Top 10 Largest Countries in the World 2021 (By land Area & Population)

The planet has 195 countries with diverse cultures from different nations. Some countries are somewhat very impressive in their land mass.

Largest Countries in the World

The largest states are available on all continents of the Earth. We have baswed our ranking of the largest countries in the world on:

  • Land Mass
  • Total number of citizens and
  • Population density.

1. Algeria

The area of the African state is 2,381,740 square pieces. Km. It is one of the top ten largest nations in the world and is the largest in Africa. Algeria is home to 39.54 million people. The largest city is the capital.

About 80% of the area was occupied by sandy and rocky areas of the Sahara desert. The temperature in summer rises to 50 degrees. Winters in Algeria are rainy and warm. A large number of oil and gas fields are concentrated in the territory of the state.

The largest salt lake in Algeria is called Schott-Melgir. In winter, the reservoir reaches a maximum width of 130 km, and in summer dries up and forms a site with salted soil.

2. Kazakhstan

Area – 2,724,902 sq. m. Km. It is the fourth largest country in Asia and the ninth in the world. Most of Kazakhstan belongs to Asia. The capital is Astana. There are 18,395,660 people living in 3 time zones. Local people honor traditions and know their pedigree well.

The country has a sharp-continental climate. The temperature maximum in summer is 50 degrees, and in winter thermometers drop to -58 degrees. It is home to the semi-presbysy Lake Balkhash. The water is notable for the fact that the western part of it is fresh, and the eastern part – with salt water. This effect is achieved by the strait separating the body of water.

3. Argentina

The state has an area of 2,766,890 square meters. Km. It has the second largest position in South America, the eighth in the world. The largest city is Cordoba. It has a population of 42,192,494 people. Half of the citizens are in the largest cities, the most populous is the capital of Buenos Aires, it is home to more than 15.5 million people.

The north is characterized by tropical, the center is subtropical, and the south is temperate. The Argentine capital has the longest street in the world, Avenida Rivadavia, 14.6 km long. In the west of the country is Mount Aconcagua, the highest in the western and southern hemispheres. It is 6.96 km high.

4. India

India is seventh in the list of the largest countries. State of 3,287,263 sq. m. km is located in south Asia. The capital is New Delhi, and the largest city is Mumbai. The state is home to 1,357,305,000 people, 17.6% of the world’s population. India is the second most populous country.

India is a state of cultural and natural diversity. Several types of painting were born here and numerous architectural structures were created for which crowds of tourists come. India has a rich history of cinema. Some films are known in many parts of the world.

It is worth noting that seventy per cent of the population is rural. 94% of cities have no sewerage, and half of the cities do not have running water.

5. Australia

The state is in sixth place in the area. It occupies the continent of the same name and the surrounding islands. Area – 7,692,024 sq.m. Km. The Australian Union is home to 25,162,866 people. The capital is the city of Canberra, where the majority of the population is concentrated. The largest city is Sydney.

The country ranks ninth among places with low population density. On 1 sq. 3.07 km. The continent speaks 200 languages, a quarter of which belong to indigenous peoples. Citizens who speak at:


Australia is known for its wild forests and pristine beaches, which have more than 10,000 in its territory. Fraser is home to the world’s largest sandy island, with an area of 1840 square meters. Km. The country has a rich marine fauna. It’s quite dangerous on the continent. It is home to many wild animals, poisonous insects and spiders. In the north-west is a natural attraction – horizontal waterfalls.

6. Brazil

South America with a total area of 8,515,770 square meters. km, is the largest on the continent and the fifth largest in the world. The capital is the city of Brazil of the same name, and the largest cities are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. There are 206,081,432 people living in the state. Most speak Portuguese.

The Brazilian Carnival is the main and famous holiday, organized annually and lasting 5 days. The country’s economy is highly developed. Brazil is thriving in agriculture, as well as mining and manufacturing. The state produces and produces:

iron ore.

7. United States

The United States is the fourth most advanced country in the world and the second most great country in North America. The state occupies 9,526,468 square pieces. without taking into account water resources. It consists of 50 states with 325.7 million people living there. Man. The capital is Washington.

There are 273 cities in the country, where the number of inhabitants exceeds 100,000. and 9 cities with a population of more than 1 million. The number of 4 cities exceeds 2 million people. Less than 20% of the population inhabit rural areas. There are 218,765 Russian-speaking citizens living in New York City.

It is noteworthy that English is common in the United States, but the state does not have an officially fixed language.
There are many climatic zones in America. The north of Alaska is characterized by arctic climate, and the southern states – tropical. There are natural phenomena: fiery tornadoes, geysers and auroras. The sun in some parts of Alaska does not set for 84 days from May to August.

8. China

Republic, 9,598,077 sq. m. km, takes the third place and is among the top 10 largest countries in the world. It is the second longest country in Asia, and the first most populous country in the world. It is home to 1,394,689,000 people, 18.15% of the world’s population. The capital is Beijing. Shanghai is the most populous city. There are 55 peoples in the country who speak 200 languages.

The country’s climate is from subtropical to sharp-continental. China has occupied 5 time zones, but all regions live one time, so the dawn in some parts comes only at 10 a.m.

A third of the country is habitable, the rest is occupied by mountains and deserts. 90% of the Chinese are concentrated on 10% of the territory, in areas by the sea and rivers.

Shanghai has the second tallest building in the world, the Shanghai Tower, as well as many other buildings that are among the tallest. The Celestial Empire is the birthplace of paper, gunpowder and typewriter. The Republic of China exports more than 100 types of goods.

Half of the cameras found in the world, a quarter of washing machines and a fifth of refrigerators are manufactured in China. Despite the huge number of residents, 64 million people have been distributed across the territory of China. empty houses and 50 ghost towns.

9. Canada

Canada is the second largest in the world and the largest country in North America. Area – 9,984,670 sq.m. Km. The Federation consists of 10 provinces and three territories. Canada has a population of 36,621,288 and a density of 3 people per square 1 sq.m. Km. By comparison, Japan’s population density is 337 people per sq m. Km. More than half of the residents have higher education. The country is focused on immigrants, even special language courses have been created.

There are more than 3-4 million in Canada. lakes, taking into account shallow reservoirs. There are six time zones in the country. The climate is mostly polar, in the south – moderate. The minimum temperature of -63 degrees is recorded in the Yukon territory. In some parts of winter, a three-meter layer of snow falls.

10. Russia

The largest country in the world with an area of 17,124,442 square meters. Km. The state for 715.5 thousand. Sq. km less than mainland South America. Russia leads the area among the countries of Asia and Europe. The territory is washed by 12 seas, bordered by 16 countries. It has a population of 146,790,000. At least 20,000 people are concentrated in Russia. mineral deposits. Climate from Arctic to subtropical.

Russia consists of 85 subjects:

22 republics;
9 edges;
46 areas;
3 cities of federal importance;
1 autonomous area;
4 autonomous districts.

Saha is the largest republic in Russia, Ingushetia is the smallest. There are 1,100 cities in 11 time zones. The state has many natural and man-made attractions. 28 sites are a UNESCO World Heritage Site, including the Kremlin, churches, Lake Baikal and nature reserves.

Studying even the middle-sized state takes a long time. For the people of Russia it is almost impossible, because the country, in fact, is very large.

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