In case you’ve been wondering if it’s safe to shop on PayPorte, the simple answer is no, and don’t even try it. There is no doubt that the platform isn’t worth it, and we’d be giving details in this PayPorte Site Review.

During the past 10 years, we have seen a good number of e-commerce platforms rise in Nigeria. And it might be pointless stating that a good number of them have fallen. But this failure doesn’t seem to have come to an end, as we have started seeing some other ones failing, one of which is PayPorte.
PayPorte is no doubt quite popular. In the past, the platform seemed to be a good one, but of recent we have come to realize the platform is already degenerating. For several days, the official website of this platform has been unavailable, and even at times when it loads, it takes donkey years to load. In addition, even when the website loads, it hardly loads properly, rendering the site quite useless.
But for goodness sake, an e-commerce platform is supposed to be a place that would be accessible to people 24/7. So what possible excuses could the owners of this platform have?
Has the platform been abandoned, or are they so careless to realize their platform has been unavailable for so long. Regardless of whatever the answer may be, it’s quite clear that such a platform can’t be relied upon, at least when we have alternatives.
We did some digging
Even though the unavailability of PayPorte is enough to prove you shouldn’t trust your money with these people, we decided to do some digging, as regards what could be technically going on with platform. Sadly, we couldn’t find much about it. But we found a few good things.
One the things we came to suspect is that PayPorte isn’t making enough money, and that makes it not worthwhile of being maintained. The domain was registered, in June 2012, and its expirey date was once in 2019. However, the domain was renewed, but this renewal is only for one year.

Domain renewal generally cost about $13, so why would a business like this be so stingy to renew for just 1 year. Serious businesses are known to renew for 3 years or even more, but it seems like the people behind PayPorte happen to have been trying to save money. In other words, PayPorte is probably unofficially out of business, and the owner probably just felt like keeping the domain for one more year, to just see what’s going to happen.
And not only did we pull up the whois record of PayPorte, we also pulled up the DNS record of the website. And from what we found, the servers of this platform are hidden behind some Cloudfare proxy server. In other words, we couldn’t run an in-depth analysis against the actual servers being used by PayPorte.
This PayPorte site review has revealed PayPorte to be a platform you can’t trust your money with, but you don’t have to feel bad because we have so many other great alternatives. If you intend buying a new item, you can check the likes of Jumia and Konga. If you’re interested buying a used item, you can check Jiji. For those who’d like to find online services, you can check vConnect.
Not only do we think these PayPorte alternatives are good, we personally use them, so feel free to do the same.
Jumia for instance is a platform you’d hardly find offline. Aside having a web interface, it’s also got mobile interfaces, for Android and iOS users. And yet, all interfaces of the platform work without issues. So if initially you intended buying that latest phone on PayPorte, but this PayPorte site review has opened your eyes to the truth, you can head over to Jumia.
Konga also happens to be another pretty great platform for people who’re interested in getting great gaming laptops like the Acer Predator Helios 300. And not only that, another benefit of using Konga is that you can pay on delivery. In other words, you can be at peace of mind, knowing that you wouldn’t be giving your money out, without getting the exact product you ordered.
To conclude this PayPorte site review, it is highly not recommended to use PayPorte, as the platform has proven, beyond reasonable doubt, that it isn’t dependable. And this shouldn’t be a problem for a lot of people, considering all the good alternatives we have.