6 Importance of Civic Education in Nigeria

Civic education provides students with knowledge about not only democracy but also the history that has shaped it. Civics also teach students how to get involved in their communities through volunteering or participating in their local government.

What is Civic Education?

Civic education is the process of educating and inspiring people to be informed, active citizens in their communities.

It is created by schools, universities, nonprofits, and other organizations to create a more informed and responsible citizenry. Students learn the three parts of citizenship: rights and responsibilities of citizens, how government works at local, state and federal levels; and how the three branches of government work together.

Civic Education in Nigeria

In Nigeria, many citizens have no idea what is going on in their government and are not aware of the many benefits they are entitled to. Civic education programs can help provide awareness of what is going on in government, how to voice their opinion on a topic or event, and direct them to the resources they need.

Research has shown that civic education programs have been effective in countries where there’s an active social media culture. In these places, civic education programs can be used as a platform for information sharing and advocacy.

Concept of Civic Education

In today’s world, it is not enough to teach students about the individual laws. They should also learn about how individual rights intersect with others and with society.

Civic education can be a difficult concept to teach because it is so broad. It involves teaching students about their rights as well as the other people they share this world with and how they can work together for a more just society.

Some go so far as to say that civic education should start at home. Parents can give their children the opportunity to practice good citizenship through family involvement in community activities or volunteering in their own neighborhoods.

Role of Civic Education in Nation building

Civic education is not only important for individuals but also for society at large. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that every individual has the knowledge and skills required to participate in social, economic, and political life so that they can make informed decisions.

The idea of civic education is very old as there have been references made to it in Plato’s Republic. However, it was only after World War II when people started associating it with democracy. The successful transition from authoritarianism in Western Europe led people to believe that democracy could not survive without a strong sense of citizenship among the population.

Importance of Civic Education in Nigeria

1. To become good citizens

The importance of civic education is due to the fact that it is a way for citizens to understand how democracy works and how they can be good citizens.

People are more aware of their rights and duties when they are taught about civic education in school. It also helps them know what their responsibilities as citizens are.

2. To make aware of our rights as citizens

It is important that we as young adults understand our civic rights and are aware of the responsibilities that come with them.

The Nigerian constitution guarantees us certain rights, such as the right to a good education, to a good job, and to live without fear of persecution. One of these rights is voting. Voting is one way for us as citizens to have a say in what happens in our country; it gives us a voice.

3. To understand our society

Civic education is the knowledge and understanding of how society functions. It is the knowledge of citizens’ rights, responsibilities, and privileges in society.

Civic education should aim to create a knowledgeable citizenry that understands its institutions and values. By shaping people’s attitudes, emotions, and values toward democracy, civic education hope to create an informed citizenry that will vote responsibly and participate in politics. Civic education should not be just about electoral politics but also about economic decision-making processes as well (including investment decisions).

4. To Maintain Peaceful, Orderly and Stable Environment

Civic education is now a necessary intervention for maintaining peace, orderliness and stability in any society. In Nigeria, as the major oil producer of Africa, there is an urgent need to not only invest in industries but also on civic education. All sectors of society are affected by this situation.

There is a need for effective citizen participation and civic engagement to maintain peace, orderliness and stability in Nigeria. Citizens should be educated about their rights and duties as well as the responsibilities of other sectors of society like the government, private sector etc.

The civil education helps citizens to understand what they can do to address any problem that may arise from time to time with regards to issues like governance or economy amongst others.

5. To be aware of government policies and programmes

It is very important that citizens of Nigeria are well-informed about the government’s policies and programmes. It is also necessary for citizens to be aware of how they can participate in local governance to ensure transparency and accountability in the system, which can only be achieved through good civic education.

In order to promote civic engagement, public service announcements are used by the government. These announcements inform citizens about government policies and programmes. Public service announcements have been used a lot since 2006, when the decentralisation policy was initiated by President Obasanjo and other information materials were developed specifically for rural areas where there are hardly any newspapers or televisions.

6. Easy Governance

Nigeria is one of the countries in Africa that has been under military and democratic rule. Civic education remains top priority in Nigeria for easy governance and to ensure a good future for all.

There is no doubt Nigeria needs civic education. The lack of it has led to weak political institutions, lawlessness, economic stagnation, and poor service delivery, among other things. But can civic education be taught effectively?

It is not an easy task to teach civic education effectively because of the diversity in the population. Nigerian society has a diverse population with different beliefs, cultures and languages, which makes it very difficult to find common ground on anything from religion to politics.

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