354+ Long Heart Melting Paragraphs For Him Copy and Paste to Make Him Cry IN 2023

354+ Cute Paragraphs For Him with Emojis Copy and Paste to Make Him Cry

Long Heart Melting Paragraphs For Him Copy and Paste to Make Him Cry: Do you want emotional and heart-touching love words to send or say to him that will make him cry? then search no more because with our collection of 354 i love you paragraphs for him to make him cry copy and paste, tears of love must surely drop from his eyes when he receives these heart-touching emotional words.

In a relationship, sometimes you need to change the mood of your partner, you need to remind him how far you both have gone, you need to say some paragraphs for him to make him cry copy and paste to him.

No relationship stands with love without showing care, just imagine a relationship where you can’t even make out time to appreciate your partner, you can’t even tell him how special he is to you, you don’t even remind him how happy and lucky you are to have him in your life? this doesn’t make sense, you need to make your partner see reasons to have only you as a lover in life.

What if you say or send to him words like this very early in the morning before he wakes up: Every morning is a great morning with you in my life, a joy that I’m greeted with every day. After all, who wouldn’t be happy with someone as amazing as you to say hello to each day? A man who can make me smile with just one word, who can soothe me with a simple hug, who can make me forget about everything else, good or bad, with just a look … Every morning is a great morning with you in my life, a joy I hope you’re greeted with today. Good morning, my love.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Make Him Cry Over You?

Here are some healthy ways to make him cry over you, strengthen your relationship, and show your love and appreciation for your partner:

1. Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings and needs.

2. Show your partner love and affection through physical gestures, such as holding hands, hugging, and kissing.

3. Be considerate of your partner’s feelings and needs, and try to meet them where you can.

4. Make time for each other and prioritize your relationship.

5. Be supportive of your partner and offer them encouragement when they need it.

6 Show your appreciation for your partner through small gestures, such as bringing them their favorite food or surprising them with a thoughtful gift.

7. Take an interest in your partner’s passions and hobbies, and support them in their pursuits.

8. Be understanding and patient with your partner when they are going through a tough time.

9. Make an effort to resolve conflicts in a healthy and constructive way.

10. Let your partner know that you love and appreciate them.

Note: It is important to focus on building a healthy, loving relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and open communication. If you are having difficulties in your relationship, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a therapist or counselor who can help you navigate these challenges and find healthy ways to communicate and resolve conflicts.

How Do I Make My Boyfriend Feel Special With Paragraphs?

There are many ways you can make your boyfriend feel special through the use of thoughtful and heartfelt paragraphs. Here are a few ideas:

1, Write a letter expressing your love and appreciation for your boyfriend. In the letter, describe the qualities you love about him, and how much he means to you.

2. Write a list of reasons why you love your boyfriend, and include specific examples of things he has done that have made you feel loved and appreciated.

3. Use descriptive language to paint a picture of how much your boyfriend means to you. For example, you could write about the way he makes you feel when he holds you close, or the way he always knows just what to say to make you feel better.

4. Share memories or experiences that are special to both of you, and explain why they are meaningful to you.

5. Write a love poem or song that conveys your feelings for your boyfriend.

Remember, it’s important to be sincere and authentic when expressing your love and appreciation for your partner. A heartfelt and genuine message will likely be more meaningful to your boyfriend than a contrived or insincere one.

How Do I Write a Sweet Paragraph to My Boyfriend?

Here are a few tips for writing a sweet paragraph to your boyfriend:

1. Start by expressing your love and appreciation for your boyfriend. You can say something like, “I love you more and more each day. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I am so grateful to have you in my life.”

2. Include specific reasons why you love your boyfriend. For example, you could write about the way he makes you laugh, or how he is always there for you when you need him.

3. Share memories or experiences that are special to both of you. This could be a moment when you first knew you were in love or a time when your boyfriend did something particularly thoughtful or sweet.

4. Use descriptive language to paint a picture of how much your boyfriend means to you. For example, you could write about the way he makes you feel when he holds you close, or the way he always knows just what to say to make you feel better.

5. End your paragraph with a heartfelt expression of your love and appreciation for your boyfriend. You could say something like, “I am so thankful to have you by my side, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

How Do I Express My Feelings to My Boyfriend in a Letter?

Writing a letter to express your feelings to your boyfriend can be a thoughtful and meaningful way to communicate your love and appreciation for him. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Start by introducing your letter and explaining why you are writing it. You might say something like, “I wanted to take a moment to express how much you mean to me. There are so many things I love about you, and I wanted to share them with you in this letter.”

2. Next, write about the qualities you love about your boyfriend. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points. For example, you might write about the way he makes you laugh, or how he is always there for you when you need him.

3. Share memories or experiences that are special to both of you. This could be a moment when you first knew you were in love or a time when your boyfriend did something particularly thoughtful or sweet.

4. Use descriptive language to convey your feelings and emotions. For example, you could write about the way he makes you feel when he holds you close, or the way he always knows just what to say to make you feel better.

5. End your letter with a heartfelt expression of your love and appreciation for your boyfriend. You could say something like, “I am so grateful to have you in my life, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you more and more each day.”


READ ALSO: I Miss You Paragraphs for Him


Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry with Emojis

Cute Paragraphs For Him With Emojis

I have taken my time to compose the best sweet things to say to your boyfriend to make him cry Tagalog, just scroll through and select the best for him:

  • Every day I wake up feeling lucky and blessed to have you as my own. Every second spent with you leaves a smile on my face and endless joy in my heart. Your love for me is eternal, and so is my love for you. Imagining life without you is just impossible; I’ll be empty and confused. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • You’ve gone the extra mile to make me yours, and I won’t stop at anything in making you happy. You are amazing, and I don’t have any reason not to fall in love with you. In you, I find my joy, and I will love you until the end of time.
  • You have shown me how it is to love, and I am grateful to God for making that possible. When I am with you, all my worries go away, and my heart gladdens. I love you so much because you are a dream come true.
  • During the day and night, you are always on my mind. You mean so much to me, I can’t compare. Your tender love and care have left me feeling like the luckiest person on earth. Every day I wake up to give thanks to God for blessing me with someone so amazing. Your presence in my life came with joy and warmth, which my heart has gladly received. I love you to the moon and back, baby. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Your laughter and your smile send butterflies down my stomach. I love you like the fish loves water. I can’t start a day without hearing your voice. I’m going nuts because of you. I want to be with you on this journey of life because I can’t find a better partner than you.
  • Leaving you for another guy is impossible, as I’m sure I cannot find another who would love me as you do. Your love for me has wiped away all my painful past. I bless the day I set my eyes on you, and the day you captured my heart with your love. Since the day I let you into my heart, you have done nothing but filled it with everlasting joy and happiness. I love you more than the stars.
  • I can’t wait for the future where we will have our kids and do all the awesome things we have always dreamed of in life. I don’t know what I did precisely to deserve your never-ending love, but I am grateful that you came my way. You are my inspiration every day.
  • Can I be the woman of your dreams, the one you can’t wait to make your wife and mother of your kids? That is one major goal I pray to achieve. You are everything to me, and I am working on myself to be the best for you. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • It is not my wish to see you cry, it is not my wish to see that we are far away from each other. When I met you, I realized that no matter what, we will be good together but suddenly, it seems people don’t want to see us together. I am sorry if I have offended you by not telling you before living. It was not my fault. I would have been more lenient if I have done so based on my will. Please, find somewhere in your heart to forgive me. I love you so much.
  • When I found you, my world was blessed, and I knew I will never stop loving you. With you, everything in my life is all brand new. My life is now worthwhile. You have been a friend and a comforter, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You sum up my world because, without you, I’m empty. I will continue to love, cherish and adore you now and forever. You remain, my king, as always. – love long messages for him to cry.
  • You’ve loved me in good and also in difficult times. You didn’t write me off and judge me for my flaws, rather you embraced me into your loving arms and showered me with a love so pure and unconditional. Your love which is deeper than the ocean and the sweetest devotion is what you’ve given me. My once sorrowful heart became overwhelmed with joy the moment you walked into my heart. You erased every sadness in my heart and replaced it with your tender love. You leave me with no option but to fall helplessly in love with a sweetheart like you. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Thinking of your love strengthens my heart. I am proud of everything you do because you are the most fantastic thing I have ever had contact with all my life. I want us to be together because I am trying my best to be there for you when you need me. For the rest of my life, I will always love you. – love long messages for him to cry
  • You made me the happiest woman on earth when you came into my life. I will shower you the love and care you need, and I will always be right there for you when you need me. I know having you was the luckiest thing that happened to me, I will handle you like a baby and treat you like a king.
  • I was scared to love, scared to thrust into the mysterious den of love. Even though my heart needed it, I tried to avoid it. You showed me the love I wished for all the time. Despite my flaws, you opened your heart to me and showed me all your ways. You’ve taken a huge spot in my heart which no one can ever replace. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.
  • In as much as you really love me and want everything fine between us, I will always comply with your good ideas. I understand how bad you felt when I was leaving but want you to take heart about my action. Please, don’t get mad at me. Pardon my childish actions towards you. I love you so much and there is no doubt about it. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Every inch of me is in love with you because you are everything I have always wanted. I am in love with you because I fall in love with you over again whenever I see your face. You are my prince charming, and my undying love is for you always.
  • Sometimes, what we really love will not come to us, it will hang in the air forever no matter how we try to make it count in our life. Baby, I want you to understand that if today does not work well, tomorrow will do. You are my happiness and the most handsome and trusted man I have in my life. It pains me whenever I see you been sad. You are my hope and I don’t want to see you cry again. – love long messages for him to cry
  • For the rest of my life, I will love you like no other. Until the end of my days, my heart will beat for you. I am preparing myself to be the best for you. With the whole of my heart, body, and mind, I love you completely. You make me feel on top of the world.
  • I was never in luck with love and had completely given up until you showed up and took complete hold of my heart. It feels good being alone, but with you, I feel better. I need nobody to tell me how much your presence makes my world come alive. My heart has found peace and joy since you took hold of it. I love, cherish and adore now, and I’ll continue to love you forever.
  • When we are together, I feel on top of the world. I am just here trying to be the best you can have because I can’t risk you finding someone much better than me. Nobody will love you better than I do because nothing can exhaust the love I have in my heart, even in a lifetime. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • In your eyes is the pleasure that never ends and your heart houses the most beautiful smile ever in this world. I cannot tell why you have been the most cherished man in my life. I will always love you for the rest of your life. Even amidst rain and storm, your love will remain the same in my heart.
Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry Copy and Paste
Sweet Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry Copy and Paste

Sweet Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry Copy and Paste

  • I don’t know how to tell you about this situation coming up, but I just need to summon the courage to do so, so that it will not be late for both of us to do the right thing. I want us to look into the matter together because I am ready to walk in all difficulties with you until we finally reach our goals together. I will never leave you in this hardship because I love you more than you can ever think. Don’t think this will be the end of the love we share; I will always remain with you for the rest of my life. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Deep down in my heart, I believe that the feelings I have for you is so real. You’re the one I’ve been waiting for all my life, and I’m glad to have finally found you. The joy and love that you have given me compare to no other I’ve seen in the past. I’m glad and lucky to have you in my life, and I will always appreciate your love and care for me. My love for you will go on and on, soar high and higher.
  • The loveliest moment in this world for me was the day I set my eyes on you. It was like a trip to a paradise no one has ever seen before. You will always be mine and nothing will make me betray you for any reason. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • You need to know what you mean to me. Seeing you every day reminds me that true love exists because I have loved nobody this hard. Loving you have opened me to a lot of things and so much imagination of how our future should be. I love you, sweetheart.
  • I am so much in love with you like never before; your presence in my life makes me happy every single minute. You are my happiness, my faith in which I trust. Whenever I see you being worried, it touches my heart and makes me feel bad. I love you so much, my beloved.
  • The cutest, sweetest, and even the best-written love paragraphs are not enough to express my love for you. A thousand love songs can’t express how much I adore you. You’ve occupied a great space in my heart and nobody comes close. Thoughts of you fill my mind every day and every night. Your love is my new pills and I’m addicted. I love you dearly, my king.
  • No matter the distance, I want both of us to be together for the rest of my life. You are my life, the most interesting husband in the world. Loving you is the best chocolate I have ever tasted in this world at large. I will surely let you know that the best time ever is the day I met you. Thank you for loving me. – love long messages for him to cry
  • You are all I ever wanted, and all I ever needed. Having you in my life now is like a dream come true. Whenever you are with me, my heart is always peaceful and filled with joy. Your love and care for me have left me with the conclusion that I am the luckiest person on earth. I love you now, and I will love you forever. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Since the day I met you, you’ve filled my heart with so much joy and happiness. I’m forever grateful to God for sending you to my direction. I didn’t know what being in paradise felt like until you came and showed it to me. Having you in my life has given me many reasons to smile. I love you to the moon and back.

Deep Emotional Love Letters for Him

  • My life won’t be complete without you in it. I knew I was in paradise when I slept and woke up with you by my side. My love for you is thick because I have not felt this way for anyone. I will always love you because my feelings for you will stay till eternity.
  • I wish to get cuddled, kissed, and loved. Can you do this to make my wishes come true? When I’m with you, I do not cease to smile. And even when you are not with me, the thought of you put smiles on my face. My unconditional love is for you forever. I love you to the stars and back, baby. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Baby, life may be difficult for you now, but who knows tomorrow and everything will be fine again, you don’t need to panic because you lost your job, I will try all my best to sustain the family until you find another job. Trust me, we have always been doing it together so, this will never be the end because I truly love you with all my heart. You are the best man in this world for me.
  • There are many things you have done in my life, which ordinarily no man can easily do. You changed my life for good and made me a shining star as though no worries in life again. You put a smile on my face once again and took care of my past pain. Truly, I have never met a wonderful man like you before.
  • Being with you has left me with emotions deeper than I’ve ever dreamt about in my life. Forever is not enough to be with you because your presence in my life has influenced me to laugh harder and cry a little less. You have shown me great love, a wonderful friendship, and an amazing comforter. All I need and see is just me and you being together until the end of our lives. You are my inspiration, and I feel fortunate to have you in my life. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • My love for you is far more significant and stronger than what you think. You’re with me because each time my heart beats, it reminds me you are in there. You have shown me how wonderful it is to love and be loved. The care you shower on me compares to nothing in the world.
  • What brought about our meeting was fate, and I am fortunate to have met and fallen in love with an amazing person like you. Everything about you makes me happy, and I so love every bit of you. It’s so amazing how much I love you.
  • Whenever I recall how we met and the sympathy you showed, the kindness you showered on me, I am pleased that living with you will be the most beautiful encounter for the rest of my life. I love you my prince, the hero of love that was given to me from the highest. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • You are my one in a million, and the best I’ve ever had. I’m certain that there isn’t anything better. Your tender love and care compare to none that I’ve ever received. I had always thought a guy like you was just a figment of my imaginations. I never believed that someone like you existed and even If I do, I never would have imagined that I would end up meeting you and falling so deeply for you. Your love is worth more than a thousand diamonds. Gold or silver cannot compare to how much you mean to me. I love you so much, dearie.
  • Stars are adorable, the moon is lovable, and everything about you is heart pleasing. When we came to be, I was never thinking of a man that can tolerate my character; this has always been my challenge over the years. You came into my world to replace my pain with joy, your love has canceled every pain in my heart. This is one of the outstanding reasons why I cannot in any way forget you for the rest of my life. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Becoming friends was a choice, but falling deeply in love with you, as I’ve never done, was something way beyond my control. If loving you was a sickness, I’ll wish to remain sick for the rest of my life. Your presence in my life has affected me greatly. I love and cherish every moment that I’m with you because it brings out the best in me.
  • I can’t finish the story of the special love you have been showing to me. You are in one way the most interesting person I have met in this world. Being around you gives me more energy for me to do better things in this world. I love your smile, your laugh, and the way you make me feel special.
  • Your pain will soon be called history and you will not have to cry again. Trust me, I will always stay by your side. I will never in any way leave you when you need me most. You have been my only supporter since the day we met and then married, I will not leave you at this time because you are my heartbeat. I love you beyond what you can think. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • You have every single reason why a woman you fall in love with you. Your character is outstanding and therefore cannot be taken for granted. I love you more than this world and everything it contains. I cherish you so much because you are special to me. I cannot bear this loneliness anymore because I need to know the condition you are in right now.

READ: Happy Birthday Paragraph: 532+ Short and Long Birthday Paragraphs

Touching Love Messages to Make Him Cry Tagalog

  • Every minute I’m with you, I feel the shiver. I struggle to contain the feelings in my head and how it circulates. Your love has got me feeling like the luckiest person on earth. You have my heart with you, and I don’t want it back. All you have to do is to treat it with love and care. I find my happiness in you and my love for you is unlimited, and words cannot describe how much I feel for you. I love you, my king. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • I always want to be around you because my life would be empty without you. I am lucky to have you in my life because whenever I see you, the most awesome person in the world is who I see. I’m in love with you and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep you in my life. I want to be in your arms forever because I find bliss there. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Even when the storm is too much for you to bear, we shall suffer it together. This is not the right time for someone who claims to love you should take the decision to leave. We know those who really love us when things are extremely difficult. Please, don’t cry again. Always be motivated at any time. One day, this condition you find yourself in today will become history. I love you.
  • You’re a gem so rare to find, but luckily I found you and now that I have you, I would love, cherish and adore you. My heart is at peace whenever you are with me. My life was all apart till the day I met you, and for once things went well for me. I will be with you forever, taking each step with you.
  • After many years of pain, after many failed love I encountered in life, you finally came to my rescue. You finally gave me a good reason to smile again. I will forever love you and there will be no reason to quit the special feeling I have for an angel like you. I wish you know the depth of my passion for you. I love you, my sweetheart. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Even a thousand miles can’t keep us apart, and my heart is with you wherever you are. No matter what circumstance will be, I won’t stop loving you. You have always been a shoulder to lean on, always been there when I needed you. I’d climb the mountains, cross the seas to be with you, my love. You are the reason I expect each day with joy in my heart, and you make my days colorful. I love you more than the stars.
  • I’ll not stop loving you until I stop breathing. I love you sincerely, and my heart leaps for joy with your presence. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because we belong to each other. I love you with all of me. – love long messages for him to cry
  • The very day you came to me, my whole life became brand new. Your tender love and care captivated my heart. Waking up to have you by my side brings great bliss to my heart that words cannot express. My fondness for you is more than you can ever imagine. I will continue to love you more than the stars, dearie.
  • You are lovely and have won my heart with the things you do. I want to love you with every strength in my body. My heart is your home because you have taken up all the space in it and I want you to know that as long as my heart still beats, you will always be the one I love forever.

Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend to Make Him Cry Tagalog

  • Having you by my side is one thing that makes every new day better than the previous day. Seeing how amazing you are, I love you deeper. You light up my world like nobody else. I cannot deny the fact that I love you, neither can I hide how much I do. I love you from now till eternity. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • No matter the condition, the shell of a snail will always be with him until it is removed by force. I will always stay by your side and nothing will stop me from loving you. It pains me that this trial came upon you but there is nothing we can do other than to keep our faith in God. Be prayer and hope that one day, the Lord shall deliver you from the terrible condition. I wish you all the best.
  • My life is attached to yours that’s why I can’t do without you by my side. You are the most interesting love ever set my eyes on in this world. I love you my flower, the rose that smells best in the garden of love. Anytime I think about you, my sorrow finds its way to nowhere. I love you my darling.
  • Your presence in my life has filled all the empty spaces there. With you, I am sure that my life would make more sense. The love I have for you is unconditional, and I would continue to love and cherish you. You are the great love of my life, and no one can ever take your place in my life. I love you to the moon and back.
  • I’ll do anything for you, baby, because you deserve my love. I can let go of my comfort zone, to be there for you when you call on me. You always tell me how beautiful I am, you may not understand how much that means to me. I love you with all of me, my sunshine. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Looking into your eyes, I am ready to face anything in life. Those eyes are the most amazing things I have ever seen. The feelings I get around you are indescribable, I doubt I will find it with anyone else. Nothing and no one can take away my love for you.
  • Your love for me is so amazing, and I’ll never get over you until I find someone new that can be great like you, which I think is impossible. You got me feeling like I’m touching the ceiling when I’m with you, boy. I can’t control my emotions for you. Every day, my love for you gets stronger and better. I cannot spend a second imagining my life without you because life without you would make no sense. I cherish and adore you every day. I love you more than you can ever imagine, my dear. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • I derive great joy and happiness whenever I’m with you, and I cannot imagine my world without you. Even when things don’t seem to go well, just a thought of you erase every sad feeling from my mind. You’re rare and amazing. Every time I see you, I fall in love with you repeatedly.
  • Don’t cry again, we shall overcome any challenge in our life once we never give up on what we believe in. Yours I want to be always. My heart needs you like never before and if I can make you smile, it would have been the happiest thing that ever occurred to me. I love you, my dearest angel.
Paragraphs for Him to Wake Up to
Sweet Paragraphs for Him to Wake Up to

Sweet Paragraphs for Him to Wake Up to

  • It is at difficult times we know the real heroes and those that truly love them. I am hurt to learn that at this critical time, those you called your friends left you. They found the courage to leave you in your condition. I have always told you to save money even when it is compulsory to help people. Don’t change either. Tomorrow is not late, when God restores your health and brings back your health and wealth, still give, help but be vigilant this time around. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • My love for you is unconditional. You are not just my lover, and you are my best friend, my confidant, and my comforter. With you, everything seems perfect. With you, I can be nobody else but me. You are my desire, and you are my love. Stronger are we when we are together.
  • Every day I wake up feeling grateful to have someone like you in my life. I wonder what good I must have done to deserve someone like you in my life. Never in my dreams have I thought something like this could ever happen to me. When I’m walking with you, I watch the universe change. Our connection is so magnetic, and I love how you show me so much care and love. I love and cherish you more than anything in the world.
  • I want to hear your voice every day because it gives me joy. Allow me to hold your hands when we speak because it comforts me. I can’t survive a day with the thought of you not being there for me. I’ll be with you at every given opportunity because I find fulfillment around you. I love you entirely. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • I will love you to the end of time, I will stay by your side any moment of this world. Your thoughts cannot escape my mind even for one day because I am completely immersed in your love. I cherish you more than anyone I have ever come across in life.
  • My love for you is more than you can imagine. You give me feelings that words can’t describe. You found me amid my confusion and showed me the bright side of love. Being with you makes me feel safe and assured that loving you was never a mistake. Finding a love like yours is rare. With you, I’ve got all that I need. I love you now, tomorrow and forever.
  • When I saw you, I realized that love is like a wind we can feel but can’t see. Now that you are in my life, I don’t want ever to lose you to anything in the world. I am the luckiest woman in the world to have own your heart and your arms. I love you like there is no tomorrow.
  • When I met you, I never believed I will fall in love with you but I did. I cherish you so much that not even for once I can stay without thinking about the beautiful moments we have shared together. I love you beyond the sky and want to be with you all my life.
  • Without you, love doesn’t exist in my world. Your undying love keeps growing stronger every day and has captivated my heart. I find strength and courage to fight the circumstance of life. Your love has affected me amazingly. I forget all my worries when I’m with you. You are mine to love forever. I love you more than the stars.
  • You are amazing just the way you are. The sweetest devotion and care is what you give me. The feeling you arose inside of me, I can’t describe. Even if I try to find somebody else, no one can love me as you do. If I have nothing, I wouldn’t mind as long as I have you with me. I love you so much, dearie. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • I am sending you this message to remind you of how important you are to me. I will never stop loving you until eternity. The reason is that when you were rich, you never allowed me to lack anything. Now that you are poor why should I dump you? I will support you with all that I have until you are raised again to your formal status. I will always be yours in any condition.

Touching Love Messages to Make Him Cry Long Distance

  • I want to be the one to love you till the end. I want to be yours and be the mother of your children. There is no day I don’t think of us loving each other. I am happy to have you as my fiancé; your character is an outstanding one in the realm of love and caring. I wish you all the best. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • The first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing on my mind before going to sleep is you. Loving you have been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. Since the day I met you, I’ve found happiness and peace of mind in loving you. Life without you is like a life without happiness. – love long messages for him to cry
  • I want to be the only person in your life. It is not like I’m jealous, but I don’t want to lose you to someone else. I can’t wait to be crowned the queen of your heart because life with you is a dream come true. You mean the world to me, and I will love you for the rest of my life. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Loving you was one of the best decisions I have ever made. There’s no place I’d rather be in the world than in your loving arms. Loving you is not a secret I try to hide. I long for you, and I will worship and adore you forever. You’ve filled my heart with a beautiful song I’ll love to play forever. I love you today, and I’ll love you tomorrow and forever.
  • When I thought I couldn’t love again, you came into my life and rekindled the fire of love in my heart. You are my one true love. Sweet words lack the capabilities of expressing how much I love you. The thought of you gives me so much joy and rest of mind. I love you more than you can ever imagine.
  • The things you do, the way you call my name, convince me beyond doubt you are the man of my dreams. Even when you are right in front of me, I still miss you. Life is precious, but you are more precious to me, and I love you.
  • The stars are jealous because I adore you more than them. Because of you, my life is beautiful. You’re the reason my days are wonderful and my nights are peaceful. The sound of your voice gives my heart peace and joy at the same time. I love you now and forever.
  • You make me feel good about myself, that is the reason I always want to be around you. Even in my lowest moments, you know the right words and the calm things to do that will lift my mood. You are just too sweet. I love you, honey. – love long messages for him to cry
  • You are the love of my life, and you’re one of my purpose for living. You bring many joys and happiness to my life, and I wouldn’t want to imagine my life without you. You have redesigned my world, placed your tender love, affection, and care on every side. Without you, I’ll be incomplete. You are one of my many blessings from God, and my goal is to love and cherish you. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • With you by my side, I will remain happy and grateful until the day I’m dead and gone. I can’t, and I won’t be without you, baby. My love for you is so sure, and I’ll give you my heart and soul as If I’ll never see you again. I’d never give up on you if nobody loves you, I do.
  • I have decided to spend the rest of my life with a man that can take care of me, a man that gave me in my and want to be with me forever. Should this world, be for me and you alone, I would have ensured that I spend one million years in life just to be with you forever.
Heart Melting Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Smile
Heart Melting Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Smile

Heart Melting Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Smile

  • You are my biggest motivation, and I will keep thanking you for being that irreplaceable part of my life. If I am the best version of myself, it can only result from your never-ending care and love. You are the man of my dreams forever. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • I’ve made a few mistakes, which I regret, but loving you was one of my best decision I have made in my life. You have brought into my life a lot of peace and joy. You are worth more than all the precious stones in this world. With every breath in me, I’ll continue to love and adore you.
  • Your love has placed a beautiful song in my heart. Your presence in my life has completed me. The love and affection you have showered upon me leave me with the conclusion that I’m the luckiest person on earth. I can’t fathom what my life would be like without you. I will love you now and forevermore. You mean so much to me and words can’t tell it all, so I’ll end this with a statement that comes from the depth of my heart “I adore you more than the stars.”
  • I need to hear your voice every day. I can’t stop thinking about you at every slight opportunity. I feel like I’m in paradise when you gush about your love for me. You make me feel like a queen, and I am grateful for the love you shower on me. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Your love is worth more than anything in this world. You’re everything I desire. My sunshine, you are my lover, and my essence for a living. What I feel for you is so strong because you are the apple of my eyes. I will continue to love, cherish and adore you till the day I die. You are the lover of my life, and nobody compares to you. It is you or nobody else. I can’t stop thinking about the day it will be just you and I, together forever. I love you more than the stars.
Goodbye Letter to Boyfriend That Will Make Him Cry
Goodbye Letter to Boyfriend That Will Make Him Cry

NEXT: Sexting, Dirty, Nasty & Freaky Paragraphs for Him Copy and Paste

  • I need a man I can stay with to console when things are difficult for him. I am not in need of a man that I will be ingrate to when he is in need of me. Please love me with all your heart and never panic, I will never leave you for any condition. We shall dwell together in time rain and sunshine. I love you. – love long messages for him to cry
  • Other girls dream of you in their lives while I have you in my life. Sometimes, I feel that the heavens took pity on my heart and sent you my way. A future without you is a dark future, and I am ready to get into the future with you. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • There is so much peace and joy in my heart when I remember I have someone so amazing as my own. You have shown me too many cares and love. I value them a lot. My favorite abode is your loving arms, and I want to be with you now and forever. I’ll love to go to the stars and dance on the moon with you alone. Words cannot spell out how much I feel for you. I love you more than the stars themselves. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
  • For as long as I’m alive, I will continue to love and cherish you. You mean more than the world to me. Your love has captivated me, and nothing compares with the care and affection you have showered me. No one can replace you in my life, my heart wants to be with you and you alone.
  • I can hardly live a moment without you because your love is like a butter-honey from a teacup. From the first day, I set my eyes on you, and you took my breath away, I knew that this love is divine. Thank you for being so loving and tender, like a petal from the morning dew. Every day, I wake up with a great feeling that heaven has deemed me worthy and blessed me with you. – Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry
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