There are a lot of prescription medicines to treat blackheads, but you can try to apply natural treatments. By using simple ingredients found in kitchens easily, you can treat your headstrong blackheads within several weeks. Therefore, homemade face masks for blackheads are the best and safest natural treatments to remove them.

In this very article I want to share with you 20 homemade face masks for blackheads and acne that not only remove them but also reduce the signs of aging, and improve the texture of your skin.

First, let take a look at what blackheads are and the reason causing them.

What Are Blackheads?
People of any age may have problems regarding blackheads on the skin, particularly during the teenage years. Blackheads are known as small bumps which appear on the skin due to clogged pores. Because the surface of these small bumps looks black or dark, they are called “blackheads”. Blackheads are a type of acne which usually occurs on the face, especially areas around the nose. Besides, they can appear on the neck, chest, back, shoulders, and arms.

Causes Of Blackheads
When a plug or clog grows in the opening of pores in your skin, this will result in forming blackheads. Each pore contains a hair along with a sebaceous gland, called sebum that is responsible for the oil production, which helps maintain your soft skin. Oil and dead skin cells stay in the opening of skin follicles; they will produce a bump which is called a comedone If your skin over these bumps is closed, the bumps are called whiteheads. When the bumps expose to the air, this causes them to look black and thus leading to the formation of blackheads.

Several factors can increase the chance of appearing blackheads and acne, including:

The production of too much body oil

The irritation of pores when dead skin cells are not cleaned properly.

Use of some certain drugs, such as lithium, corticosteroids, or androgens.

Hormonal change that causes an increase in the production of oil during the teen years or menstruation.

Natural And Simple Face Masks For Blackheads

1. Egg Whites
The first one out of the top 20 ingredients to make the best face masks for blackheads is egg whites. They have numerous beauty benefits and are good for your skin. They are an abundance of albumin and protein which are able to offer skin toning properties and help to make your skin wrinkle-free. In addition, egg whites also have the ability to minimize pores and tighten skin at the same time. Applying the mask made from egg whites is particularly beneficial for oily skin because this mask aids in getting rid of current blackheads and reducing the chances of appearing blackheads in the future. This remedy will draw out sebum and pull out any gunk in deep within the pores.

Method 1: Egg White Mask
Only using egg whites to make the best face masks for blackheads can also give you an acne-free skin.

At the first, you take an egg and just use its white portion.

You beat slowly until it is foamy and apply this egg white mask on your face.

You keep it on for 15 minutes so that nutrients can enter into your skin.

Now, you take a clean towel, soak it in lukewarm water and squeeze out to remove the excess water.

By using the warm towel, you remove the egg white from your face.

Finally, you wash your face with water and apply some all-natural moisturizer.

Method 2: Egg White And Lemon Mask
Both of egg whites and lemon are capable of removing blackheads as they can deeply cleanse the skin, remove dead skin cells as well as other impurities which are responsible for the pesky blemishes in your skin.

Firstly, you take 2 eggs and separate the yolks from the egg whites.

Then, you place the egg whites in a blow and beat them to have a good texture.

Next, you add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it and mix thoroughly to prepare the mask.

Once it is done, you need to rinse your face with a wet cloth or any cleansing product to allow this mask to be able to act fully.

After washing your face, you spread this mask over the face skin and allow it to sit on for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Finish by rinsing it with lukewarm water and do this mask at least two times a week to get the best results.

Finish by rinsing it with lukewarm water and do this mask at least two times a week to get the best results.

You can apply a little lotion after using this treatment.

Note: You should apply these face masks for blackheads at night as exposure to the sun may have side effects on your skin.

2. Cinnamon
Another of the popular ingredients to make the best face masks for blackheads is cinnamon. It contains an anti-bacterial property which provides all sorts of excellent benefits to your skin, particularly the removal of blackheads. Besides, it also has the ability to eliminate flaky skin and acne. Cinnamon also works as a body scrub to give a more glowing and smoother complexion.

Method: Cinnamon And Honey Mask
The combination of cinnamon and honey sounds like a yummy candy, but it is very useful for removing blackheads. The anti-bacterial properties in honey assists in keeping away bad bacteria causing acne and acts as an adhesive to get rid of anything your clogged pores, while cinnamon helps improve circulation, and increase the blood flow. Therefore, the mask in the list of the impressive face masks for blackheads can give your skin a healthy, smooth, and glow.

You make a paste by mixing one part of organic cinnamon and two parts of honey in a small bowl.

Then, you simply apply a thin layer of this mixture over areas having blackheads.

You keep this mask on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.

Now, you wash it off with your favorite cleanser before following up with a moisturizer.

You should use this remedy regularly for satisfied results.


3. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is known as one of herbs or plants to make the best face masks for blackheads, acne, and other skin issues. It is packed with gibberellins and polysaccharides that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They fight with bacteria causing the clogged pores. Moreover, this magic herb has the ability to absorb the excessive oil from your skin, which is good for preventing clogging of pores and reducing the chance of developing acne, especially blackheads.

Being an astringent, aloe Vera is helpful in tightening your skin, thus removing any dead skin cells, deposited sebum, or dirt from the skin pores. This helps minimize the presence of blackheads.

Method 1: Aloe Vera Gel Mask
Aloe Vera is one of the top 20 ingredients to make the best face masks for blackheads and simply applying a fresh aloe Vera on your face is an ideal way to get rid of this issue.

You firstly take a fresh aloe vera leaf and extract gel from it.

You apply this gel to your face, in attention on the areas around your nose.

Now, you keep it on for 10 minutes before rinsing it with lukewarm water.

You should do this a daily basis for an acne-free skin.

Method 2: Aloe And Lemon Mask
The mixture of aloe Vera and lemon juice is one of the effective face masks for blackheads. The solution aids in getting rid of acne and fading dark spots as well as scars. If lemons are not available, you can replace by limes or grapefruit.

At the first procedure, you take an aloe Vera leaf and extract gel from it.

You add the gel with several drops of lemon juice to a small bowl to make the mask.

Then, you apply this aloe Vera mask on your face and neck.

You massage lightly and avoid contacting the eyes.

Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.

Then you use a towel to pat it dry and apply some moisturizer.

You can store the remaining facial mask in your refrigerator to use for the following day.

You follow this regimen three times per week to clear away breakouts, lighten the skin tone and prevent the formation of new acne.

Method 3: Aloe Vera, Sugar, And Milk Mask
This mask has the ability to brighten, soothe, moisturize, and fight acne due to the additional power of these ingredients.

You add 1/2 tablespoon of milk and a tablespoon of sugar and stir them until the sugar completely dissolves.

Then you add 2 tablespoons of aloe gel to it.

Once it is done, you apply this mask on your face and let it sit on for 20 minutes.

The next step, you rinse off it with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a towel.

Finish by applying your favorite moisturizer to your skin, if desired.

4. Lemon
Because blackheads are formed when open and clogged pores react to oxygen, shrinking your pores down can be an ideal way the get rid of blackheads. Lemon has been known as one of the excellent ingredients to make the best face masks for blackheads. Lemon juice has alpha-hydroxy acid that plays an important role as a natural astringent. It is very effective in removing dead skin, thus leading to unstopping clogged pores. Furthermore, lemon is also high in vitamin C called as an antioxidant which is able to stimulate collagen production to maintain skin health and prevent scarring from acne.

Method: Lemon And Honey Mask
The best face masks for blackheads made from lemon juice, honey or other natural ingredients will give you a clearer and blackhead-free complexion.

At the first, you take a lemon and cut it into 2 equal parts.

Then you add several drops of honey on a part.

You can add a little sugar to increase effects.

You apply this mixture and massage it gently on your face, particularly on the blackhead areas.

Finally, you keep it on for 10 minutes and rinse it off with water.

You do this mask one to two times a week to notice the improvements.

You can also make a facial mask by adding fresh lemon juice and rosewater or milk and use a couple of times a week.

Note: Applying lemon juice may lighten skin temporarily and make your skin sensitive to the sun. Therefore, make sure that you should use sunscreen before you go out. If your skin is sensitive, you try adding water to the lemon juice to dilute it first.


5. Pineapple
When it comes to useful face masks for blackheads, pineapple mask is a perfect choice. This is a wonderful blackhead fighting facial mask. This mask works effectively for people with all skin types. This delicious fruit aids in keeping the skin moisturized, removing excess oils, and removing those annoying and stubborn blackheads.

Method: Pineapple And Honey Mask
When the pineapple is combined with honey, this mask is a powerful treatment for your skin, which will leave it clean, soft, and radiant.

You firstly make a mask by mixing 1/2 cup of pineapple juice and 2 tablespoons of honey in a small bowl.

Then you stir it well to willing use.

Before using the mask, you need to wash your face completely by using a soft cloth.

Now, you spread out the solution evenly over your face.

You leave it on for about 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

You follow this at least twice a week.

6. Baking Soda
Baking soda is not just an ingredient for baking or maintaining the fresh smelling of your refrigerator. It contains the antiseptic quality. This makes it an excellent product for your skin. Baking soda acts as an exfoliant which is beneficial for scrubbing away dead skin cells, thus leading to leaving the skin smooth and soft. Moreover, it is also an amazing contender against the pesky blackheads.

Plus,  baking soda also assists in neutralizing the pH of the skin, which is capable of preventing your skin from the production of excessive oil. This means that after regularly using the face masks for blackheads containing baking soda, you can say goodbye to the tenacious blackheads.

Method: Baking Soda And Milk Mask

You add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1/4 cup of milk to a small bowl.

You stir this mixture until it forms a thick paste.

Before you apply the face mask, nicely wash your face with lukewarm water.

By using your fingers, you apply this baking soda mask on your wet face.

You move your finger in a circular pattern and concentrate on your blackhead areas such as your nose, forehead, chin, etc.

You do this procedure for 5 minutes and then wash your face mask with warm water.

You should apply this 2 to 3 times a week until your blackheads disappear.

7. Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay is best known for the content of 60 natural minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silica, and potassium. These minerals make it an extremely rich substance that is been used to treat various conditions, mainly skin related for centuries. When its molecules electrical charge, it has the ability to draw out excessive oils or any other impurities that are locked in your pores. This is the reason why bentonite clay mask is one of the popular face masks for blackheads. In addition, it also aids with circulation, which is good for skin tone and health.

Method: Bentonite Clay Mask
You simply make a mask including bentonite clay and water. Even though the regular application of this mask can cause your tightened face as it dries, it will leave you an acne free face.

At the first procedure, you mix a tablespoon of bentonite clay along with enough amount of water to create a thick paste.

Now, you wash your hands and use your clean fingertips to apply the mask over your face.

You keep it on for about 10 to 20 minutes or until it is dry.

Finish by rinse your face with warm water and use a natural cleanser to moisturize your skin.

You follow this treatment 2 to 3 times in a week for satisfied results.

Note: If your skin is sensitive or dry, you should replace water with raw milk.


8. Honey
If you are finding effective face masks for blackheads, honey is an impressive product that can help you deal with this problem. Honey contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties which are useful in destroying impurities or germs that clog pores. Therefore, it is also known as another great choice for people with acne.
Honey also works as a natural antibiotic that has the ability to pull dirt from these pores in your skin to get rid of blackheads, tighten and hydrate the pores at the same time for a clearer complexion.
Method 1: Honey Mask
You heat a tablespoon of raw honey in a jar until it is warm up.
Then you dab a thin layer of the warm honey on any blackhead area.
You leave it on for about 10 minutes so that it does its magic work.
Next, you remove this mask by using a warm and damp cloth.
You can also keep this paste overnight and rinse it off in the next morning for greater results.
You should repeat daily until your blackheads are gone.
Method 2: Honey And Milk Mask
Both of honey and milk have properties which are helpful for your skin. While the antibacterial properties in honey aid in getting rid of harm factors, milk has lactic acid which keeps skin supple and soft. This is also known as one of the wonderful face masks for blackheads.
You create an adhesive by mixing 1 tablespoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of milk in a small bowl.
Then you heat this combination for about 5 to 10 seconds in your microwave to make it warm.
Now, you mix again to blend completely and apply a thin layer of this mixture over your blackheads.
Next, you gently but firmly pat your dry and clean cotton onto it.
You allow it to dry and peel the strip away carefully. Finally, you rinse it with cool water and moisturize your skin as usual.
Method 3: Honey And Cinnamon Powder Mask
The combination of honey and cinnamon powder is another of amazing face masks for blackheads.
You add a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a small bowl.
You mix well these ingredients to make a mask.
Then you apply a thick layer of this mixture on your face, especially blackhead areas in a circular motion.
You allow it to sit for about 15 minutes to help the mask sink deeply into your pores.
The next step, you gently rinse with warm water and then with cold water.
Finally, you pat it dry with a clean towel.
9. Tomatoes
There are many useful face masks for blackheads and tomato mask is one of them. Tomatoes contain natural antibacterial properties which are capable of drying up blackheads. In addition, they are also a great source of lycopene which has powerful antioxidant effects on your skin and gets rid of all the harm free radicals. This will leave you a bright and smooth skin.
Method 1: Tomato Mask
Along with applying other face masks for blackheads, you should try this wonderful mask by just needing to arrange a tomato.
You firstly take a tomato and use a fork or even your hand to mash it until it forms a paste.
Then you simply apply the mask over your face or your blackhead areas.
Now, you rub these areas for a couple of minutes and keep it in for 15 minutes.
Finally, you wash your face or skin with cool water.
You can leave the tomato mask overnight and wash it in the next morning.
Method 2: Tomato And Aloe Vera Mask
This powerful mask is one of the ideal face masks for blackheads and providing moisture to your dry skin. It also acts as an exfoliant which has the ability to remove excess oil as well as dead skin cells.
You take a small ripe tomato and crush it in a bowl.
Then you add 4 tablespoons of aloe gel to it and mix them well.
Once the ingredients are combined totally, you add 1 tablespoon of sea salt to form a paste.
Next, you apply this mask to your face and allow it to sit on for about 10 minutes.
Finish by rinsing your face with cool water and remember that you do this process at least 2 times a week for best results.
Note: If you have a dry skin, you can also add a little virgin olive oil to this tomato mask to make your skin smooth. If you have an oily skin, you should not use olive oil because it can increase the presence of acne.
10. Apple
Apple has been known as another of the excellent face masks for blackheads. Apples are high in antioxidants that are good for the acne treatments. Moreover, apples contain a variety of nutrients and minerals such as manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, and sulphur. This fruit also has tannin, pectin, and particularly enzymes. They are important for your skin and giving you an acne free face.
Method: Apple Mask
You take an apple and cut it into many thin slices.
The next step is to pour 1/2 cup of hot milk into a bowl having the apple slices.
You use a blender to mash it completely.
Now, you apply this apple mask to your affected skin and keep it on for 30 minutes.
Finally, you rinse it with warm water and do this mask several times a week.
11. Almonds
One of the popular ingredients to make face masks for blackheads is almonds. They have positive effects on all skin types. Almonds play a role as a gentle exfoliator which aids in removing dead cells and cleansing germs as well as excess oil that causes clogged pores.
Method: Almond And Yogurt Mask
The combination of almonds and yogurt has a lot of beauty benefits to your skin, including tightening pores, removing germs and preventing free radicals which cause premature aging.
You take about 5 almonds and crush them totally in a small bowl.
Then you add a tablespoon of yogurt to it and mix it well.
You use your clean fingers to slather this mixture onto your face.
The next step is to scrub it gently for several minutes.
Now, you leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing your face with lukewarm water and then cold water to minimize the size of pores.
You can apply a little olive oil to moisturize your skin.
12. Epsom Salt
Another of the natural and effective face masks for blackheads is Epsom salt. The salt is able to ease sore muscles and remove blackheads quickly. While most of the masks on this writing dissolve excessive oil and dead skin, the Epsom salt is helpful in pulling the plug out of clogged pore, thus resulting in resolving acne problems.
Method: Epsom Salt Mask
Another mask in the list of the excellent face masks for blackheads is Epsom salt mask. It is capable of removing blackheads and leaves you a clear skin.
You simply mix 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt along with several iodine drops in a small bowl containing a little hot water.
You stir the mixture until the salt dissolves totally.
Then you allow it to cool down to room temperature.
Now, by using a cotton ball, you apply it on your affected area and allow this mixture to dry naturally.
Finally, you wash it off gently by using a clean washcloth.
13. Turmeric
Turmeric has been known as one of the impressive healing ingredients that can be used to make face masks for blackheads. It has an abundance of curcumin which is antimicrobial in nature. This component assists in removing the bad bacteria presenting in pores of the skin. Turmeric also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial in further improving the texture as well as the health of your skin.
Method: Turmeric And Mint Juice Mask
While mint juice is responsible for soothing your skin, turmeric helps reduce the clogged pores. This is the reason why the mask is another of the useful face masks for blackheads.
At the first procedure, you make a mask by mixing 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and an enough amount of mint juice.
Then you stir it well and apply this mask to your affected areas.
You allow it to dry naturally for a couple of minutes before washing the areas with warm water.
You should follow this 2 to 3 times a week for long term result.
14. Charcoal
As you may know, charcoal is good for beauty skin. This is because activated charcoal has the texture of porosity, which makes it be able to absorb more impurities from surroundings and suck them inside. Hence, when you apply the face masks for blackheads including charcoal on your face, they have the ability to absorb the impurities as well as dirt and clear your blackheads quickly.
Method: Charcoal And Bentonite Clay Mask
Adding bentonite clay to the charcoal mask will further boost the mask’s ability to absorb impurities.
At the first, you take a couple of activated charcoal capsules and remove the charcoal carefully from these capsules.
Then you add 1/2 teaspoon of bentonite clay to it.
You mix these ingredients well and add a bit of water to create a mask of medium consistency.
Once it is done, you apply this over your blackhead areas and let it dry.
Finish by rinsing your face with lukewarm water and using moisturize as usual.
It is recommended that you should repeat the method 2 times a week to notice the improvements.
15. Green Tea
If you are finding the popular effective face masks for blackheads, green tea is the best answer for you. This tea is high in antioxidants which not only aid in breaking up excessive oil and reducing inflammation in acne-pores of your skin but also protect it from damage in the future. In addition, green tea has a lot of vitamins that are responsible for clearing up your skin and making it glowing as well as healthy. It is also helpful in absorbing the impurities and clearing blackheads very quickly.
Method 1: Green Tea Mask
Using the face masks for blackheads including green tea one time a week will remove your blackheads, add friendly antioxidants to your skin and soften the skin.
You pour a cup of water into a pan and boil it.
Then you steep 2 teaspoons of green tea for 60 minutes.
Now, you pour this liquid into a ceramic bowl or glass and allow it to cool until lukewarm.
Once it is done, you apply this mask on your blackhead areas and let it dry for about 10 to 15 minutes.
You rinse your face with cold water and pat dry.
Finally, you moisturize the face with a natural moisturizer.
Method 2: Green Tea, Sugar, And Lemon Juice Mask
The weekly use of this mask in the list of the helpful face masks for blackheads will make you satisfied with its effects.
Firstly, you put a few green tea leaves in a cup of boiling water to brew the tea.
You allow this hot liquid to cool down to room temperature.
When the tea water has cooled down, you add a tablespoon of brown sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice to it and mix completely.
As usual, you use clean fingers to apply this face mask on your face, concentrating more on your blackheads.
You keep it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
Then you splash with cool water to close pores.
Finally, you pat dry by using a clean towel and admire your refreshed skin.
16. Papayas
In ancient times, along with using papayas as a treatment for problems related to the digestive system, they have been used to make different face masks for blackheads. This fruit is filled with enzymes that are renowned for healing minor sunburns and exfoliating the skin. As you may know, the dead cells on the skin are the main cause of the presence of acne, blackheads. Papayas clear dirt as well as extra oil over your skin and give you a healthy skin.
Method: Papaya And Honey Mask
Honey contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is also high in antioxidants that can keep free radicals at bay. Hence, apply the face masks for blackheads having papaya and honey is an impressive way for removing acne from your skin.
You take a ripe papaya and chop it into many small pieces.
Then you blend these papaya pieces in a small bowl and add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice to it.
You rinse your face and apply the papaya face mask over areas affected by blackheads evenly.
You let this mask stay on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
Note: If your skin is sensitive, you should not use lemon juice.
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