How to Increase Website Traffic

One of the greatest challenges for business websites and blogs is getting traffic. In this guide, we will consider some of the best ways to position a website to get more traffic in 2021.

First, getting organic traffic means to attract more website users, you can not be thinking of traffic If you are yet to have a website.

So, the first step you need to take is to create a website for your business.

Increasing the amount of visitors that visit your website for free without you having to run paid promotions on social media or other third-party channels is called organic traffic.

Basically, it’s traffic gotten from search engines.

This works when your website is well positioned for search engines.

There is more to what makes a profitable business website than just good design, the website should be developed for both human and search engine crawlers.

Factors to consider when creating your Website

There are several factors that need to be considered to achieve this when creating a website.

  • Website structure

The site structure is the first, here you talk about easy navigation, page accessibility and other things that helps site users to find the right information they are looking for.

  • Visual design

Next is, the visual design, an attractive website is what everyone wants to see for a business in 2021, you don’t want your business website to be looking 1982.

As Humans we are created to be visually oriented in nature, a website with great graphics and perfect blend of colour will do much better for marketing.

A website must be able to impress your prospects at first impression, grab their attention, furnish them with the required information and turn them to paying customers.

  • Content

Another element of a professional business website is content.

Content remains the stronghold of any website. The reason for the mantra; content is king, is because it plays a major role in getting your Website properly positioned for easier access to users from search engines.

The search engine works by displaying the best search result for every query, creating informative and long-form content related to your business, and doing it better than your competitors will give you the leverage to rank higher and attract more prospects to your business.

You also want to avoid legal issues by copying other people’s content, the key to win with content is to create unique and mind-blowing contents that will alleviate all the worries of your customers.

Make sure they are original, well structured, and detailed.

If you must use images from outside of your business, brand them up using a tool like Canva, and only use images with no copyright violation.

  • Web-friendly

The next thing is web friendliness. A Website that speaks potential profit for a business must be web-friendly, this means that even when your website is visually appealing, informative, and properly structured in terms of navigation, it must also be web-friendly.

Simply, it’s compatible across all types of browsers and must render perfectly on all screen types, this will enhance user performance and speak more wins for your business.

A web-friendly website overall is adding value to the World Wide Web as a system. The developers and web designers must be dutiful to take into proper consideration all the key aspects and rules of professional website development.

This is why, we at Techlaunchpad always recommend to entrust your web development projects to experienced developers, this way you can get value for money.

We have helped hundreds of businesses locally and internationally we’d love to support your business and give it the perfect web prescence you desire.

How to improve your web traffic

Normally, if we are to make a list of actionable things to do improve traffic on your Website, it’s going to be a very long list, that’s why I tried to narrow this down as much as possible to the 5 most important things to do well in your organic rankings.

Let’s get right to it!

1. Enhance your site’s speed

It may surprise you that this is coming as our first recommendation, but yes, it’s a very important factor for a better organic ranking.

There’s a lot of benefits your website stands to get when it loads pretty fast for site users.

First, it will enhance the overall site users experience for your web visitors. People are not patient these days to wait on your web that takes minutes to load, it’s the era of information galore and you have milliseconds to engage a user.

A slow website will fail poorly in this regard; website pages will be served slowly and that might frustrate anxious web users to completely exit your website and visit the next website which is apparently a competitor’s website to get the information they needed.

When this happens a lot of time and user experience reduces, your bounce rate starts to get higher and this sends the wrong signal to Google and other search engines when they come to crawl your website.

People exiting your website too much of the time because it loads slowly or search crawlers having difficulty to crawl your website will compound to a whole of issues that can affect your business website and send it to its early graveyard.

A website that loads fast is loved by search engines, It shows you mean business and you understand what is required.

  •  How to check site speed

Noe that we have established why your website should load fast, let’s see how you can check how fast your website is rated by Google.

There a few tools to get this done, there is the Google PageSpeed insights which is free. All you had to do is open the link and type in your website’s URL, click on the go button to see how fast your website loads.

It will score your web and show you some possible technical recommendations to improve your speed. This usually has to do with site-level customization that involves working on the code structure of your website.

You can also see your website’s speed from time to time from within your website’s dashboard if created using WordPress, to achieve this, you need to install the plugin by Google called Site kit. It’s a multifunctional plugin that gives a benchmark of your website traffic and organic performance. You can also see your earnings and other performance indexes.

A third tool, I recommend using to check your web speed is Gtmetrix. It’s a popular online tool for checking speed, you can even check your website against that of your competitors, to see how well your web is faring.

This tool also shows you recommendations to improve your web codes in order to achieve a web that runs faster.

Now that you’ve been handed a recommendation, next is to work on those tips.

2. Choose a Good Web hosting provider

However, most of the things in the recommendation can be avoided from day one of developing your Website, which is why it cannot be over emphasizes that you should always engage the service of a professional web developer to launch your online business.

First, you need to choose a very fast hosting service provider. For this we recommend Bluehost.

They’ve been serving thousands of clients in the industry for decades and they power websites of some of the top-earning webpreneurs with a remarkable blueprint in online business.

Bluehost is cost-effective, reliable, and gives up to 99.9 uptime which means that you need not worry about your website going down and not being accessible to users at any point in time.

Use a lightweight theme

Your theme is a direct factor that determines how fast your website loads or serves web pages to users and crawlers.

The amazing thing about building your business website with WordPress is that you need not break the bank to get a speed-efficient theme for your website.

Remarkably, most of the best themes that are recommended for speed by the larger community of WordPress users are Free.

In a report by WP rocket where they made some real-life testing to find out the fastest WordPress theme, they came to the conclusion that GeneratePress, Astra, Neve, OceanWp are some of the fastest themes you can use to deploy your web.

For Shopify users, you can enhance the page load time on your website by making sure you only upload the needs files and images to your shop, also make sure that all the web assets are well compressed and server friendly.

3. Optimize potential pages

The next thing you should consider doing is to find potential pages on your website and have them optimized, this way they’d do better and gain more traffic.

You can make use of reports from our Google Analytics or simply Google site kit to see your best pages, pages that are bringing you the most traffic at the moment.

Select about 20 to 30 of them and make them better. You can Optimise them for more related keywords, make them more informative and use it to give as much clarity as possible to your readers.

You may have to also rewrite the description with the goal of making them as unique as possible. Try to make those pages as perfect as they can be for what Google wants so that you can be rewarded by the search engine on it’s SERP listing.

Check Out this SEO checklist by SemRush:

4. Optimize images

If you haven’t already done this, then it’s time to pay close attention to optimizing your images. Making sure your images are optimized for and well-compressed will improve the overall performance of your website and earn you more win in rankings, another thing that will help immensely is making sure that each and every content image carry proper alt tags, title, description, and caption where necessary. You can use plugins like Smush and Shortpixel for image compression.

5. Content Anchors

Content anchors are blog post that serves as the pillar of your web.  It’s not as if you need to start blogging night and day because you want to attract more traffic to your web.

If you are a business owner and not a full-time or career blogger, you need not necessarily blog every day of the week. Simply, you can build three to five really amazing and very informative resources around your products for your customer.

Here I am not talking about making some 300-word piece of content around your business keywords, Na! that’s just not it! Instead, why not look to find three of the top keywords in your industry and further analyse them for other opportunities that you can cover in your content?

These types of posts are usually very comprehensive, in each article, you take time to cover the nitty-gritty of all aspects of the subject matter, and you use as many as possible subheadings to break your content and properly structure them in a way that readers can comprehend, this also gives you ample room to cover as many related topics or keywords in your posts as much as possible.

The bottom line is to make content that’s better than anything that already exists on the internet. You can imagine that’s a daunting task, and sometimes in very competitive niches, it might mean making epic content rich enough to make a whole book, all done for free to properly orientate your potential customers and turn them into paying clients.

As the boss that you are, you may not have to write all the content yourself, you can leverage, by engaging the service of professional writers on UpWork and other professional writing job sites.

6. Guest Post

To increase organic search traffic, another provable thing we recommend you do is to guest post, it simply means to make content for other websites. Sometimes it is allowed for free by the webmaster or it could be paid, like an advertorial, where you need to pay basically to have an article on a site that’s related to your niche or industry.

Guest posting is a great way to get links back to your website from other online properties and backlinks are like the pillars that hold your website, the stronger the pillar gets, the more traffic your website is able to attract.

At TLP, we can help you to get started the right way online. We can support you in achieving a unique brand presence for your business. We offer different types of digital marketing services from web creation to, social media marketing, email marketing, advertisement, Search Engine Optimisation & Positioning, brand management, Graphics, and more.

Share your idea with us today and let’s make it come to life.


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