5 Rewarding Things To Do During ASUU Strike As A Student

Are you looking for what to do during ASUU strike? Are you tired of staying at home or school hostel doing nothing rewarding during this ASUU strike? Then, continue reading this article.

Things to do during ASUU strike as a student

ASUU strike is no longer a new thing to Nigerian students. In fact, some have already seen it as being part of the curriculum. ASUU strike is just what I called the ‘mother of all strike‘. It can last for many months before it is finally called off.

This is really something students should be bothered about. This is why I have taken my time to outline five rewarding things to do during ASUU strike.

No more time for stories, let’s dive straight right in!

4 Rewarding Things To Do During ASUU Strike

1. Skill Acquisition

This is one of the best things you can spend your time on during ASUU strike. “No knowledge is wasted” does not apply to only academics only.

I have gotten to realize that “Learning to type faster – a simple and basic tech skill” can help you a lot. As easy as this is, a lot of people still take a century to type a page

No skill is bad, there are lots of skills you can learn and improve yourself. As a matter of fact, learning a new skill improves your brain retention capacity. So, it will end up helping you in school when you finally resume.

As the popular saying goes “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”.

2. Travel

If you don’t know, travelling is another form of learning. You can also do it for the purpose of relaxation.

Sighting this, you may start thinking about travelling to your village, hometown or city to relax because of the loads of stress you’ve gone through or the inadequate meal you’ve had at school (lol)

There are many things out there that you can explore and know more about. Don’t be so restricted between 2-3 places in Nigeria. I know students that have only been to 3 places – their home, school and a family member’s place.

3. Discover/Improve your Talent

Talent, as we all know that is a gift of nature given to us to empower us and make us stand out.

Talent is not what you force yourself to do by virtue of trying to make money or for show off (however they can bring food to your table too).

Talent is what you see yourself doing, what you just want to do, what you just love to do and there is thus statement that everybody has gotten their own talent.

Almost everyone has a talent. You just have to discover yourself. Don’t waste the talent all because of school.

As a matter of fact, ASUU strike has brought you an opportunity to either discover yourself or improve yourself in other part of your life apart from academics.

4. Cover Up For Academic Works

A lot of students are still far being in their study schedule. Some people have not been up to expectation academically. This is the time for you to quickly cover up.

Some schools were about to start their tests/exams when the strike action was declared. Students that used to read have stopped reading. This is not advisable, especially for people who are lagging behind.

If ASUU strike is called off today, the blood pressure of many students will rise by default.

In order not to fall victim, quickly complete your academic duties and focus more on improving other aspects of your life.

5. Make Money

If I don’t mention this, then this list is not yet complete. The truth is that it is very necessary to make cool money while in school.

If academics has been stopping you from doing that, then this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. This is the right time to bring out the entrepreneurship skill in you and smile to the bank.

  • MY QUESTION FOR YOU: What have you been spending you time doing during ASUU strike? Use the comment section below to share.

That is all for now on the topic, “Things to do during ASUU strike“. Don’t forget to share to share the article.

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