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Stats Audience Profile

  • 90% organic traffic
  • 450k+Monthly Users
  • 750k Monthly Pageviews
  • About 87% of Our Traffic are mobile users
  • Press Releases & Sponsored Posts
  • Catfish Banner Ads
  • Top Leaderboard – Dimensions – 728px by 90px
  • Bottom Leaderboard – Dimensions – 728*90
  • Right Hand Sidebar – Dimensions 300px ​by​ 250px, 300*600px
  • In Article Blub Ad
  • Site Sponsorship

Guest Post Submission Procedures and Requirements

Before submitting the article and getting approved, please follow the guidelines:

    • “Article” should be 100% original, informative and fresh. It should pass the Copyscape Premium test.
    • You must add subheadings, bullet points & paragraphs to make the article more readable.
    • “Article Title” should have an appropriate meaning.
  • “Article Body” should contain at least 800 words (Eight hundred words). We are only accepting an article with 800 to 3,000 words.
  • We approve one external link within the “Article Body”. But, our moderators will review all the links and if they find them suitable, then they will publish them.
  • 600 X 400 px images related to the article is highly recommended. We accept only royalty-free images with the proper image credit.
  • Once your article is published on our website, you can’t be able to re-publish it anywhere.
  • You have the responsibility to promote your articles and reply to comments timely so that readers could see you as a part of this blog.

The Benefits

    • Exposure to a massive audience
      The article gets 100,000+ visitors per month and is increasing every month. High-quality articles are included in our monthly newsletter. Needless to say, your sponsored posts will get massive exposure.
    • SEO Benefits is the fastest indexing website in search engines. Our articles are usually indexed within hours.
  • Social Media Exposure
    We are very active on social networks like Facebook, Telegram, Pinterest,  Youtube and Reddit. All your articles will be shared via these networks for additional exposure.

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