What is YouTube blogging?
It is a video blog or video log, usually shortened to “vlog” is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television.
How can this be done?
Google has really made blogging a very interesting one, this is by turning your passion to profit.
Before venturing into YouTube blogging you have to have passion for it, don’t put the eager to make money first, because when your viewers notices this they might not view your videos on YouTube again.
You have to give your viewers what they want, you have to satisfy them with their needs, because people go for what they need/want as this will boost the amount of viewers viewing your videos.
How can I get started?
First of all you have to have an Email account not just any E-mail account, you have to have a Google e-mail account which is popularly called “Gmail”.
What next?
Now you have to create a YouTube account
How do I do that?
Here I will lead you through on how to create your own YouTube account with Ease.
1. Log into www.Youtube.com
Like I said earlier for you to have a YouTube account you must have an email called Google mail(Gmail).
2. Click on “Sign in” button in the upper-right corner of the home page.
3. A new page will be reveled to you,
Now click on “Create an Account” it’s located
At the bottom of the page.
4. When you must have taped on “create an account” it I’ll take you to a page where you will fill in your required details like
• Your name
• password
• Birthday
• Gender
• Mobile
• Typing in the verification code in the box required to you.
You have to fill in the gaps correctly.
5. Then add your profile pictures to your profile and decorate your account to your taste if necessary.
Congratulations your account is ready, all you have to do is upload make and upload videos on your video log, it could be tutorial videos etc .
Note: You have to make video that will capture the interest of the viewers.
Now that you have successfully created your YouTube account, We have to move over to how to earn money online thorough your YouTube video log.
In other to turn your passion to profit Google introduced what is called “Google AdSense”
What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and audience.
How can I make money thorough Google AdSense?
When the AdSense is placed on your YouTube video log the ads appears in all your videos and when a visitor from your YouTube clicks on an ads, Google pays you 68% of what the advertiser pays them. It’s free to sign up.
You can sign up here:
1.Sign in to your YouTube account, go towww.youtube.com/account_monetization, and start the steps to link your AdSense account. You’ll be redirected to AdSense.
Adsense will update you by mail once your AdSense account is approved. Your AdSense ID will be updated on the AdSense Association page. It may take up to 48 hours for the association to be fully active.
There are other ways to make money through your YouTube blog
Through direct Advertising:
When you must have had a lot of views on your YouTube blog I’m certainly sure that companies will come with their products for you to help them advertise them, and I can tell you YouTube bloggers earn a lot of money from this.
Companies will partner and pay you just for you to advertis their products and make reviews about them.
Earning Money with Sponsored Reviews:
Now in this very aspect companies will pay you, for you to review their newly introduced product, for example, if you are a beauty blogger you could write or make a film or video of a newly introduced makeup kit or maybe beauty cream which is new in the market.
So many potential customers are always searching for reviews of a newly introduced products before they purchase, companies may go as far as giving you their products for free just to use it in making the reviews on your video blog.