Year in and year out, we get to see new ideas for making money online. While some of these money-making ideas tend to work, others sometimes appear counterproductive.

Nevertheless, making money online is true to life and given that you have all that a particular online money-making idea requires, you’re very likely to carve out a fortune from it.

Ranging from freelancing to social media marketing, money-making ideas abound on the Internet and as such, it’s left to every Tom, Dick and Harry to find out the online jobs that fit their strengths.

Whether you’re looking for a side business or willing to lay your hands on a full-time lucrative job, chances are that there’s a suitable online money-making idea for you.

With a new year around the corner, it would be fascinating if we take a look at the Top 10 Amazing Ways to Make Money Online in 2023.


How to Start a Blog and Make Money in 2023 ($1000 TO $5000 Monthly)

1. Becoming an Instagram Influencer

If you’re a staunch Instagram user with a huge following, this is perhaps your best bet for making money online without any prior monetary investment. Put simply, an Instagram influencer is a great personality who happens to have garnered a mouthwatering Instagram audience possibly through their field of endeavour. Such a personality could be a world-famous athlete, celebrity, musician, etc.

Needless to say, celebrities have a great shot at becoming Instagram influencers. However, this doesn’t mean that you must be a celebrity before you’re able to make yourself into an Instagram influencer. Quite frankly, there are non-celebrity Instagram influencers who probably carved out success through building a strong following.

Once you’ve built and maintained a huge Instagram following, you can tap into the idea of making money with Instagram by courting the attention of brands that would like to pay you for helping them sell ads, create sponsored posts, etc.

2. Running a YouTube Channel

If you’ll ever consider making money through online videos that people can download, YouTube is likely the best social media platform for you.

Of course, starting and growing a YouTube channel demands a great deal of dedication, skill and patience but you’re certain to begin making money after having garnered a huge subscriber base.

For a profitable YouTube channel, one great tip you should bear in mind is that majority of YouTube subscribers prioritize value-added content. This value-added content may be seen as comedy skits, product reviews, academic tutorials, etc., that will either educate or entertain the subscribers.

Advisably, you should stick to a specific niche rather than creating videos that cut across differing niches. Zeroing in your effort on a single niche helps you create a huge following of loyal subscribers in the long run.

3. Ebook Publishing

Ebook publishing is really an exciting way to make money online. Whether you’ll write the books by yourself or hire a writer to do so, there are chances that Amazon KDP is your best bet for making success with ebook publishing.

While ebook publishing helps you rake in money quickly, it does require a number of inputs notably the ebook writing, the ebook cover design and the ebook formatting. If you can’t bear the rigour of doing all that or seem not to have the requisite skills, you should be ready to engage the services of an ebook writer, a graphics designer (for the ebook cover design) and somebody to help with the ebook formatting.

4. Freelancing

Having to deal with the daily routine of travelling to and from your workplace might seem tiring at some point. While you might want to save yourself all the stress by transitioning to working online, freelancing could be your best bet.

Of course, you can opt to offer your normal services via popular freelance platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr. As a freelancer willing to render their service online, you could leverage any of the listed platforms to draw people’s attention to your services.

Making success with freelancing demands some marketing as you’ll need to have an online profile on your chosen freelance site. You shouldn’t ignore sprucing up this online profile with details that reflect your professionalism. Prettily, having an eye-catching profile with evidence of a remarkable track record tends to convince potential clients about your expertise.

5. Online Writing

Online writing does guarantee you the likelihood of making money on a continual basis. This is because the explosive growth of content marketing, on one hand, creates employment opportunities for content writers and on the other hand, the ever-increasing number of blogs and websites means expert content writers will always land jobs.

Importantly, making success with online writing requires you to have perfected your writing skill in a particular niche. This is because brands and other employers will not only require relevant samples from you but also expect traces of professionalism to reflect in your writing samples.

If you’re really bent on making money through online writing, do well to have a specific area of interest and devote ample effort to perfecting your writing skill in that area. Rather than trying to be an all-rounder writer, you should stick to a specific aspect of writing. This way, you can better tailor your expertise to the needs of your potential employers.

6. Online Tutoring

If you’re exceptionally knowledgeable in a particular academic field, you could translate your wealth of knowledge into an income stream. Frankly, you can leverage the idea of online tutoring to make cool money.

Compared to face-to-face tutoring within classrooms, online tutoring saves you a lot of stress while still helping you monetize your knowledge. But if you must win over the attention of potential students, you really need to network with other online tutors, identify how to get across to your probable clients and make good use of word of mouth to tell what you can offer.

To better prove your proficiency to potential clients, endeavour to have a degree in your chosen academic field.

7.TikTok Consultancy

TikTok has gained dramatic momentum, making it a widely admired platform for sharing short videos. If you’re damn skilled at making awesome short videos, you could monetize your skill by selling ideas to brands.

Simply put, being a TikTok consultant requires you to sell ideas to brands concerning how to make engaging content such as killer bios and creative videos. Importantly, you must be able to craft ideas for videos that will not only get in front of a huge audience quickly but also keep the audience glued to a particular brand.

Through the idea of TikTok consultancy, you’re helping a brand with content that should augment the brand’s awareness, and boost its reach and audience engagement.

8. Sale of Domain Names

Buying and reselling domain names might not seem to you an idea many people have tapped into. While it’s favourably competitive, however, it does offer you the opportunity of making cool bucks. Prettily, this idea of making money entails buying a good deal of high-demand domain names and reselling them at higher prices.

If you’re bent on this idea, you can learn more about selling domain names by visiting this site Domain Auction. By reviewing the domains on the site, you’ll gain insight into the kinds of domains in high demand. This way, you stand to have a real shot at buying domains that you can easily resell at higher prices.

While this idea of making money revolves around buying and reselling domains, you can easily figure out what domains are up for sale via Shopify domain registration.

During your search for sellable domains on Domain Auction by GoDaddy, you should zoom in attention on the domains with the most bids.

9. Website/Software/App Review

Do you know some people get paid for reviewing apps and/or websites?

If you feel you can comfortably devote time to helping people review newly launched websites or apps, this idea might be the perfect match for you.

Notably, a site like a User Testing rewards people for giving their opinions and recommendations about new apps or websites. Precisely, the site provides you with a series of questions which you’re expected to attempt.

You’ll be required to test new apps or websites and give feedback about the apps/websites. Your feedback should include an honest presentation of your experience (testing the site), your opinion(s) and your suggestion(s) to clients.

Meanwhile, you’ll have to communicate your experience (of any reviewed website/app) in a 20-minute video. On one hand, this idea requires you to always look out for newly added websites/apps and on the other hand, you need to quickly test your chosen app/website as there’s competition on the site.

For every 20-minute video, User Testing pays you $10, meaning that you can earn $60 after making 6 videos.

10. Creating and Selling Online Courses

This, obviously, is one great way for you to make money online if you’ve got expertise in a specific area of knowledge which is in high demand. For this idea to work, it is important that you know how to create a sellable online course in your field of expertise. Also important is selling the course on a profitable platform such as Udemy.

Advisably, conduct proper research on the Udemy courses related to your area of knowledge. While identifying user reviews of the courses, zoom in attention on the complaints or observable shortcomings highlighted by users. This way, you’ll gain insight into what you should do to make your proposed online course an improved version of the relevant existing courses.


Making money online is very realistic but oftentimes, you need to assess your skillset so that you can have a clear picture of how to monetize your proficiency through the Internet.


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