Keeping your hair clean and neat well trimmed and groomed should be your daily routine to achieve a healthy looking long hair.

In today’s episode I’m going to be teaching you guys “ON HOW TO KEEP A HEALTHY HAIR”

Always wash your hair with a mild warm water (Note not hot water)

Secondly  Always massage the scalp of your hair with warm oil, this process is called warm oil hair scalp massaging.
Get a natural oil such as Olive oil, coconut oil, trea tea oil(Recommended) jojoba oil. Use anyone of your choice

Warm the oil (mildly warm) allow it to cool down if you feel is too hot,
Test before using so you won’t damage your scalp.

Thirdly Use  Apple cider venigar , this is very effective all you need to do is add about 5 spoons of Apple cider venigar in a cup of water use it to wash your hair let in sink in, you can as well alow it on your hair for 3mins for it to sink in deeper into the scalp  before you rinse out.

Fourthly moisturize.
Moisturing the hair is the final stage as the hair need moisture to look healthy and grow faster,

Mix sheabutter with tree tea oil or coconut oil or olive oil apply it to your hair massage your hair as you apply so that the mixture will get to the scalp.

Do this for one week and see wonders

Note: hair growth dosnt grow over night have some patience

Have a nice day.

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