affect My College Studies?

The answer to this question could be “yes” or “no” depending on several factors, including your kind of student and the sort of part-time job you’re taking up. If you commit only a little time to your part-time job, you’ll likely have enough time for your college classes, assignments and so on. This way, the job might not leave any negative impact on your studies or overall performance in college.

At any given time, it’s up to you to choose only a part-time job that doesn’t interfere with your academic commitment as a college student. For example, it could be wise that you opt for a remote part-time job or choose the part-time job near your college and commit a few work hours to the job.


In terms of finances, part-time jobs could be a lifesaver for college students, but it’s advisable for students not to prioritize such jobs at the expense of their studies.

Rather than commit plenty of time to a job, endeavour to devise an ideal money-yielding activity for yourself while still devoting adequate time to your studies. Meanwhile, we’re hopeful that you can make success with at least one of our recommended 10 best part-time jobs for college students.

If there’s a question you’d like to ask about the best part-time jobs for college students, endeavour to state it in our comment section.

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