A base cream is a mixture of certain skincare Ingredients such as Emulsifying wax, Steric acid etc, to form a nice creamy texture cream for skincare pre-mixing.
Base creams are combination of hydrating effects of water with the emollient actions of oil to supply moisture and hydrate the skin. Base creams can be used on it’s own as an intense Moisturizing or hydrating lotion but more especially the main reason why base creams are made is for skincare pre-mixing this means to add other Skincare Ingredients into it.
Example: Adding skin lightening powders such as Kojic acid and Alpha Arbutin to your base cream with the help of double boiler method, which will automatically turns the Moisturizing base cream to a Lightening cream.
Base creams makes it easier and stress free for skincare DIYlers (Do it yourself) to incorporate other skincare Ingredients such as skincare lightening, hydrating and Brightening powders by simply melting down the powders with the help of double boiler method, then pouring the mixture in the base cream with a good thorough Stir to blend properly.
So in this very article, I’m going to teach you guys how to make a natural homemade base cream.
- Half glass cup Almond oil.
- 2 Table spoon Shea butter.
- 4 Table spoon Steric acid.
- 5 Table spoon E-wax.
- 2 Teaspoon lactic acid
- 4 Tablepoon Milk.
- 4 Tablespoon Grape seed oil.
- 3 capsules vitamin E oil.
- 6 drops Essential oil of your choice.
- 2 teaspoon Preservatives (Optiphen plus).
Step 1: Mix two teaspoon of lactic acid and 4 Tablepoon of Milk in one glass of water, stir well and keep aside.
Step 2: Pour in almond oil, E-wax and stearic acid in accordance to the measurement stated above in a stainless bowl (this is to enable you melt/dissolve them down). Melt or dissolve this mixture using a double boiler method.
Note: Don’t use plastic/rubber bowl for double boiling method, use only stainless or steel bowl.
What Is Double Boiler Method?
This is a process of dissolving or melting down some skincare Ingredients to enable you incorporate them into your Diy (Do it yourself ) mixings.
How Do I Dissolve Or Melt Down Some Skincare Ingredients Using Double Boiler Method
(pour 2-3 cups of water into a cooking pot, place the pot on fire, (use gas cooker). In another stainless or steel bowl add the skincare Ingredients you want to dissolve, it could be waxes such as Emulsifying wax, bees wax, Steric acid, or It could be lightening powders such as Kojic acid, Alpha Arbutin etc. Then pour in alittle water into the skincare powder you want to dissolve. Note: Don’t pour in too much water, just alittle water that will cover the skincare powders alittle.
Note: When dissolving waxes, it’s advised to use any carrier oils of your choice such as Olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, etc to dissolve them through double boiler method, water cannot be used in dissolving waxes. But when dissolving skincare powders you should use distilled or filtered water.
- Also Read: How To Make An Organic Carrot Glow Lotion
- Also read: Reasons Why Your Skincare Products Doesn’t Work On Your Skin
- Also read: Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Body Lotion On Your Face
Then place the stainless or steel bowl Containing the mixture in which you want to dissolve in the pot with 2-3 cups of water in it (which has already been on the fire) to melt or dissolve your mixture.
Keep stirring the mixture in the stainless bowl, till it melts or dissolves.
Note: tune your gas in a low heat, Don’t let the mixture boil while melting,
Step 3: When the E- wax and steric acid must have melted in the almond oil, bring down from heat.
Step 4: Immediately Add Shea butter to the mix, the sheabutter will melt down quickly because the mixture is still hot.
Step 5: Then pour the lactic acid and Milk which you mixed earlier into the dissolved mixture (E-wax, steric acid, sheabutter and almond oil).
Step 6: Now keep stirring faster, you can use a hand mixer but
Electrical mixer will make the job more easier for you. Keep stirring until at a point it will form a creamy texture, allow the mixture to cool down alittle, Then add any essential oil of your choice.
Step 7: Add grapes seed oil & vitamin E oil.
Then add your preservatives Recommended Natural Preservative is Optiphen plus. Then pour in your base cream Into a container.
Congratulations Your base cream is ready.