According to findings, business service jobs are some of the high-paying positions that you could pursue with your academic degree.

Especially if you possess industry-specific experience along with a degree in business management, marketing, or another similar discipline, you might be lucky to land one of the best-paying business service jobs out there.

Because we understand that you might want to know some of the most profitable business service positions, we have come up with a list of the top 20 best-paying jobs in business services.

What Are the 20 Best-Paying Jobs in Business Services?

1. CEO

The Chief Executive Officer, the CEO, plays a key role at the apex level of business services. As a top officer, the CEO commits effort to help the business achieve success. The CEO is expected to have a wealth of knowledge about competitors, recent market trends, and trendy industry standards.

Being an executive with a leadership role means the CEO is also expected to possess great leadership qualities that would help steer the company along the right path. CEOs further commit effort to the formulation and implementation of strategic plans that can help companies gain edges over competitors.

CEOs are well-respected corporate members who fall among the highest-paid professionals in business services. In helping their company to establish well-rounded management, a CEO may work along with advisors, or a board of directors. Since their job is very pivotal to the success of a company, CEOs earn really well, with their annual salary ranging between $94,500 and $190,000.

2. Director of Program Management

Because a lot of responsibilities lie on the shoulders of the director of program management, it’s unsurprising that professionals handling this business service role on averagely earn between $136,500 and $192,000 yearly.

The director of program management handles several tasks including the review of program performance, supervision of program implementation, and evaluation of project managers. It’s the responsibility of this director to ensure that project managers –as well as program implementers –put in their best towards the achievement of the desired results.

In a business service firm, the director of program management not only proffers solutions to various program management issues but also acts as the leader of program managers. This is why individuals deemed qualified for the role must have attained a high level of knowledge or experience in a relevant field like change management, business management, or project management.

While jostling for director of program management jobs, candidates’ academic profiles are expected to reflect possession of generous industry knowledge/experience along with top academic degrees –such as a BSc or master’s –in relevant disciplines.

3. Marketing Managers

Marketing managers are professionals who contribute immensely to the success of a business through expert analysis of key components including competitors and consumers. Particularly, these professionals help manage the (marketing) department which is charged with the duty of generating reliable data on market trends, consumer wants/needs, etc.

Marketing managers are especially revered for their ability to use the data generated by a company’s marketing department to decide the best ways to promote the company’s products or services. Their job may transcend helping the company to map out the strategies for boosting investment returns and overall revenue.

Companies may also rely on marketing managers for estimates on the sales potential of newly launched products. This is why marketing managers carry out lots of relevant research and analysis. Annually, the average salary of marketing managers ranges between $80,900 and $151,260.

4. Human Resources Personnel

Business service professionals with the title “HR personnel” handle a lot of responsibilities. They play pivotal roles, especially in terms of recruitment and staffing. Not only do they help their company recruit employees, they also assist with employee management by responding to employees’ concerns.

The job of human resources personnel demands great interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate with employees. HR personnel negotiate benefit schedules, pay scales and certain other important matters with the employees. To work as an HR professional, you must be able to interact with employees, address their complaints, instil loyalty in them, and encourage them to comply with their company’s legal provisions.

HR personnel also conduct assessment programs aimed at evaluating employees’ performance. A company or organization heavily relies on HR personnel for the recruitment and training of staff who possess the required skills as well as understand the company’s operational guidelines. It is for this reason that HR personnel are central to the success of a company in terms of staff recruitment and management.

The average yearly salary of human resources personnel ranges between $134,500 and $180,500.

5. Customer Service Advisor

The customer service advisor occupies a leadership role which may require collaborating with the senior leaders of a company’s various other departments. While this collaboration enables the customer service advisor to contribute to customer-related matters outside their department, the primary duty of the customer service advisor is to supervise activities within the customer support department.

By conducting meetings with leaders in their company’s other departments, customer service advisors immensely contribute to the company’s overall success in the aspect of customer management.

As a customer service advisor, you’re required to help your department approach customer complaints, feedback and other customer-related issues in the appropriate manner. You must be able to recruit for the department, the right crop of staff who understand customer relationships and commit utmost effort to their job. It is also your duty to train the departmental staff and assess their performance.

Without any doubt, customer service advisors are some of the well-remunerated professionals in business services. The average annual salary of these professionals ranges between $95,000 and $185,000.

6.Talent Acquisition Manager

This is one of the business service jobs where you’re expected to perform an oversight function. As a talent acquisition manager, you must be able to manage –i.e. supervise and coordinate –your company’s HR personnel or any other talent acquisition experts.

Crucial responsibilities rest on the shoulders of talent acquisition managers; they must be able to coordinate HR personnel as well as formulate talent acquisition criteria. The talent acquisition manager also thinks out the right strategies, methods, protocols, etc., that would facilitate talent acquisition processes.

If a company employs you to work as a talent acquisition manager, the company simply wants you to guide HR personnel on various things. These will essentially include the techniques for interviewing prospective employees, the criteria for identifying eligible candidates, and the qualifications the personnel should require of applicants jostling for various job positions.

The average annual salary of talent acquisition managers ranges between $100,000 and $179,500.

7.Tax Manager

As an expert on tax matters, a tax manager has the ability to address tax-related issues, prepare tax paperwork and encourage obedience to tax regulations.

Largely, tax managers are professionals who handle tax-related matters for their firms or business organizations. Since they command vast knowledge of tax laws at various –local, state and federal –levels, it is their duty to ensure their companies or business firms operate in accordance with tax regulations.

To work as a tax manager, you need to have the requisite license –precisely the Certified Public Accountant license –as well as the required academic qualification. You’ll stand a high chance of being employed if you combine such a license with a master’s degree in any of the relevant disciplines –taxation, economics, and finance.

As some of the best-paid business service professionals, tax managers earn an average yearly salary that ranges between $83,000 and $160,000.

8.Business Affairs Manager

The business affairs manager usually deals with legal issues pertaining to the business division they are assigned in an organization. Generally, the job of the business affairs manager entails working with those in the organization’s legal department.

Notwithstanding that the academic requirements for business affairs manager jobs generally vary, bear in mind that a degree in a legal discipline may constitute the essential requirements.

As a business affairs manager (or corporate affairs manager), you’re required to be well grounded in the regulations that pertain to your industry. Meanwhile, your core job responsibilities may vary depending on the unit you’re assigned by your organization.

Business affairs managers have an average annual salary that ranges between $72,500 and $187,500.


Although some of them can be found in other industries, actuaries are generally known for their extensive attachment to the insurance industry. Most commonly, actuaries in insurance engage in one of the following aspects: life insurance, enterprise risk, health insurance, and property and casualty insurance.

The job of an actuary is computer-based and analytical as this insurance expert employs modeling tools, statistics, databases, etc., while executing operations with computer. Ultimately, the actuary communicates essential information to clients, organizational leaders, or shareholders through use of reports.

Actuaries employ statistical data in helping their companies or organizations arrive at competitive and favorable premiums. Besides helping their insurance companies work out policy designs, actuaries present their clients (company shareholders or leaders) with detailed reports of proposals, computations, analyses, findings, etc.

The average annual salary of actuaries ranges between $77,000 and $181,000.

10. IT Systems Manager

With their job being the pivot of a company’s computer-related operations, IT systems managers are undeniably some of the best-paid business service professionals. Generally, the primary responsibilities of IT systems managers include analysis and rectification of IT system deficiencies, preparation of periodic IT budgets, and maintenance of network security.

Meanwhile, some of the other important responsibilities of these professionals may include the supervision of subordinate IT staff, management of computer networks, and administration of telecommunication systems.

More generally, the responsibilities of IT systems managers encompass organization, supervision and coordination of a firm’s IT-related operations. While IT systems managers may be required to handle certain other tasks, the organization (or organizational division) where they work largely determines the scope of their duties.

The average annual salary of IT systems managers ranges between $55,000 and $176,000.

11. Talent Agent

Compared to the other business service jobs in this post, the job of a talent agent is more individual-oriented. The reason for this is that the talent agent acts as the image maker for an artiste or other talented individual.

A talent agent ensures that the right image is created for their client –singer, band, entertainer, comedian, model, athlete, etc. –so that the client appears really attractive to others, including supporters and big brands. Because it’s the responsibility of a talent agent to protect or sustain an attractive reputation for their client, the talent agent is regarded as a kind of public relations professional.

The average annual salary of talent agents ranges between $37,000 and $139,000.

12. Financial Advisor

The responsibilities of the financial advisor are quite broad, but generally, financial advisors help clients handle financial planning. This is, of course, why they may also be regarded as financial planners.

Financial advisors are experts who help clients devise the right strategies for budgeting and money management. Clients who engage the services of these experts include individuals as well as investment and advice firms. Some of the duties financial advisors help their clients perform include tax budgeting, debt management, and estate planning.

As experts on financial matters, financial advisors also have the ability to identify investment opportunities for their clients. They leverage good knowledge of the financial market to suggest profitable investments that could boost clients’ investment portfolios as well as overall ROIs.

Financial experts thoroughly review clients’ assets, incomes, salaries, financial resources, etc., in order to help suggest the ideal investment opportunities for the clients. It is also by reviewing these aspects of a client’s financial life that the financial advisor determines the suitable investment strategy for the client. The average annual salary of financial advisors ranges between $65,278 and $181,000.


Accountants are some of the experts whose services are required by numerous organizations and business firms. They are experts on financial matters involving data assessment and record keeping. It is an accountant that prepares accounts which serve as summaries of clients’, companies’ or businesses’ financial records.

The accountant performs an oversight duty over a company’s financial operations. Meanwhile, their responsibilities within a corporate environment include assisting company executives or managers with the budget reports needed to create business plans.

There are different types of accountants but generally, accounting experts are responsible for the assessment of financial data and analysis of financial records. While employment opportunities abound for holders of accounting degrees, becoming a certified public accountant is one of the ways to boost your employability.

In addition to the basic fact that they analyse a business’ credits and debits, accountants may help their clients handle other financial responsibilities. Since accountants fall among the well-paid experts in business services, it is unsurprising that the average annual salary of accountants ranges between $53,806 and $150,000.

14. Loan Officer

Loan officers work with financial institutions where they perform various responsibilities including guiding loan applicants. They are experts who reserve the right to decide the worthy individuals among a good deal of loan applicants.

In the financial institutions –such as banks and lending companies –where they work, loan officers attend to loan applicants by explaining the institutions’ rules and regulations to them. They also ensure that the applicants are provided with all the information or guidelines required for the borrowing process.

Irrespective of their areas of specialization, loan officers have the onus of receiving applicants’ applications and assessing the applications in order to filter out the unworthy ones. While some of their areas of specialization include residential and commercial lending, a typical loan officer actually specializes in a single area.

Loan officers must be able to authenticate the information submitted to them by loan applicants. This duty forms a crucial part of what they do for their financial institutions. Annually, the average salary of loan officers ranges between $73,315 and $190,000.

15. Investment Banker

Investment bankers are usually engaged by clients who need expert managers for their investment/financial portfolios. Both businesses and individuals hire these professionals who are required for their wealth of knowledge on investment matters.

Whether they choose to operate as independent professionals or attach themselves to financial institutions, investment bankers must be able to manage clients’ financial portfolios as well as identify market trends. This way, investment bankers would not only carry out smart investments but also incorporate the right strategy for helping clients reduce costs.

Investment bankers handle various tasks including stock acquisition and bond issuance. They can also suggest smart ways or channels through which their clients (firms, financial institutions, etc.) can raise funds. Averagely, the annual salary of investment bankers ranges between $64,520 and $170,000.

16. Chief Sales Officer

The role of the chief sales officer is one of the business service jobs that demand experience in sales/marketing management. Beyond possessing this basic experience, individuals jostling for chief sales officer jobs must showcase problem-solving and leadership skills.

Why chief sales officers must possess leadership and problem-solving skills is that they have the responsibilities of organizing market research, training employees, overseeing customer service, and collaborating with other company departments. As a marketing/sales leader, the chief sales officer also coordinates sales/marketing strategies.

It’s worthy of note that the chief sales officer falls among the executives at an organization’s or company’s top level. This is why they are largely responsible for the coordination of sales/marketing activities. To secure a position as a chief sales officer, you must have gathered relevant experience by working as a sales manager. As for the educational qualification, you’re expected to have armed yourself with at least a BSc in any relevant discipline such as marketing.

With marketing and sales considered crucial activities in business services, it is unsurprising that the role of the chief sales officer appears very important in any large business outfit. Therefore, it is justifiable that the average annual salary of chief sales officers ranges between $56,500 and $170,000.

17. Business Development Manager

The business development manager contributes to the growth of a company or business organization in various ways. Business development managers commit effort to the analysis of industry-specific trends, thereby helping their employers map out the strategies for business growth.

Business development managers should be able to recommend business growth strategies that could boost product sales or service patronage. Their responsibilities generally include formulation of growth-oriented financial strategies, identification of industry trends, and generation of leads.

Moreover, the job of the business development manager demands strong interpersonal skills, the reason being that business development managers must be able to collaborate with certain other internal members. The average annual salary of business development managers ranges between $67,452 and $190,000.

18. Controller

Controllers are placed in companies’ accounting divisions where they perform an oversight function over accounting activities and workers. Due to this responsibility, it suffices to think of controllers as accounting supervisors.

While large-scale businesses usually hire them, controllers are professionals expected to be well-grounded in the finances and tax regulations of their employers. In discharging their oversight responsibility, controllers must be able to assign tasks and issue instructions to accounting workers. Controllers discharge this responsibility so that their employers’ financial transactions can be devoid of mismanagement or irregularities.

Courtesy of their oversight ability and vast knowledge of employers’ finances, taxation policies, etc., controllers are highly required for the smooth running of financial activities and accounting functions in a large business organization. The average annual salary of controllers ranges between $93,624 and $200,000.

19. Research Analyst

The services of research analysts are engaged by employers across industries. Particularly in business, employers hire these experts to conduct systematic market investigations aimed at identifying opportunities for product/service sales.

Research analysts employed by businesses are usually expected to work with the marketing departments of their companies. This is in order to generate insightful information about the companies’ sales methods and activities. Without such information, it might prove hard for the research analysts to identify the loopholes in the companies’ products, marketing activities, sales tactics, etc.

Research analysts employ a variety of tools and strategies including data analytics which particularly enable them to prepare financial reports. While research analysts could be needed by firms and businesses in many sectors of a country, there’s no denying that these professionals earn really well. The average annual salary of research analysts ranges between $65,815 and $160,000.

20. Logistician

In addition to the basic knowledge that they specialize in logistics, logisticians are professionals whose services might be highly needed during hurricanes, earthquakes and other high-impact natural disasters. Without any doubt, logisticians are important personnel in terms of disaster response.

Outside their role in disaster response, logisticians offer services to commercial ventures. One of their responsibilities in the latter case is to assist businesses with the execution of distribution and shipping activities.

Logisticians are generally responsible for organizing and coordinating the distribution of resources –such as equipment, supplies, and personnel –to the places where they are needed. It is also their responsibility to ensure the resources are delivered in good condition and at the appointed time.

Another duty of logisticians is to help clients devise cost-effective logistic approaches without compromising efficiency. Logisticians may be hired by various employers including government agencies and retail stores.

The average annual salary of logisticians ranges between $58,000 and $150,000.


What Is the Highest-Paying Job in Business Services?

Based on our findings, the entrepreneur occupies the highest-paying position in business services. As an entrepreneur, your annual earnings could range from thousands to millions of dollars. Unlike CEOs, marketing managers, directors of program management, etc., who all receive salaries from business owners, entrepreneurs act as the organizers and owners of their businesses.

Rather than expect to receive salaries from anyone, entrepreneurs make their own money in the form of business profits.

Can Somebody without a Business Management Degree Land a Business Service Job?

It is not all business service jobs that require you to possess a degree in business management. But in many cases, having a degree in business management or any similar discipline may give you a competitive edge while applying for business service jobs.

Is a Business Management Degree Really Marketable?

Yes, and that’s because a business management degree exposes you to a good number of employment opportunities. Meanwhile, these opportunities lead to some of the best-paying business service jobs discussed earlier.


In order to furnish you with accurate and up-to-date information, we generated data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and some other relevant authorities while compiling our list of 20 best-paying jobs in business services.

We, therefore, believe that you’ve found this post useful for authoritative information on the best-paying business service jobs out there.

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