Headache Is a can be simply defined as symptom that comes as a pain, around the head and neck, this pain could be either be a sharp pain or a dull one.
Headache could be as a result of stress, it could also be a sign that one has an illness.
Let’s take for instance Malaria and typhoid popularly comes with headache symptoms.
(But its advised to always visit the hospital when ever you see such symptoms).
Today’s article is talking about getting rid of headache naturally, without wasting much time let’s go straight to business.
In this article we’re going to give you tips on how to simply calm down headache.
Here we go:
Ginger: let’s talk about ginger,this special substance is available in every woman’s kitchen, do you know that ginger has a very powerful antioxidant and antiinflammatory ingredients? Maybe you don’t.
Ginger help to reduce the inflammation of blood vessels in the head thereby reducing/easing the pains, ginger works like magic towards eradicating headache all you have to do is mix up Ginger juice and lemon juice and drink it. Take this twice a day, you will receive and instant relief.
Ice and warm water compressing
This technic is a very popular one, it has been used and confirm since the 80’s all you have to do is get a pack of ice (a small cloth accumulated with ice blocks) or if you can lay your hand on a big sizable ice that will be OK, just wrap the ice with a cloth (made of cotton) place this ice at the back of your head, ice has the capability of suppressing inflammation, you’ll notice an instant relief.
Now over to warm water compress, this is a process of soaking a peice cloth into a moderate leveled warm water and applying this to the back of your head, hot water also has the ability to counter inflammation it has the ability of getting rid of headache and also back pains.
Also dipping your two legs in the warm water also helps the eradication of headache,believe me this works.
Basil leaves
Fresh Basil leaves smells minty and looks greenish, basil has antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiinflammatory properties, basil leaves works as a muscle relaxant, what do I mean by this? Basil leaves helps relax those thight inflamed muscles that causes this pains that results to headache.
All you have to do is get a fresh basil leaves and place them in a boiling water allow the water boil for some time (3-5minutes)this is is to enable the basil leaves infuse its properties into the hot water, after this process allow the hot water to cool down and drink it up.
You can simply chew the leaves if you like.
infact it is recommended.
You can also inhale the steam of the boiling Basil leaves all this calms down the headache.
Apple cider vinegar
What is apple cider vinegar? This is a liquid substance extract from an Apple fruit,it has a lot of antiinflammatory property, and very helpful to get rid of headache as it help restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
All you have to do is mix half cup of Apple cider vinegar juice with one cup of water boil this mixture when you’re done remove this mixure from the heat.
Pour this mixture in a Large bowl and put a towel over your head and inhale the steam from this mixture your headache will stop instantly.
Now if you don’t have time for this process simple get an Apple fruit sprinkle salt on it and chew it this helps a lot.
Remember anything natural is the best as it gets rid of the problem from the root of the cause.
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