How To Know Your Genotype Without Blood Test

All over the world, people make a genotype test for many reasons. Some visit the hospitals and medical laboratories to know about their blood group, or to know if they are compatible with their fiance.

Genotype test gives you a lot of information about yourself, and it can provide you with details about your ancestral background and history, the features and traits of your family.

If you are considering how possible it is to find your genotype without visiting the hospital or clinic to do a blood test. It is possible for you to know your genotype without a blood test, read on to know how true it is.

What is the Genotype Test?

A genotype test is an examination of your genetic origin and makeup, and it provides you with valuable information about yourself, bloodline, and family history.

It is essential for you to know your genotype, not for knowing about your family background, but it also helps you to see the health issues and challenges faced by members of your family.

This can help you to prevent and fight deadly illnesses and sicknesses early.

You do not necessarily need to know the code of the entire genome, a few snippets of the code will be enough. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) parts are the snippets of a genome, the DNA makes us different from other people.

For example, they make some people dark-haired while others are blond-haired. Generic scientists have taken into cognizance the existence of over ten million different kinds of snippets; that is, there are over ten million differences in the genetic set all over the world, or even more.

Here is a chance for you to know the different types of genotype and also to learn to discover your genotype without doing a blood test.

Types of Genotype

A genotype is a carrier of all the genes in a cell, it is a group of organisms made up of the same genes. The world ‘Genotype’ is used to describe to genes that are passed on from ancestors to descendants.

Well, even when these organisms in the cell are composed have the same genotype, there are some differences. These differences make each person unique and different from another.

Each gene has its own genotypic environment where they interact with other genes. Genotypes are known by their way of interaction, they include:

  • Epistatic – they suppress the actions of other non-allelic genes.
  • Hypostatic – they are suppressed by allelic genes.
  • Pleiotropic – they affect the manifestation of some symptoms simultaneously.
  • Fatal – they reduce the embryo’s viability, oftentimes, they kill the embryos.
  • Sublethal – they are like the fatal genotypes, however, they can kill the embryo even before its reproductive period.
  • Modifiers – they can change the manifestation of other genes.
  • Mutators – these genotypes rapidly cause a change in the body signs and preferences of a person.

Asides from this, there are four genotypes which determine the trait of a person, they are: AA, AS, AC, and SS. Anyone with the SS genotype will have a sickle cell crisis like anemia, therefore, it is pertinent for you to check your genotype and that of your fiance before tying the knot.

Genotype Compatibility Chart

SS + SS = SS, SS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

AA + AA = AA, AA, AA, AA (Excellent)
AS + AC = AA, AC, AS,SS. (Bad; seek counsel)

AA + SS = AS, AS, AS, AS, (Fair)

AS + AS = AA, AS, AS, SS, (Very Bad)
AA + AS = AA, AS, AA, AS, (Good)
AC + AC = AA, AC, AC, SS. ( Bad;Seek counsel)
AA + AC = AA, AA, AA, AC. (Good)

AC + SS = AS, AS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)
AS + SS = AS, SS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

A lot of people care less about checking their genotype before going into marriage, consequently, they may end up producing children with sickle-cell anemia.

Genotype VS. Phenotype

  • The genotype is the set of genes in the DNA of an organism that made up the traits.
  • Phenotype is a combination of the traits or features found by the organism. This term covers the physical and morphological shape of the organism, its processes of development, its pharmacological and physiological properties.

Sickle Cell Genotype

A gene mutation of the red blood cells that makes them shaped like a crescent moon causes sickle cell anemia.

It means that the disease can only occur if both parents pass genes to the child. It is said that a child with only one gene has sickle cell traits.

Four of the most common types of sickle cell diseases are Hemoglobin S, Hemoglobin SB 0 thalassemia caused by the beta-globin gene, Hemoglobin SB+ thalassemia, and Hemoglobin SC.

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