Probably after you’ve been approved by Google AdSense to serve ads on your site, and one day you decided to check your AdSense earnings and you get a notification from AdSense which goes like this:
Earnings at risk – One or more of your site does not have an ads.txt.file.
Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue.
The notification seems shocking and scary at first sight, but not to worry, in this very article you’re going to learn how to fix Google adSense ads.txt.file. error, in both wordpress and Blogger platform.
But before we proceed, let us know what Google adSense ads.txt.file is all about.
What Is Google AdSense Ads.Txt.File?
Google AdSense ads.Txt.file (Authorized Digital Seller is an IAB Technology Laboratory initiative text file that aims to prevent unauthorized and illegal inventory sales. Ads.txt file protects publishers from ad fraud, and it can potentially increase your ad revenue. The initiative is supported by Google’s advertising platforms like Google Adsense, Doubleclick, and Ad Exchange. The essence for this is to protect the interest of the Publisher and Advertisers and prevent serving unauthorized ads on pages.
Why is it Important?
Ads.txt file improves transparency in online advertisement by allowing publishers to declare who can sell their ad inventory.
See how it works:
If you are an advertiser and someone tells you that they can display your ad on a particular website, then you can go and checkout that website’s ads.txt file. It will show you if the company you are dealing with has the permission to sell advertising space on that particular website or not.
How To Fix Google AdSense Ads.Txt.File Error in WordPress.
For individuals using WordPress platform, whenever you see adSense Ads.Txt.file notification error, see what to do.
Step 1: Visit your AdSense earnings dashboard, using Google chrome or your favourite browser, besides the ads.txt.file. notification error, click on Learn More.
This will take you to Google’s instructions guide. You’ll see a code that looks exactly like this:, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Copy the code exactly as they are, or you can simply copy the one above, they are all the same thing.
Then replace – pub-0000000000000000 with your Google AdSense Publisher’s ID.
Your Google adSense Publisher’s ID is a 16 digits unique number in every adSense account owned by any Publisher (blogger). You find your AdSense Publisher’s ID in your AdSense earnings dashboard. Goto Accounts then click Settings then click Account informations.
Below is an example how you should replace the pub-0000000000000000 with your Publisher’s ID.
Example:, Pub-2345617898736257, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Step 1: Install and activate Ads.txt Manager Plugin. You can learn how to install and activate plugin in wordpress.
Step 2: After you must have installed and activated the Ads.txt. Manager Plugin, login into your WordPress dashboard, click on Settings, locate the Ads.txt Manager. Click on it. An empty field will be provided.
Step 3: Copy and paste the Google ads.txt.file code with your AdSense Publisher’s ID included, into the empty field provided in the ads.txt. manager Plugin. Then click on Save Changes.
Congratulations, the error has been fixed, the error ads.txt.file error notification will disappear few hours later.
How To Fix Ads.Txt.File in Blogger Platform
For individuals using blogger platform, whenever you see adSense Ads.Txt.file notification error, see what to do.
Step 1: Login to your blogger dashboard. Then click on Settings.
Step 2: Click on Search preference.
Step 3: A new page will be revealed to you. Beside Custom ads.txt. Click on Edit.
Step 4: Enable Custom ads.txt. By clicking on the Yes node.
Step 5: In the empty field provided, copy and paste the Google txt.file code with your Publisher’s ID included. Then click on Save Changes.
Congratulations you’ve fixed the ads.txt.file error, the error notification will disappear hours later.