Signs You May Have Been Hacked!

Signs You May Have Been Hacked!

There is no denying that hacking has become very rampant since the internet came to existence. Hacking has even become an occupation for some and a way of life. The internet is a risky place to do almost anything right now! You may think you are safe on the internet by taking some very little precautions, such as adding numbers and symbols to your confidential information but are you safe?
We have so many risky habits that we practice on the internet without even thinking about precautions or consequences, we do not understand that we do not do EVERYTHING we see on the internet, we do not click every ad, Download every song or app! Here are some signs that you may be hacked and you may not know!
→Here is how to How to Protect Your MacBook from Malware and Viruses



Before you read this, take caution that any sign you see here, are definite signs that you have been hacked. Try to restore your system immediately and take the necessary precautions as soon as possible.

1. You get a ransomware message

The most glaring sign that you have been hacked is seeing a message and a sudden screen lock, asking for money to release your encrypted important data to you. For most organizations and individuals, it is one of the most horrible things to experience. Ransomware is one of the ways hackers make a lot of money.
Millions and Billions of naira and dollars are being lost to ransomware attacks frequently. Small businesses, large businesses, hospitals, police stations, and entire cities are being heavily affected by ransomware. About 60 to 70 percent of the victims pay the ransom, with the hope that their data will be restored to them, sadly, that isn’t always the case.


2. You receive fake antivirus messages

This probably happens to us 90 percent of the time, we see a popup message telling us our computer or mobile phone is infected! This is also a significant sign. In this case, two things have occurred your system has been hacked, or your system has only been compromised within the arena of the pop-up message.
In the latter case,Your internet searches are frequently redirected.
Redirecting your browser somewhere you don’t want to go or to somewhere you did not even click is a sign that you have been hacked.
It is a means for the hacker to cover their steps and also to get them paid. You can often spot this type of malware by typing a few related, very common words (for example, “music” or “games”) into Internet search engines and checking to see whether the same websites appear in the results, it is not a surprise almost always there appears to be relevant to your terms.


3.You see frequent, random popups

You know you have been hacked when you start seeing notifications from websites that normally should not send such notifications. It becomes highly persistent, what you should do is act on that sign as soon as possible. It poses a dangerous threat to your system.


4.Your online account is missing money

Most of the time when we see this, we know there is something wrong. Hackers do not take a small amount of money, they like to take almost everything! Once the money in significant amounts begins to leave your account, you know you have been hacked.
The news keeps getting worse because it won’t stop there. It will continue on a larger scale! Do not allow hackers to take all you have, protect your online accounts!
Now that you know the signs, have you ever noticed any of these signs as you surf the internet? If you have immediately after you read this post, take the necessary precautions, protect your confidential information at all costs. Most importantly, prevention is better than cure.
Do not click on every ad you see, do not download from every site you come across, most of them are click-baits! Verify your websites as you surf the internet! Do not forget to step up your passwords, do not use easy and guessable passwords!
Make sure you surf the internet safely and wisely!


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