What is coconut oil?

Coconut oil, or copra oil, is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts harvested from the coconut palm. It has various applications and used in many ways.

 coconut oil Nutrition facts

Amount Per : 100 grams
Calories: 862
Nutrition Facts
Oil, coconut
Amount Per : 100 grams
Calories: 862

Importance of coconut oil

Coconut Oil for Hair– This nourishing oil has been used for centuries in hair and its unique fat composition makes it especially beneficial for certain hair types.

To Moisturize and Nourish Skin – The same properties make coconut oil great for skin as well. Many people like to use it as a natural moisturizer. Its natural antioxidant and it helps for stretch marks and Winkles

Digestive Help – Coconut oil’s concentration of beneficial fats in coconut oil makes it helpful for digestion. Its antimicrobial properties can help fight irritation and infection in the gut from Candida.

Great Source of Healthy Fats – Over 50% of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid. In fact, coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid after breastmilk.

Mental Boost – Studies show MCTs may contribute to focus and mental performance.

Hormone Support– Getting the wrong kinds of fats can create havoc on hormones. Coconut oil contains specific fats that support the body’s natural hormone production.

Immune Support– The MCTs (including lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid) have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that make it beneficial for immune support.

Great fat for cooking: Coconut oil is a stable oil that doesn’t break down easily at high temperatures like other oils do. It doesn’t go rancid easily and has amazing nutritional properties. It is great for cooking eggs, stir fries, grain free baked goods, and practically any other cooking use.


Tools needed

  • Coconut
  • Blender
  • Jar with lid
  • Container with lid
  • Spoon
  • Knife
  • Chisel
  • 3 layers of cheesecloth
  • Bowl

Preparation Method

Step 1: Shave off as much of the outer shell of the coconut as you can. Do this by using the knife to scrape off the outer shell. Always point the blade of the knife away from you.
Cut the coconut in half with a knife. Drain the coconut milk into a jar.

Step 2: Scoop out the meat of the coconut with a chisel and place the meat into a bowl.

Step 3: Measure the amount of coconut meat you have. Add 50 percent more water to the bowl than you have coconut meat. For example, if you have two cups of coconut meat, add three cups of water.

Step 4: Pour the contents of the bowl into the blender. Place the lid on the blender and plug it in. Turn the blender on to its “chop” setting for one minute then switch the setting to “blend” for two to three minutes, or until the coconut has a smooth, creamy consistency.

Step 5: Place three layers of cheesecloth, one on top of the other, over the bowl. Pour the coconut from the blender onto the cheesecloth.

Step 6: Gather the cheesecloth around the coconut and squeeze out all of the milk. Discard the cheesecloth and coconut flakes that remain in the cheesecloth.

Step 7: Pour the coconut milk into the jar. Screw the lid tightly on the jar and allow the coconut milk to ferment.

Step 8: Move the coconut milk into warm, light area for six to eight hours. According to, “Organic Marin: Recipes from Land to Table,” during this time the coconut oil will separate from the coconut milk.

Step 9: Chill the jar in the refrigerator for three hours to allow the oil to solidify.
Scoop out the oil with a spoon and place it in a container with a lid. Allow the oil to thaw in a room temperature environment and then use the oil as you choose.


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