6 Common sexually transmitted diseases in Nigeria

The Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Nigeria are a serious problem. You may not even know you have one of these diseases because they often do not produce any symptoms for the first few weeks or months.

Once the symptoms show up, it is too late to treat them and your health will be compromised for years to come. Take precautions now so that you don’t contract any of these Common STDs in Nigeria!

Sexually transmitted diseases have been around for a long time, and in many cases, they are still prevalent today.

In Nigeria, Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases include HIV/AIDS. Many people think that those who are living with HIV/AIDS are the only ones at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases but this is not true.

If you want to avoid Common Sexually Transmitted diseases in Nigeria then be sure to get tested regularly and use protection when having sex!

In this article, we will discuss Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Nigeria. This can be a sensitive topic to talk about but it is important to know the facts and what you are up against when it comes to STDs.

The first thing that we need to do is look at the most common sexually transmitted diseases that exist in Nigeria.

1. Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Chlamydia is caused by a bacterial infection in the genitals or rectum. It can be cured with antibiotics but can have long-term effects on women’s sexual and reproductive health.

It’s important to know the symptoms of Chlamydia so you know when it needs medical attention. The symptoms are typically painless, though they may include discharge, bleeding between periods, unusual vaginal odor, foul-smelling vaginal secretions, and painful urination.

2. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a common infection in Nigeria that can be found in the reproductive tract of both men and women. It affects approximately 1 million people every year.

Nigeria is, however, the only country that has no single drug to treat this infection.

There are two types of gonorrhea: bacterial and non-bacterial. The symptoms of gonorrhea depend on whether it is caused by bacteria or not.

Bacterial Gonorrhea – Symptoms include a white, yellow, or green discharge from one or both eyes that may also have pus in it; redness inside the vagina; painful urination; sore throat; fever; headaches; and foul-smelling vaginal discharge with mucus. A culture will be necessary to identify whether it is bacterial or not. Non-pathogenic bacteria can only be identified by culturing them.

3. Syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that has the tendency of becoming deadly if left untreated. The symptoms of this disease include painless sores, ulcers, and rashes.

Syphilis leads to many long-term complications such as loss of vision, hearing, and nerve damage. According to the CDC, it can also lead to skin cancer or dementia.

This disease is highly contagious and can affect people of any age regardless of gender or race. Many countries have higher incidences in terms of rates due to sexual activity with people who are infected with syphilis or because people are unaware that they have it already.

4. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a common infection of the vagina and urethra. It is caused by a protozoan organism called Trichomonas vaginalis, it reproduces in the genital or anal area, and it can spread to other places like the throat and lungs.

There are no effective treatments for trichomoniasis, although there are medications to prevent symptoms and help control infection.

Trichomoniasis is usually treated with antibiotics, but these are not always effective. Symptoms may come back even after treatment.

5. Herpes

Herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease that can be contracted by any person who has sex. The virus causes sores in the genital area, on areas like the vagina or penis and/or anus.

Sometimes it will appear around the mouth as well, but this is less common than in other locations. Herpes can only suppress itself; however, there’s no cure to fully eradicate it from your body for good so you’ll have to live with its recurrence throughout your life even when not visible on an infected individual because of how contagious herpes really is are-sore carriers often do not know they’re carrying them until outbreaks happen!


HIV is a virus that can lead to AIDS, which if not properly managed will cause the body’s immune system to be too weak and unable to fight off viruses.

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus-a deadly infection of the central nervous system found in blood or other bodily fluids such as semen and vaginal fluid. If left untreated it may progress into Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

As the world becomes more interconnected, diseases such as HIV/AIDS can spread and devastate communities. With advances in technology and an understanding of effective prevention, these diseases can be stopped from spreading.

At present, there is no vaccine for HIV/AIDS. However, the number of cases has decreased over time due to education campaigns and access to health services. It’s estimated that globally about 36 million people were living with HIV in 2015

There’s still a lot of work to be done but progress is being made by organizations such as The Global Fund who are committed to ending the epidemic by 2030.


The conclusion of the blog is to raise awareness about STDs and why it’s important for people in Nigeria (and beyond) to get screened.

The number of sexually transmitted diseases in Nigeria is on the rise. We can’t stop you from getting a disease, but we do have the information to help prevent it.

Here are six common STDs that affect Nigerians and how they present themselves. If you know someone who might be at risk for these, share this article with them! You can share this information with your friends, family members, or anyone who needs the reminder that sexual health is a priority!

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