Beurax Crypto Trading Ponzi Review | Legit Or Scam

Beurax Crypto Trading
Investing your money is a very natural thing, as it is one of the quickest means to acquiring wealth.

And in the last few years, a lot of schemes have been discovered, as they help you actualize the profit of your investment, in a short period of time.

Personally, I got involved in one of these schemes some years back, which shook the economy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

It didn’t end well, and a lot of people became worse than they were, financially.

The purpose of this article, is to help you make safe decisions, while deciding on how and where to invest your money.

And on this page, we would be talking about a Platform, known as Beurax.

It poses as an investment platform, that uses cryptocurrency to make profits.

But before you trade, do well to read this article to the end.

Beurax Crypto Trading Ponzi Review

Before we drop our final analyses on whether this Scheme is Legit or Scam, we would like to talk about how they operate, the services they offer, and how you can make money on the platform.

While running a research on the platform to ensure the safety of our readers, we noticed that no information was provided, concerning the owner(s) of the platform.

For instance, we all know the mastermind behind Facebook, as well as most reliable platforms on the internet today.

However, that isn’t enough reason to conclude whether the benefit that comes with this platform are genuine or not.

The reason for this, is because most individuals may prefer to stay anonymous, until further notice.

Secondly, we noticed that the official website of Beurax, which is, was registered on the 19th of September, 2016.

Personally, I would say that websites that have been around for this long, can earn some trust.

Now, let us look at the products offered by Beurax, as well as their compensation plan and others.

Products Offered by Beurax

We can confidently say that the Beurax program is a “Ponzi Scheme”, because it does not market any kind of product.

In addition to that, Beurax Affiliates can invest USD, Bitcoin or Etherem , on the promise of an advertised daily Return on Investment (ROI).

Their investment plan has been outlined below;

  • Invest $20 to $500 and receive 1.4% a day for 15 days (121%)
  • Invest 0.001 to 0.5 BTC and receive 1.4% a day for 20 days (128%)
  • Invest 0.1 to 5 ETH and receive 1.4% a day for 20 days (128%)
  • Invest $500 to $1000 and receive 1.5% a day for 20 days (130%)
  • Invest $1000 to $2500 and receive 1.6% a day for 25 days (140%)
  • Invest 0.5 to 2 BTC and receive 1.5% a day for 30 days (145%)
  • Invest 5 to 20 ETH and receive 1.5% a day for 30 days (145%)
  • Invest $2500 to $5000 and receive 1.7% a day for 30 days (151%)
  • Invest $5000 to $10,000 and receive 1.8% a day for 35 days (163%)
  • Invest $1000 to $50,000 and receive 1.5% to 2.1% a day for 45 days (167.5% to 194.5%)
  • Invest 0.1 to 5 BTC and receive 1.5% to 2.1% a day for 45 days (167.5% to 194.5%)
  • Invest 3 to 120 ETH and receive 1.5% to 2.1% a day for 45 days (167.5% to 194.5%)
  • Invest 2 to 10 BTC and receive 1.6% a day for 45 days (172%)
  • Invest 20 to 50 ETH and receive 1.6% a day for 45 days (172%)
  • Invest $10,000 to $50,000 and receive 3% a day for 90 days (270%)
  • Invest $50,000 to $100,000 and receive 3.1% a day for 90 days (279%)
  • Invest 1 to 5 BTC and receive 3.1% a day for 90 days (279%)
  • Invest 25 to 125 ETH and receive 3.1% a day for 90 days (279%)
  • Invest $100,000 to $300,000 and receive 3.2% a day for 90 days (288%)
  • Invest $300,000 to $500,000 and receive 3.3% a day for 90 days (297%)
  • Invest 5 to 15 BTC and receive 3.3% a day for 90 days (297%)
  • Invest 125 to 400 ETH and receive 3.3% a day for 90 days (297%)
  • Invest $500,000 to $1,000,000 and receive 3.4% a day for 90 days (306%)
  • Invest $1,000,000 to $100,000,000 and receive 3.6% a day for 90 days (324%)
  • Invest 15 to 50 BTC and receive 3.6% a day for 90 days (324%)
  • Invest 400 to 1500 ETH and receive 3.6% a day for 90 days (324%)

Beurax Compensation Plan and Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve Affiliate ranks in the Beurax Compensation plan.

And just as the platform has explained, they have been outlined below as well;

Silver Consultant

Sign up as a Beurax affiliate

Golden Consultant

Generates $10,000 in a total downline investment

Diamond Consultant

Generates $30,000 in a total downline investment

Silver Manager

Generates $60,000 in a total downline investment

Golden Manager

Generates $120,000 in a total downline investment

Diamond Manager

Generates $250,000 in a total downline investment

Silver Partner

Generate $1,000,000 in a total downline investment

Golden Partner

Generates $3,000,000 in a total downline investment

Diamond Partner

Generates $10,000,000 in a total downline investment

Silver Director

Generates $30,000,000 in a total downline investment

Golden Director

Generates $50,000,000 in a total downline investment

Diamond Director

Generates $100,000,000 in a total downline investment

Commissions For Referral

If you would like to earn from Beurax via her referral commissions, then you need to understand what the Unilevel Compensation Structure is all about.

This structure has been designed to place an affiliate, at the top of a Unilevel team.

And just like most MLM Systems, every personally recruited affiliate, would be placed directly under the upline.

You would be promoted to Level 2, if you are able to recruit new affiliates.

And the same goes for Level 2 affiliates, as they would be promoted to Level 3, if they are able to register new affiliates under themselves.

The cycle keeps going till Level 15, as Beurax would keep giving out bonuses, depending on your current level of participation.

Let us check out the bonuses that has been assigned to each level;

Silver Consultants
  • Silver Consultants on Level 1 would earn 6% bonus.
  • Level 2 affiliates would earn 3% on their affiliate’s affiliate.
  • Level 3 and 4 would earn 1%
  • Level 5, 6 and 7 would earn 0.5%
  • Level 8, 9 and 10 would earn 0.4%
  • Level 11, 12 and 13 would earn 0.3%
  • While Level 14 and 15 would earn 0.2%.
Golden Consultants

Participants on this level, would earn as follows;

  • Level 1 would earn 7%
  • Level 2 would earn 3%.
  • Level 3 and 4 would earn 1%
  • Level 5, 6 and 7 would earn 0.5%
  • Level 8, 9 and 10 would earn 0.4%
  • Level 11, 12 and 13 would earn 0.3%
  • While Level 14 and 15 would earn 0.2%.
Diamond Consultants
  • Level 1 would earn 8%
  • Level 2 would earn 4%.
  • Level 3 would earn 2%
  • Level 4 would earn 1%
  • Level 5, 6 and 7 would earn 0.5%
  • Level 8, 9 and 10 would earn 0.4%
  • Level 11, 12 and 13 would earn 0.3%
  • While Level 14 and 15 would earn 0.2%.
Silver Managers
  • Level 1 would earn 9%
  • Level 2 would earn 5%.
  • Level 3 would earn 2%
  • Level 4 would earn 1%
  • Level 5, 6 and 7 would earn 0.5%
  • Level 8, 9 and 10 would earn 0.4%
  • Level 11, 12 and 13 would earn 0.3%
  • While Level 14 and 15 would earn 0.2%.
Golden Managers
  • Level 1 would earn 10%
  • Level 2 would earn 6%.
  • Level 3 would earn 3%
  • Level 4 would earn 1%
  • Level 5, 6 and 7 would earn 0.5%
  • Level 8, 9 and 10 would earn 0.4%
  • Level 11, 12 and 13 would earn 0.3%
  • While Level 14 and 15 would earn 0.2%.
Diamond Managers
  • Level 1 would earn 11%
  • Level 2 would earn 7%.
  • Level 3 would earn 3%
  • Level 4 would earn 1%
  • Level 5, 6 and 7 would earn 0.5%
  • Level 8, 9 and 10 would earn 0.4%
  • Level 11, 12 and 13 would earn 0.3%
  • While Level 14 and 15 would earn 0.2%.
Silver Partners
  • Level 1 would earn 12%
  • Level 2 would earn 8%.
  • Level 3 would earn 3%
  • Level 4 would earn 2%
  • Level 5, 6 and 7 would earn 0.5%
  • Level 8, 9 and 10 would earn 0.4%
  • Level 11, 12 and 13 would earn 0.3%
  • While Level 14 and 15 would earn 0.2%.

Let us also look at the Leadership Bonuses below.

Leadership Benefits

To become a beneficiary of the Bonuses that comes with this category, you would have to get the Diamond Consultant rank;

Qualify at the Diamond Consultant and receive $1, 000

When you get to Silver Manager level, you would receive $2, 000

  • Golden Manager would receive $3, 000
  • Diamond Manager would receive $5, 000
  • Silver Partner would receive $20, 000
  • Golden Partner would receive $50, 000
  • Diamond Partner would receive $250, 000
  • Silver Director would receive $500, 000
  • Golden Director would receive $1, 000, 000
  • Diamond Director would receive $3, 000, 000

According to Beurax, you would receive your payment, once the rank qualifications have been met.

The good thing about this program, is that the Affiliate Membership is Free!

However, full participation in the attached income position, would require a minimum of $20, 0.001 BTC, or 0.1 ETH.

Is Beurax Crypto Trading Safe To Trade On?

Beurax Crypto Trading is a Ponzi Scheme that does not offer any kind of product.

And as such, there is a high chance that it might not live up to expectation.

However, you might want to try them out, starting from their lowest package or plan.

But it is important to understand that your actions would be equivalent to “Gambling”.

So, feel free to participate, if you have spare cash.

But if not, then relax and wait for our next review on other platforms, to avoid losing money unnecessarily.

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