Welcome to mitrobenetwork, In today’s exam question sections for Junior secondary school students, you will get yourself acquainted with free Agricultural Science Exam Question For Junior Secondary School Students.
SUBJECT: Agricultural Science

- Agriculture is derived from two Latin words “ager” and ‘cultura’ meaning ______ and _____ (a) field and planting (b) field and cultivation (c) planting and cultivation
- One of these is the importance of agriculture (a) provision of food (b) provision of income (c) all the above
- Which of these is not an importance of agriculture to the nation (a) foreign exchange (b) international relation (c) provision of shelter
- _______ refers to the different areas covered in agricultural production (a) forms of agriculture (b) live stock farming (c) horticulture
- People keep bees for ________ and ________ (a) pollination and honey (b) honey and beewax (c) beewax and pollination
- Habbit is a type of ________ (a) fish (b) snail (c) bee
- Another name for bee farming is ________ (a) horticulture (b) apiculture (c) beewax
- Ornamental plants are plants grown to _______ the environment. (a) landscape (b) beautify (c) make environment tidy
- Sheep, goats, cattle, poultry, rabbits and pigs are all the _______ found in Nigeria (a) common animals (b) common livestock (c) live stock farming
- Soil science, crop science, fishery, animal science are all _________ of agriculture (a) types (b) branches (c) forms of agriculture
- Crops belong to a group of plants called ________ higher plants (b) plants (c) lower plants
- Plants with one seed leaf or cotyledon is referred to all _______ (a) dicityledons (b) monocotyledons (c) cotyledon
- Which of these is not a factor affecting distribution of crops (a) climatic condition (b) soil condition (c) none
- Poultry, diary animals, work animals, aquatic animals pets, etc are __________ (a) livestock (b) farm animals (c) form of farm animals
- Flavouring made from plants are called _______ (a) spices (b) latex (c) none of the above
- Crops that takes two seasons or year to complete their life cycle are _______ crops (a) annual (b) biennials (c) perennials
- Trees and shrubs are _______ (a) perennials (b) woody perennials (c) annuals
- _ are animals characterized by possession of backbone (a) vertebral column (b) none (c) vertebrates
- Animals that produce their young once alive and feed them with milk from mother animals are called? (a) Mammals (b) mothers (c) Ruminant
- Herbivores are animals that feeds on __________ (a) Green matter (b) Vegetable matter (c) animal matter.
Answer any three questions. All question carries equal mark.
- What is Agriculture
(b) Mention four (4) importance of Agriculture
(c) State four (4) branches of Agriculture
- Mention five (5) forms of Agriculture
(b) Explain any two (2) forms
(c) Mention four (4) parts of plants
- What is Photosynthesis
(b)What is monocotyledon and dicotyledon plants
(c) Give two (2) examples each of monocotyledon diotyledon
4a. Mention four (4) classification
- Explain any two classifications of crop
- What is vegetables?
5a. Enumerate the factors that affects distribution of farm animals
- State 5 uses of farm animals
- Mention 3 farm animals and their product and By-product.
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