Cowrywise is an online financial platform established with the overriding intent of facilitating investments and savings. Launched in 2017, Cowrywise offers investment mediums (including mutual funds and market funds) as well as an automated savings medium to help facilitate the saving of funds.

To facilitate its customers’ investment efforts, Cowrywise has collaborated with a number of Nigerian investment companies including Afrinvest and Meristem. Courtesy of its collaborations with multiple investment firms, Cowrywise provides customers with a broad variety of mutual funds, hence paving the way for them to have diversified investment profiles.

In actuality, Cowrywise is a legal entity for having been registered as a Nigerian FinTech company. On one hand, this gives Cowrywise customers the positive assertion that their funds are in safe hands. On the other hand, it favourably indicates that the company is very likely to remain a going concern in coming years.

Reading this article further, you’ll find out more information about Cowrywise including the various savings plans the financial platform offers.

The Cowrywise App

Sleek and Efficient; Cowrywise App Makes Automated Saving Easy

To make its features and offers generously accessible to many interested investors, Cowrywise operates through a mobile app downloadable from both App Store and Play Store. Needless to say, the app has garnered myriads of positive reviews owing to its excellent functionality. It boasts an excellent start rating of 4.3, courtesy of its 2000+ reviews and 10,000 downloads on Play Store.

What Are the Exciting Perks of the Cowrywise App

    1. The app allows for flexible withdrawals
    2. It lets users diversify their investments conveniently
    3. It is well suited for both savings and investments
    4. The app guarantees daily returns on savings


Features of the Cowrywise App

The Cowrywise app comes with four savings features and the feature considered suitable for you is largely dependent on your financial target(s). While you can begin your Cowrywise savings with at least #100, below are the four savings features/plans you can select from:

  1. Life Goals –with its guaranteed minimum savings period of one year, Life Goals is considered a suitable savings plan for people with specific goals in mind. While Life Goals is best suited for people with long-term financial goals, you may have to consider it in order to save for such goals as vacations, payment of tuition fees, etc.
  2. Regular Savings –unlike Life Goals, Regular Savings guarantees you the minimum savings period of three months. Favourably, it also guarantees an annual interest rate of 10-15%
  3. Savings Circle –this, of course, is the Cowrywise savings plan specifically targeted at people with collective goals. Put simply, Savings Circle lets you and others (who could be friends or relatives) form a group and save towards a common goal
  4. Halal Savings –as a way of appealing to the preference of some Muslims, this savings plan doesn’t carry any interest rate. There’s no need stressing that some Muslims deem it “unislamic” to earn interests on their savings. Therefore, Cowrywise Halal Savings is undoubtedly a perfect match for such Muslims


We strongly believe that this article has adequately satisfied your information need regarding Cowrywise. If you’re really bent on achieving financial security through online savings and investments, Cowrywise is likely one of the platforms you shouldn’t shy away from giving a try

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