26 Tips To Graduate With First Class In College (Revealed)

Do you have the desire to graduate with first class from college or university? If yes, then you are on the right page.

In this guide, I will be revealing to you 26 ACTIONABLE TIPS to graduate with first class in College.

No time for long stories, let’s begin right away.

26 Tips To Graduate With First Class In College

TIP #1 – Start Well

How you start a game will be the most important factor on how you end it.

It is true that starting a game well doesn’t guarantee you will end the game well.

Also, starting badly doesn’t mean you will end badly.

But, there is something to always remember.

When you start well, it is easier to maintain the goodness of the game.

When you start badly, changing the game to a good one will be extremely difficult.

What I am trying to say is,”Lay a very strong foundation for yourself, so that your building doesn’t collapse“.

This is equivalent to saying that your first year as a fresher should be taken very seriously.

Strive to have the best possible results in all your courses.

TIP #2 – Develop Positive Interest In Your Course

I applied for Medicine and surgery but I was given Chemistry, what can I do with Chemistry? Chemistry is not even lucrative”.

This is the rhyme among many students.

You want to study Medicine, Pharmacy,Engineering courses or law but you were given another course.

This does not make you a failure! it doesn’t mean you will end up becoming a Chemistry teacher!

The truth is, “It is not always what you study that will determine what you become in future“.

This is what many students have failed to realize.

Listen, there is no course that is not lucrative. It all depends on what plans you have for yourself with the course.

Segun Oloketuyi, the Managing director and Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of Wema bank is a Second Class Upper Division graduate of Chemistry from University of Lagos.

There are several other examples like this which proves the fact that, “The course you study doesn’t determine your future“.

Even if you resit for JAMB while studying the course you don’t want, take it very seriously at the time you are yet to gain admission into the course you reapplied for.

You may not be given your dream course, dream along your given course – Isaac Inegbenehi, CEO – Flashlearners.com

TIP #3 – Don’t Let Anyone Look Down On You

No! Don’t look down on yourself! That should have been the title for success tip #3.

You are the only one that can determine how people behave towards you.

When you place yourself high, they will place you high and vice versa.

You need to develop positive self-esteem in school.

I am not telling you to become proud, I am telling you to believe in yourself and be full of positive spirit.

TIP #4 – Know Who You Are

Do you ask yourself the question, “Who am I?” Have you found an answer to that question?

If No, you need to do that.

You are the ONLY one that knows what works for you.

Your reading style, your lifestyle, your believe, your acts and everything about you – you are the only one that know those things.

You don’t need to be like others, you don’t need to copy other students in how they do their things.

What works for them may not work for you.

TIP #5 – Know What You Want

What you do want in life? What do you want to achieve at the end of your academic journey in that school? These are the questions you need to answer.

You need to set a SMART goal so that you don’t end up tasting the shadow.

TIP #6 – Be A Man Of Action

Now you know who you are, you know what you want.

The next thing is to know what to do in order to become who you want to become.

If you just keep dreaming without acting, you will end up in the dream land.

TIP #7 – Be The Master Of Your Time

Time management is a very important factor for every success-primed student.

The way you spend your time in school will determine the result you get.

It is like a computer system, what you input into it will determine the output it will give to you.

The input in the case of a student is the activities you spend your time doing. The output is the result you get.

To be a successful student, you must learn how to manage your time effectively.

You should know the time to read, time to eat, time to play, time to exercise, time to spend improving yourself out of academics.

Doing the right thing at the wrong time is equivalent to doing the wrong thing.

TIP #8 – Choose Friends Smartly

Friends can determine your entire life.

They can easily influence your behaviour and lifestyle.

This is why you need to shine your eyes before choosing your friends.

Work with people that have the similar vision with you.

TIP #10 – Set Your Priorities Right

In school, there will always be something you can do every time!

You can never find yourself looking for what to do.

You will always find yourself choosing what to do among a lot of things you want to do.

This may include reading, working on yourself, sleeping or even going out to see a friend.

You need to choose the most important one to you at the right time.

TIP #11- Know When To Say NO

Don’t impress or satisfy others at the expense of yourself.

You need to be selfish sometimes.

Imagine your friend asking you to borrow him/her your textbook some days to examination when you actually need it too.

All you could do is to give her, trying to impress him/her, that may not be good enough for you unless you have another option to fall on.

You need to know when to say NO.

TIP #12 – Manage Distractions Properly

There will be a lot of distractions on campus, that is one thing I am very sure of.

In fact, you will see as many distractions that you’ve seen in years every day.

These can include parties, political activities e.t.c.

You need to learn how to manage your time properly around this things or avoid them totally.

While it is very necessary to have a good social life, it is important that you choose the right way to spend your social life so that it does not affect your academic life.

TIP #13 – Don’t Hate Any Lecturer

The easiest way to fail a course is to hate your lecturer.

Different lecturers have different ways of lecturing.

In school, you are not going to like all the lecturers, make sure you don’t hate anyone of them.

Just find something you like about him if it’s not his/her teaching method.

It may be the way he dresses, the way he speaks and all that.

Trust me! This really works.

It will help you to be more focused and attentive in class.

The moment you start hating a lecturer, you will begin to skip classes and become less attentive in class.

TIP #14 – Take Assignments Very Serious

Don’t joke with any assignment! It may turn out to become a short test.

One thing I have also discovered is that some lecturers repeat their assignment questions during test/exam.

There are so many resources available to do your assignment.

You can make reference to the note in class, online resources, textbooks.

You can even seek help from a friend who knows it better.

TIP #15 – Attend Classes Regularly

If you are the type of student that skip classes without any reason, you are on the wrong path.

It’s true you won’t learn the same thing in every class.

Some students skip classes on purpose to read their books.

Well, it’s their choice. If it works for them, fine!

TIP #16 – Don’t Joke With Any Course

Don’t take any course with levity.

There are some courses that you’ll see as useless.

Well, you still have to pass them.

This is especially common with General courses.

TIP #17 – Seek Help

No man is an island of knowledge. You need to learn the act of seeking help.

If you feel too proud to seek for help or to request, then you are going to miss a lot.

Like I said at the beginning of this article, “When you are not informed, you will be deformed“.

You need to seek for information about a lecturer ,a course and registrations going on.

These helpful information may not always be available to you.

You need to seek for them.

This is another place where the right friends will also help.

TIP #18 – All Work And No Play

Being a loner doesn’t make you the most serious student, neither does it mean that you’ll pass more than everyone.

Enjoy your time in school too, it is part of it.

Have fun and go out with friends when you have the time to.

TIP #19 – Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination is a very bad act.

Many students find it very easy to procrastinate their daily tasks.

If you are one of them, then you have been getting it all wrong.

You need to be honest with yourself and be diligent in your activities.

TIP #20 – Be Ahead Or At Least Not Behind

Strive to always be ahead of your lecturers.

Always read ahead of a class and then attend the lectures for further details.

This has been proven to work very well.

At least, if you can’t read ahead of classes, make sure that you are not behind too.

Never let your academic workload compile before you start reading.

TIP #21 – Do Not Compare Yourself To Others

You are going to meet different types on students on campus.

Some are very very intelligent, some are good enough and others are average student.

Do not compare yourself to anybody.

Find and know what works for you and make the best use of that method.

TIP #22 – Learn To Take Notes In Class

TIP #23 – Ask Questions

TIP #23 – Define Your Study Session

TIP #23 – Know When To Move Out Of Comfort Zone

Do not forget The GOD factor. It is very important to move closer to God in school.

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That is all for now on the topic, “26 tips to graduate with first class for every student“. Use the comment section below to share your thoughts and ideas. 

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