Deciding which field to pursue as a career is a very exciting as well as a challenging part of life. Much time, thought, and effort goes into acquiring the skills and the training that will equip you to pursue a career. You must find a balance between your passion and your skills. Your profession should be at par with your natural abilities and personality to be suitable for a longer time.
The animation industry is a fine blend of creative and technical abilities. There is no right or wrong approach to it, nor is there a perfect description to be an ideal animator. However, there are some certain common characteristics that animators have.
Read this article to know if animation is a good career-choice for you, whether you should do a BA animation program and what skills you need to be successful in this.
You have an eloquent imagination
A vivid imagination is natural for animators. If you have always loved designing, alignment, doodling, creating and imagining stories or characters — animation could be a great career option for you. Your imagination is the place where everything is possible, and an animator’s personality always shines through and finds expression through their work. There is not much difference between the two. In fact, each is an integral part of another.
2. You are patient
Patience is both a skill and art and is a must for creative professionals like animators. It takes an enormous amount of effort and hours to create images that move or animate, which naturally means one has to be very patient. But instead of finding the process of patience enervating, animators find solace and satisfaction from it. A great animator should have the patience of listening, waiting, and focusing for very long periods of time when working. A lot goes behind creating a series that appears seamless, but the effort is huge.
3. You can work in a team as well as individually
Most animation jobs require individuals to work both in groups and also solo. Animators constantly work with others, from the writers, sound designers, editors, directors and more. At the same time, they will be frequently needed to work alone and execute some crucial aspects of work. If you like working with people and also enjoy working all by yourself, independently this might be the perfect line of work for you.
4. You are a constant learner
The world of animation is ever evolving with newer software and techniques coming to the fore with each passing day. As a result, to perform your best you must be willing to learn and adapt in this creative landscape. Today animation has a wider application and it goes beyond entertainment. Animators are needed in different industries and that will continue to be so in the future as we explore newer prospects of interacting with the digital world.
Enroll on a program today and prepare for a career in animation by acquiring the right skills and experience.