Exfoliating your skin should be one of your main Skincare regime you should undertake.

In fact, exfoliating your skin should be your number one skincare priority before further using other skincare products on your skin.

What Is Exfoliating?

Exfoliating the skin is a process of getting rid of the impurities, dead skin cells and other environmental factors clogging the skin pores.

It’s a process of cleansing the skin pores, making it free from impurities and dead skin cells that clogs the skin pores.

Why Is Exfoliating The Skin So Important?

Asking why exfoliating the skin is so important? I’ll tell you why. Exfoliating your skin creates way for your skincare products to sink in deep into the skin layer to do it’s work effectively and perfectly.

Due to our daily activities, our skin tends to be exposed to some harmful environmental factors, which may block your skin pores (little holes on the skin), thereby making it difficult for skincare products to penetrate deep into their skin to do their work.

The skin also sheds dead skin cells, which sticks unto your skin top layer, as a result of this block the skin pores, making it difficult for your skincare products to sink in when applied, and as a result of this, you may not be getting full positive results from your skincare product if you don’t exfoliate.

Exfoliating your skin really matters, it’s a very important role your should undertake if you really want to achieve your skin goals.

Infact, without proper skin exfoliation, you’re definitely wasting your time and may likely not achieve your skin goals. Why is this?.

I’ll give you an example. Take for instance you’re washing the dishes in the kitchen sink and some food particles happens to block the sink hole (where water do pass through).

What happens next?, Of course the water will stagnantly remain in the sink until you get rid of the food particles blocking the sink hole. And when you do that what happens next?. The water sinks in freely.

That’s exactly how it applies on your skin. The sink holes is considered to be your skin pores, while the water in the sink is considered to be your skincare products and the food particles blocking the sink holes is considered as the impurities.

When you don’t get rid of the food particles blocking the kitchen sink hole, then the water won’t sink in, it will continue to remain on the sink surface till the water passage is free for it to flow in.

Same applies to our skin, when your skin pores are blocked by impurities, your skin care products has been denied it’s entrance passage. This will deny it from penetrating into the skin to do it’s work.

But in a situation whereby the food particles in the kitchen sink are removed, then water flows in freely. Same applies to our skin, when the skin is well exfoliated and free from impurities, Skincare products penetrates deep into the skin to do their work. You can read reasons why your skincare products doesn’t work on your skin.

How Can I Exfoliate My Skin.?

There are so many skincare ingredients that can help exfoliate your skin.

There are three method of skincare exfoliation. They are:

  • Chemical Exfoliating Method
  • Retinoids Exfoliating Method
  • Manual Exfoliating Method

Chemical Exfoliating Method

This is an exfoliating method, which is been done with chemical exfoliating ingredients such as, Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), BHA. TCA peels. Etc.

This chemical ingredients are used with caution and under the care of a professional.

Chemical skin exfoliators gets rid of dead skin cells on skin by peeling off the top layer of the skin. You’ll definitely see your skin shedding layers.

Scary right? But don’t worry, there is no harm done. If chemical peels are undergone properly and in accordance to directions, then you’ll definitely achieve a successfully result.

Chemical peels are mostly used on the toughest areas of the skin, such as the knee area, the eblows, and knuckles.

These areas are tough, and may not yeild any positive result when you apply your skincare products on the areas meantioned without exfoliating.

Note: Consult your dermatologist before undergoing any chemical peel. Don’t use chemical peels on your own if you don’t know how to use it. The impact can be disastrous if not used properly.

And also ensure to adequately use a moisturizer on your skin after applying any chemical peeling or exfoliating products.

Retinoids Exfoliating Method

Retinoids are group of compounds that are derived from vitamin A.
Retinoids exfoliating ingredients comprises of the use of tretinion and retinol for exfoliation.


Tretinion is a powerful skincare ingredient, a synthetic form of vitamin A which battles acne, (pimples), Stretch Marks, smoothens and firms the skin elasticity, exfoliates the skin pores and gets rid of dead skin cells. You can learn more about Tretinion.

Tretinion comes in 3 percentage/strength,

  • 0.025%, (lowest)
  • 0.05 (Medium)
  • 0.1% (strongest).

Tretinion works just like chemical exfoliating product, but it’s more mild compared to them. Tretinion gets rid of dead skin cells, you’ll definitely see flakes of dead skin cells peeling off on your skin, that’s Tretinion doing it’s work.

It’s also interesting to let you know that tretinion is an anti-aging ingredient which smoothens and firms the skin, by increasing the production of collagen in the skin which is responsible for skin elasticity. You can read my Anti-aging skincare regime and how I use them.

Note: Ensure to use a moisturizer after applying tretinion.


Retinol is also a family of retiniods, but weaker than tretinion, it works slowly, but definitely does the job.

Retinol, a natural form of vitamin A, and an Anti-aging ingredients, clears the skin pores of impurities, it aids your skin care products penetrate better into the skin. It also smoothens and firm the skin by increasing the collagen production level in the skin.

Retinol is mainly used by individuals whom their skin couldn’t handle tretinion. Example: Individuals with sensitive skin.

But with proper application and adequate moisturizing, even a sensitive skin can handle tretinion.

What’s The Difference Between Tretinion and Retinol?

When Tretinion is applied on the skin, it directly affects the skin. Because you don’t have to wait for the skin to convert it, tretinion works faster and is more powerful than retinol products.
You’re likely to see results within 2-3 weeks

Retinol itself doesn’t actually affect the skin directly. Enzymes within the skin first must convert retinol into retinoic acid. It’s only when it is converted to retinoic acid that it becomes effective. The conversion may take a longer time ranging from 3-4 months.

Manual Exfoliating Method

This method comprises of exfoliating the skin with Scrubs, exfoliating sponges, brushes, gloves and foams.

Manual exfoliating is a process of applying a gentle scrub on the skin, and rub it around your skin in a circular motion for some minutes.


Manual exfoliating ingredients normally has rough edges, same goes to exfoliating products too, which enables them properly exfoliate your skin by getting rid of dead skin cells at the top layer of your skin. You can read how to make a diy pores cleansing scrub.

Some Easy Diy Scrubs To Make At Home for Exfoliating The Skin.
  • Granulated Sugar + Lemon juice – Make a mixture of powdered or granulated White or brown sugar with lemon juice to make a thick paste. Apply on your skin and use your hands to rub it in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes, then leave on the skin for 1-2 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. You can put on an exfoliating gloves while rubbing the mixure around your skin.
  • Honey + Brown Sugar – Make a thick mixture of honey and granulated sugar. You can add any essential oil of your choice (optional). Apply the mixure on your skin using your hands to rub it in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes, then leave on the skin for 1-2 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  • Baking soda + Lemon juice + Honey-Make a thick mixture of baking soda, honey and lemon juice Apply this mixure on your skin. Rub the mixture in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes, leave mixure on the for 1-2 minutes, then wash with warm water.
  • Coffee + Oil Scrub – Make a mixture of coffee grounds and any favourite oil of your choice. (jojoba, olive, or rosehip). Apply this mixure on your skin. Rub the mixture in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes, leave mixure on the for 1-2 minutes, then wash with warm water.

In Conclusion.

Exfoliating the skin is a very vital key to achieving your skin goals. Exfoliating is just like creating a gateway for your skincare products to sink into the skin to enable them work effectively.

Note: Ensure to use moisturizers after exfoliating your skin, it’s very important.

Moisturizing your skin after exfoliating, helps balance your skin pH level and prevents your skin from drying out to avoid skin breakouts such as acne (pimples), rashes, and other horrible skin reactions.

Don’t apply exfoliating products such as retiniods (Tretinion & Retinol) and peels on your skin while walking under sun, to avoid severe sun damage.

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