Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, and the worst thing you can do is make mistakes that could cost you a potential job.
Have you ever had an interview over Zoom? If not, you may be making one or more of these mistakes.
Zoom is a great platform for conducting interviews but it can also lead to some faux pas if the candidate and interviewer are not careful.
In interviews, You’re not only in a position to impress your potential employer, but also to make sure you don’t say anything that could cost you the job offer. This article will give you 10 Zoom interview mistakes to avoid and help you get through your next Zoom interview with ease!
Zoom Interview Mistakes to Avoid
Zoom offers a great option for interviewing remotely, but not everyone prepares for these interviews as they should. Here are 10 Zoom interview mistakes to avoid:
1) Not preparing your questions ahead of time
You should always have a list of questions prepared and with you when interviewing on Zoom.
This will allow for better conversation during the interview, just in case your interviewer has no questions to ask or time left. It’s also good practice to review these before as well! Make sure not only do you know what they want but that you’re able to show them what you can offer.
2) Forgetting to ask about salary
At the end of an interview, you should always ask about salary and any compensation attached to the position.
Zoom is a great way for remote companies to hire, but if they don’t mention it or offer their best rate in your first meeting how will you know?
Always think about what’s important to you and make sure that when interviewing on Zoom with them, one of the first things you bring up is salary.
Make sure to ask the company what they can offer for your position and see where it’s a good fit. You’ll be glad that you did!
3) Bringing up personal topics too soon in the interview process
One of the grave mistakes you could make is bringing up personal topics too soon in the interview process.
When you Zoom into a conference room for your Zoom Interview, it’s best to just keep everything professional and not bring up anything that might be seen as “too casual” or “too intimate.”
Save those conversations to future meetings when both parties are comfortable.
4) Joining the Interview late
Even though it is a Zoom interview, it’s important to show up on time.
No one wants to wait for you, and the Zoom makes waiting even more awkward.
When joining a Zoom interview late…
This is an example of when not following these simple points could lead to a disaster in your job search process! To avoid this problem from happening, read our article on Zoom Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid.
5) Poor technical setup
Do not forget to test the Zoom before your interview.
This is a very simple step that can be overlooked by many people!
The last thing you want is for something technical to go wrong during an interview. And even if nothing goes wrong, it’s always good practice to make sure there are no issues with the camera or connection.
Make sure to test your setup properly by testing audio and video quality, the Zoom software that you are using (if it’s not a default option), as well as checking your settings.
7) Interview in Noisy or Messy Space
Avoid having inter- views in a noisy, distracting space.
It’s best to conduct the interview from a quiet place or one where there is little traffic so as not to be interrupted by noise and interruptions.
This will benefit both you and your Zoom interviewer!
Doing interviews this way also saves time because people can stop focusing on how difficult it is to hear and instead focus on what you are saying.
It’s also best not to conduct an interview in a messy space because it can be distracting for the Zoom interviewer and there might be issues with sound quality or video connections.
Always try your hardest to have interviews conducted in places that don’t distract from the content!
8) Distracting Interviewers
Interviewers have a lot to keep track of when conducting an interview. They have to ask questions, make notes about the responses and try their best not to interrupt and give off any biases.
However, they also need to pay attention to what the applicant is doing during their time in front of them: fidgeting habits, facial expressions, body language etc.
It’s a common belief that fidgeting, doodling, and other repetitive behaviors are detrimental to an interview. But in the context of an interview, these habits can actually help you relax and put your interviewer at ease.
One thing that interviewers should be aware of is that people often do things like play with pens or tap their feet while waiting for responses; this can be distracting and lead interviewers away from paying close attention to the answers.
Many people believe that these behaviors are ways for candidates who are feeling anxious or nervous at being interviewed to express themselves as well as feel more comfortable in a way.
9) Not putting up real Conversation
It is important to remember that a good job interview is not a test, but rather an opportunity for the interviewer and you to get to know each other. The most successful interviews are those where both parties are engaged in conversation.
10) Poor calmness and listening attitude
When you are interviewing someone, it is important to listen carefully and not think about what you will say next. It can be easy to get so caught up in thinking about your response that you don’t actually hear the question being asked. This makes it difficult for the interviewer to give a thoughtful answer when they have no idea what questions they are answering!
It’s also important not to interrupt an interviewer while he or she is speaking. If there is something that needs clarification, ask them after they finish their sentence instead of cutting them off as soon as they stop talking.
The key to avoiding costly mistakes in Zoom Interviews is preparation. Spend time preparing for your interview, and you’ll be better prepared for any question that comes up. If you have questions or need help with your next Zoom Interview, drop us a comment below.