What is Diy Skincare?

DIY is fully called Do it yourself, it’s a means of producing stuffs on your own. Diy skincare is a process by which skincare products are being produced by individuals at home, which can also be called homemade.

Skincare Products can be produced at home, by properly mixing some Natural skincare ingredients in their right proportions and measurement. Although not all skincare products can be Produced at home by individuals, some needs a careful Production method by well trained scientists and dermatologists. Example: Skincare Products like Tretinion, and retinol.

But, one can produce some skincare products on his/her own only if he or she undergoes a good skincare training which should be handled by skincare professionals. Skincare Products such as glowing soap, lightening soap, whitening soap, moisturizing soap, anti aging soap, anti-bacterial soap, lightening creams and Lotions, deep moisturizing Lotions and creams, body butters, hair creams, and many more.

It only takes a good and well trained personnel, to know how to produce all these skincare products, ofcourse you can’t produce any of the skincare products meantioned above if you haven’t fully acquired the knowledge. That’s why before you should venture into diy skincare business, you should do well to undergo a full course skincare training, it’s very important.

This skincare training teaches you how to make varieties of skincare Products ranging from creams, Lotions, Oils, and soaps, you’ll also get to learn how to mix them in their appropriate proportions and measurements to avoid making a mess.

Why Should I Venture Into Diy Skincare Business?

Skincare business is a very lucrative one, that can fetch your lots of revenues if only you know what you’re doing. Although it’s very competitive, we have lots of DIY skincare professionals out there selling and Advertising their products, but with good marketing techniques and approach you can beat your competitors.

Before Venturing into Diy Skincare business you have to have a passion for it, you have to have this special interest in skincare. This is because it takes alot of time and patience to learn how to make some Diy skincare products, but when you finally learn how to properly formulate them, there comes your fortune. Alot of Diy skincare professionals into the business are really making it big, producing rages of skincare products to their customers satisfaction.

The two main keys to succeed in Diy skincare business is being well trained in the field, and satisfying your customers needs. This two concepts are very important. When you’re well trained you have in the field, you have every advantage to beat your competitors by manufacturing well formulated skincare products, which satisfies your customers wants and needs, by so doing you’re creating a name and a good reputation for your brand which will fetch you more revenue in return.

You’re customers satisfaction Should be your utmost conern, of course they are the one that brings the revenue, so why not treat them like Kings and queens?. Ensure you ask them properly on what skincare products they need before issuing out any of your products to them, also ensure to give them guides on how to properly use the products. Example: Exfoliating the skin before using the Diy skincare Lotion, moisturizing the skin after using the skincare products or using sunscreen when using the skincare products.

In summary

Skincare business is the real deal, it can fetch you thousands of naira and dollars, if only the products are well formulated and produced, that’s why it’s very important you’re well trained in the field with an issued license or documents.

How Do I Start My Diy Skincare Business?

Well, as an individual new to the business, you have to start in a low scale then work yourself up. You can just start with the easiest less cost skincare productions such as making of Diy skincare soaps and Scrubs. Follow the links below to learn how to make some Diy skincare soaps and Scrubs.

The above mentioned skincare products are easy and less expensive to formulate. Then you can expand more with the profit generated from the skincare soaps and scrubs to making of lotions and creams.

And creams. Follow the link below to learn how to make some skincare lotions and creams

Note: You should be careful in formulation of skincare products, because their are some skincare ingredients that don’t go together or can’t be mixed together, it’s either one cancels the other rendering it useless or ineffective or it can be harmful to the skin, doing the skin more good than harm. You can learn more on some skincare Ingredients you shouldn’t use together.

Equipments You Need For The Diy Skincare Business.

As an individual new into the business, you just need few necessary equipment such as:

A big mixing bowl: For your skincare mixings

An Electric or hand mixer: For properly mixing your skincare Ingredients to ensure proper blending and mixing.

A measurement machine: For measuring your diy skincare mixures.

A measurement cup: For appropriate proportion and measurements of your skincare mixures.

A small funnel: This enables you pour your skincare mixures into their containers.

Crock pot: For melting skincare powders using double method


What Should be My Budget?

In production of skincare products such as soaps and scrubs you can Start up with 50 thousand naira, $139.07. This should cover up the ingredients to be used in producing the soaps and scrubs and the container to be used in packaging the soaps and scrubs

For production of Lotions and creams a minimum amount of 100 thousand naira ($278.14) Should be ok. This will cover up ingredients for the production and containers used in packaging your products.

Also ensure you create a good brand label and logo, this will beautiful your products and make it look more attractive. You can contact a good graphic designer to help you with that.

Note: Whatever you do, try to avoid making your products packaging look local, this may scare customers away. Do your best to make your products packaging looks advanced, and beautiful, that doesn’t mean you should go for very expensive containers or bottles to package your products, try to create a beautiful brand labels for your products. With a good brand labeling and packaging I think you’re good to go. Remember, a good product packaging attracts customers.

How Do I Fix A Price For My Diy Skincare Products?

This question is always asked by young entrepreneurs, but the truth is, their isn’t any set of formula for this calculation. But the best step to undergo to enable you fix an appropriate price for your products is calculating the total costs in manufacturing your skincare products. Ofcourse every entrepreneur’s aim is to make profit.

Expenses fall into three categories: materials, labor, and overhead. Add these together, and you’ll arrive at an accurate figure for your total cost of output. And this will enable fix an appropriate price for your product to cover up your expenses and make profit.


This is the raw materials (ingredients) used in the production or manufacturing of your skincare products.
For Example: You’re making a Diy moisturizing soap, you materials (ingredients) includes glycerin, cucumber juice extract, powderd milk.(cow or goat milk), aleo Vera gel, raw organic honey, etc.


This consists of all physical man power involved in the production of the product.

For example: if you hire someone who adds value to your business, that person becomes part of your labor calculation.


This consists of all the expenses that wasn’t covered in materials and labour. This expenditures could either be fixed or variable.

Fixed overhead cost: These are costs one must pay every month no matter the situation of the company red or black, the month remains constant every month. Example: Tax.

Variable overhead: These expenses vary month to month, and depend on factors like seasonal change and fluctuations in profit.

In Conclusion

Diy Skincare business is literally a lucrative one, which generates lots of revenues to entrepreneurs. It’s advised you under go full course training to acquire full knowledge about how to formulate some skincare products. And always remember the main feature to a successful business is keeping a good relationship with your customers or consumer, and satisfy their needs and wants.

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