Health is wealth, this article is specifically for the pregnant ladies or women who just took in.

If you are pregnant there are a lot of responsibility you have to take to ensure you keep a healthy pregnancy.

Which is :

  1. See your doctor or midwife as soon as possible
  2. Eat well
  3. Take a supplement
  4. Be careful about food hygiene
  5. Exercise regularly
  6. Begin doing pelvic floor exercises
  7. Cut out alcohol
  8. Cut back on caffeine
  9. Stop smoking
  10. Get some rest
  11. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

See a doctor or mid wife often:
As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, get yourself registered for antenatal care. Make an appointment with your Doctor or a midwife at your local health center.

Aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet whenever you can.
At least five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juice all count.
Starchy foods (carbohydrates), such as bread, pasta and rice. Carbohydrates need to make up just over a third of what you eat.
Daily servings of protein, such as fish, lean meat, eggs, beans, nuts are very important.

Dairy foods, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt.
Fish should atleast be present in your diet.
Fish is full of protein, vitamin D , minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the development of your baby’s nervous system.

You need to take folic acid for at least the first three months (This is important) and vitamin D for the whole of your pregnancy and beyond.
Taking folic acid reduces the risk of your baby developing a neural tube defect such as spina bifida . Some women need to take a higher dose of 5mg per day, so check with your doctor or midwife what the best dose is for you.
This is very important, you have to was your hands properly before handling of foods and after handling of food if you should coe in encounter with raw foods Eg: raw meat please you are adviced to wash your hands after.

Salmonella bacteria can cause food poisoning. You can pick up a salmonella infection from eating

Regular exercise has many benefits for you, and also for your baby.

Doing gentle exercise:
Helps you to cope with changes to your posture and strains on your joints during pregnancy.
Helps you to stay a healthy weight, although it’s normal to put on some weight during pregnancy.
Helps to protect you against pregnancy complications, such as high blood pressure .
Increases your chance of a straightforward
labour and birth.
Makes it easier for you to get back into shape after your baby is born.

Good exercises for pregnancy include:
brisk walking
aquanatal classes

Any alcohol you drink rapidly reaches your baby via your bloodstream and the placenta.
Its not advisable to take alcohol while pregnant it’s could be very dangerous for your health and the baby.
Mums-to-be who drink heavily on a regular basis are more likely to give birth to a baby with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). These are problems ranging from learning difficulties to more serious birth defects.
CUT OFF ON CAFFEINE: Too much caffeine may increase your risk of miscarriage. Caffeine is in coffee, tea, cola, chocolate and energy drinks. You should not take it.
CUT OFF ON SMOKING :Smoking during pregnancy can cause serious health problems for you and your baby. Smoking increases your baby’s risk of:
premature birth
low birth weight
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or “cot death”
Smoking also makes the following pregnancy complications more likely:
Ectopic pregnancy
Placental abruption, where the placenta comes away from the womb wall before your baby is born.
GET SOME REST: for the sake of your health and that of the baby’s try t get some rest what I mean by this is
√ Adequate undisturbed sleep
√ Relaxing
√ massaging (this helps all your nerves to relax).
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