Do Masks Provide Adequate Protection Against the Novel CoronaVirus? Recent Studies show otherwise!
In recent times, the outbreak has changed the lives of everyone around the world. With over 13 million cases in 213 countries around the world and over 500,000 deaths, there is nothing new about the pandemic. There is no human being on earth who has not been affected by this Pandemic.
And so far, no recent studies have shown that anyone is immune to it. But as the cases surge higher, the demand and urgency for face masks have risen as well. Nowadays, laws have been passed regarding the use of face masks for daily life, in every country of the world! This is as a result of countries trying to reopen and relieve the lockdown placed almost all around the globe.

The authors of the study found that wearing masks alone will not protect providers caring for a patient with active Covid-19 if it’s not accompanied by meticulous hand hygiene, eye protection, gloves, and a gown.
A mask offers both physical and even emotional protection to people, almost 70 percent of the time, people tend to feel safer wearing a mask. People tend to forget the other safety precautions forgetting that a face mask may not offer all the protection you need. You may still need to take hygiene very seriously, use hand sanitizers frequently, leave your house only when it is necessary. The world was not ready for a tragedy of this magnitude, it is only advisable that we do only what is necessary to stay healthy. The novel coronavirus is not to be toyed with, a mask is made to protect the next person and yourself . So even if the masks are not a 100 percent guarantee to keep the virus away, it has been recommended by governments and the order should not be violated.
We did hear about a possible vaccine! We would be keeping you updated the minute WHO releases an official statement confirming the rumors. When a possible vaccine shows, we hope the world would be able to adjust to the new “normal”. The world may never recover from this, but we can do our parts to make it better.
The world seems to have forgotten that the virus is still out there and the numbers are surging every day.
While the world awaits and anticipates a new vaccine or a cure to the coronavirus which has taken so many lives, we need to take precautions to make sure that we are safe!