For 13-year-olds with exceptional skills or the ability to help others carry out tasks for which they’d be willing to pay, there’s no denying that lots of lucrative avenues can be explored.

If you’re a 13-year-old kid who is keen to explore these lucrative avenues, you might want to find out the common jobs considered ideal for early teens.

Thankfully, here are the 18 best jobs for 13-year-olds to make money in 2023:

House Cleaning

This position is one of the ideal ways 13-year-olds can make money for themselves. When approached in the right manner, this position appears neither strenuous nor dangerous for early teenagers.

As a 13-year-old who’s excellent at house chores, you could offer to help relatives, neighbors, etc., clean their homes in return for some bucks. Depending on the demand of your potential clients as well as your own daily schedules, it may be ideal that you offer your house cleaning services daily or only on weekends.


Everyone with a soft spot for babies could be excellent at babysitting. 13-year-olds who have long developed affection for babies can leverage this to work as babysitters.

While lots of parents do require other people’s assistance for their babies, the good thing here is that it’s an opportunity for you to get paid provided you can devote time to caring for babies.

For teenagers, including 13 year olds, the prospect of being hired to babysit is pretty high. Neighbors and relatives may, in fact, hire you in this regard.

Dog Walking

As teens who love babies tend to excel at babysitting, so will 13 year olds with a soft spot for animals likely excel at dog walking.

The idea of making money with one’s hobby is really great. If dog walking has always been your pastime, this could be the time to make money off it. Dog walking is an activity you can engage in during school breaks and even on school days, probably after the close of school activities.

As a dog walker, you can offer your services at just anytime of the year. It’s up to you to connect with the dog owners in your neighborhood and see if they need you to walk their dogs each time they are at work.

Pet Sitting

Whether the goal is to work in all seasons of the year or only during summer, pet sitting is one of the best positions for early teens. The love for pets as well as readiness to care for them is all you need to excel as a pet sitter.

While a 13-year-old kid is likely to excel in this position, one thing to be excited about is that lots of pet owners barely have enough time for their pets. To avoid leaving a vacuum, with regard to the care of their pets, such pet owners opt to hire pet sitters.

During summer and even any season of the year, you can work as a pet sitter and rake in decent money.

Car Washing

Teenagers –including 13 year olds –who have mastered the act of cleaning the home might actually excel as car washers.

While building a friendly relationship is necessary for excelling at this job, a young teenager looking to succeed at car washing should be ready to build and maintain a client list.

13 year olds interested in getting paid to wash cars may be hired at a car washing station. At other instances, they may have to visit clients’ homes to render their car-washing services.


Inasmuch as you’d like to be paid for making others laugh or feel entertained, you definitely have what it takes to work as a mascot.

Like other mascots, teen mascots may be stationed at entertainment scenes, sports centers, etc., where they appear in costume and probably with some inscriptions on their bodies.

A cheerful and hilarious 13 year old could be a perfect fit for the position of a teen mascot.


Bike Mechanic

Have you got the skill to fix up faulty bikes? Would you like to make money helping others with their bike repairs?

Well, as a teen with the requisite skill and the tools for fixing up bikes, you shouldn’t shy away from helping others repair their bikes. You could be hired to repair the bikes of your neighbors’ kids.

If you’re keen to work as a bike mechanic, endeavor to master the techniques for bike disassembling, bike repair, bike part replacement, etc.

Tech Guru

There’s bound to be employment for tech gurus because it’s just not everyone who is tech-savvy. Techy teens, including 13 year olds, can opt to help people with their tech-related issues, decision making, etc., in return for a couple of bucks.

If you’d like to work in this capacity, you need to be conversant with smartphones, computers, software update, etc. Your clients might be old persons, or some non-techy individuals, who need help setting up their new computers with specific software or fixing certain computer issues.

Working as a guru is pretty rewarding, and your clientele could be a long list of individuals including neighbors and relatives.

Lesson Assistant

While this position appears considerably specific, it’s one of the ideal positions for 13 year olds who are excellent at playing various musical instruments. It’s also a great fit for teens who can dance or sing.

As a lesson assistant, your job is to partner with a teacher or an instructor who needs you to demonstrate what they are teaching others. For example, a lesson assistant attached to a music teacher should be able to practically demonstrate –probably by singing in front of learners –what the teacher is teaching the learners.

Newspaper Deliverer

Working as a newspaper deliverer has a peculiar advantage in the sense that it may be easily combined with your other daily schedules.

As a newspaper deliverer, you’ll most likely be required to deliverer newspapers to customers early in the morning. Teenagers –including 13 year olds –who don’t want to take up jobs that are most likely to interfere with their busy schedules shouldn’t shy away from this job.

Making money is a feat 13 year olds can achieve conveniently without having to do away with other important daily activities. Interestingly, working as a newspaper deliverer is one of the ways early teenagers can achieve this feat.


If you’re a 13 year old who pays attention to instructions or who has a knack for painting, you could be considered fit for minor painting tasks. All you need on the job is good knowledge of how to handle rollers and other implements used by painters.

While early teens may have to work under the supervision of an adult painter, they’ll definitely not be expected to handle rigorous painting or paint the top of high walls.

A 13 year old who’s already good at handling rollers and paint brushes should be able to paint low fences, sheds, etc.

Selling Photos Online

Even without using a regular camera, a 13 year old with the right photographic skills might perform wonders with their smartphone camera.

Inasmuch as photography is an exciting activity to engage in, you’ll not only make money as a teen photographer but also find fulfilment in churning out premium photographs.

There are tons of stock photo platforms and sites out there where you can trade your excellent photographs for money. If you feel this is the right way for you to make money as a teenager, you should be ready to learn about the kinds of photos that interest stock websites and other platforms where photographers sell their works.


A 13-year-old tutor isn’t expected to earn as much as the adult tutor earns –even as this is the case across all professions –there’s no denying that teen tutors earn pretty well.

Teenagers, including 13 year olds, who are damn good at imparting knowledge to preschoolers, toddlers, etc., can leverage this ability to reel in money. Such teenagers may also cash in on offering tutoring services to their colleagues, especially in subjects that appear technical or complex.

Snow Shoveling

Though it’s not every region that experiences snowstorms, it still can’t be gainsaid that snow shoveling is an ideal way for teenagers to make money.

13 year olds and other teenagers in the Midwest of the US and other snow-prone regions can take advantage of this to make money. This is so because there are probably going to be some neighbors who are too old to muster the strength to shovel off snow by themselves.

Rather than hire a company in this regard, your old neighbors might be willing to have you handle their snow shoveling.


There are 13-year-olds who love around-the-garden tasks such as watering the lawn and clearing out weed. A lot of homeowners barely have the time to do these tasks by themselves, and so they are willing to pay others to carry out the tasks on their behalf.

Teenagers with prior experience of gardening can take advantage of some homeowners’ busyness to land themselves jobs as teen gardeners. You definitely can’t expect to be paid what the professional gardener would charge, but you’ll likely be rewarded well for your service as a teen gardener.


Are you good at caring for the elderly? Would you like to do domestic chores for an elderly person?

You’ll definitely make decent money as a teenager who is hell bent on monetizing their caregiving skills. Many people are willing to hire young caregivers for their elderly parents, and teenagers are hardly exempted from the pool of prospective employees.

Rendering assistance to elderly people can be quite demanding, but with a good deal of stamina, preparedness and caregiving ability under their belt, 13-year-olds will likely do well in this regard.

Teen caregivers may be required to perform different tasks ranging from cooking down to home cleaning and grocery shopping.

Lawn Mowing

If you have prior experience mowing lawns, all you need –to render lawn mowing services –is to equip yourself with the requisite tools.

While you might choose to work only on weekends, one good thing about lawn mowing is that it’s one of the ideal summer jobs for teenagers. Frankly, you could cash in on your summer break from school to rake in a pretty amount of bucks.

Depending on the size of the lawn they’re hired to mow, early teens might be able to charge clients a couple of dollars per hour. If you’re in the position to set a price, do well to factor in whether you’d have to provide the lawn mowing equipment or the client already has it.

Selling Artworks

When it comes to selling artworks, there’s just no fixed rate for the artist to deal with. Artists are free to set the prices they deem worthy for their artworks. Teenagers looking to sell artworks can therefore make a good deal of dollars.

13-year-olds who are really skilled at making pottery, paintings, etc., can turn their craftiness into money. Like any other artist, the teen artist is bound to get a worthy amount of money in return for an artwork sold.



Can 13-Year-Olds Work?

Under strict legal circumstances, we might want to argue that 13-year-olds are not permitted to work. But like the other teens, 13-year-olds might be able to work under various circumstances and provided that they are not exposed to risks. Side gigs are some of the jobs 13-year-olds can safely engage in.

If you must work as a 13-year-old, what you should know is that in a school week, you’re not expected to work for more than 12 hours. Also in a non-school week, you’re not expected to work beyond 25 hours.

Moreover, working 13-year-olds should be permitted a minimum of one-hour rest for every four hours they have worked.

What Is the Highest-paying Job for 13-Year-Olds?

Even though it’s a general reality that minors shouldn’t expect to earn as much as adults earn while taking up the same job, there are a handful of jobs with which early teenagers can make decent money.

As for the highest-paying job a 13-year-old can do, we can’t categorically single out an option from the listed jobs. However, we’re of the opinion that selling artworks could be the most lucrative way for 13-year-olds to make money. This is because a 13-year-old artist may expect to earn lots of dollars for their artwork, though depending on the overall quality of the materials used and the artistic ingenuity infused into the artwork.

How Much Can a Working 13-Year-Old Earn Hourly?

What the working 13-year-old should be entitled to as hourly pay may depend on several factors, including the job type. While some working 13-year-olds may earn between $8 and $17 hourly, others could earn between $15 and $20 hourly.



At this juncture, we hope you’ve found out some of the (side) jobs through which 13-year-olds can make money. If you’re a 13-year-old or have a 13-year-old child, you’ll likely agree that this post has opened your eyes to the reality that there are lots of ideal jobs that early teens can engage in.

And for each of the listed jobs engaged in, 13-year-olds have the likelihood of reeling in decent amounts of money.




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