Mitrex Unveils technology that will transform building walls to solar panels

Toronto based Integrated Solar Technology company, Mitrex, have introduced a unique patented solution that can transform a buildings outer walls into a self-sufficient power generating system.

The company’s building-integrated photovoltaic technology (BIPV) is achieved via solar cladding and glass railing which extends a building’s power generating capability from the tip of the roof top to the vertical walls of the ground floor. It was developed to be installed in either new constructions or modernised on existing structures.

Although patented, the technology is said to be cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing to developers. The solar panels are able to mimic various construction materials from timber to concrete or stucco, while retaining the same attractive exterior as its non-energy-producing alternatives. This assures building owners, developers and architects of a power generating technology that doesn’t compromise on the esthetic expectations of its structure.

Our mission is to be the catalyst that accelerates the adoption of sustainable, energy-generating, human-made structures,” says CEO Danial Hadizadeh.

With residential, commercial and industrial buildings accounting for 40 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions globally, it’s clear that developers and buildings owners can play an integral role in curbing emissions by investing in BIPV technology.”

Citing the extensive power outage in the city of Texas due to an unprecedented drop in temperature as a case study, Danial Hadizadeh adulated the doggedness of Mitrex’s equipments to withstand even the most severe or extreme weather conditions, a flaw archetypical of most solar power grids today.

Extreme power outages from weather events can ultimately be avoided if microgrid solutions are implemented. In the most recent widespread outage in Texas, 3.4 million homes and businesses were without power for a dangerously long period. Self-sufficient systems not only save hundreds of millions of dollars, but also can prevent or limit the effects of climate change on communities,” commented Hadizadeh.

In the company’s bio, they pride themselves as an institution that has “developed ways for aesthetically-pleasing solar panels to be directly integrated into building façades. Our revolutionary building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems offer architects, engineers, building owners, and investors the opportunity to embrace and profit from solar energy without compromising beauty.

“We fulfill any aesthetic desire, building efficiency need, or safety requirement. In urban areas, traditional rooftop solar panels offer poor design choices and are limited by roof space. However, we believe that solar energy systems shouldn’t be limited in this way. Mitrex BIPV products include cladding and railing systems that have frameless modules, hidden mounting, homogeneous surfaces, and can feature the appearance of any material or colour. 

“At Mitrex, we envision a world where solar energy is generated by any surface touched by the sun.”


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